Cat Found Gruesomely Beheaded Deserves Justice

Target: Rishi Sunak, Prime Minister of the UK

Goal: Enact Poppy’s Law to ensure cats receive the same protection as other animals.

In a deeply disturbing event, a cherished cat named Poppy was discovered decapitated near Oldham Cats Rescue. Volunteers at the center were horrified to find that Poppy had suffered “too clean a break” to be anything but a deliberate act. The emotional and psychological impact on the rescue staff has been profound, marking a grim milestone in their long history of animal care.

The apparent cruel act has sparked outrage and a call for change. The center has since initiated a campaign for “Poppy’s Law,” aiming to rectify the legal disparities affecting cat welfare. This new legislation would align cat rights with those of other animals, emphasizing a mandatory police response to such severe cases of animal cruelty. It is evident from this heart-wrenching incident that without such laws, the severity of crimes against cats will remain inadequately addressed.

This proposed legal change is not merely about one tragic event but a broader societal issue. Enhancing the legal framework to protect all companion animals equally is essential for a just society. Help enact Poppy’s Law to ensure all animals receive the protection and respect they deserve.


Dear Prime Minister Sunak,

We are writing to you haunted by the tragic case of Poppy, a beloved cat cruelly decapitated near Oldham Cats Rescue. This act of barbarity is not only an attack on a defenseless animal but an affront to our community and values. Allegedly, this was a deliberate act, highlighting a severe gap in our legal system that fails to protect our feline companions adequately.

Despite the severity of the incident, the response from law enforcement was reportedly hesitant and inadequate, with no substantial effort made to investigate or prosecute the culprits. This lackluster approach is indicative of a broader systemic issue where cats are not afforded the same legal protections as other animals. The urgent need for Poppy’s Law is clear—it would mandate a robust police response to such heinous acts and ensure that all animals are valued equally under the law.

We implore you to take immediate action to rectify this grievous injustice. By supporting and implementing Poppy’s Law, you will send a strong message that animal cruelty is a serious crime deserving serious consequences. Let us honor Poppy’s memory by ensuring that no other animal suffers as she did, and elevate our societal standards for animal welfare.


[Your Name Here]

Photo credit: Rubenstein Rebello


  1. Steve Ryan says:

    There is no justice in the United Kingdom for Cats , who are beheaded. The he UK does not care about Animal Protection laws , the Criminal remains at large. Maybe his next victim will be the BRITISH PRIME MINISTER, hopefully.

  2. Find the bastard who did it and arrange a public fucking!

  3. Jacqueline “Torture the S*** says:

    Shocking!! There’s a Psycho on the loose. Catch him, he’ll try it again.
    Put this story on TV and the neighborhood to be on the lookout and drag this thing to justice.

  4. And yet these imbeciles still let cats outside. And you think this does not happen in U.S? This happens EVERYWHERE.

    • You’re absolutely right, I even argue with ppl online about why they let their cats out, and cats that get killed by cars, poison etc I always hear cats need freedom, which freedom is it for the cat to be killed alone agonising death, if they love their cats they wouldn’t let them out full stop

      • Agreed!
        Funny how all of the cats I’ve had lived to between 12 and 18.5 years; the 12-year old died from a cancer in his spinal cord.

      • PLEASE do not argue with imbeciles. Not worth it. I put two assholes on dna list, which stands for DO NOT ADOPT, and works great here in N.Y. They let cats out and disappeared. This alert goes to all rescue groups. And i told one rescue group this person let cat out and they took cat back.

    • Right now I live with four cats that have come into my yard over the last 9 years that I have rescued and made mine. I am now taking care of one that pretty much is still an outdoor cat but stays on my porch 14 out of 24 hours a day. And there’s two other ones that are coming into my yard. I am so sick of irresponsible owners who feel that cats need to roam and have their freedom. The one cat that I’ve been feeding that lives on my porch does not want to come in and I don’t think my two male cats would accept her. She’s pretty safe in the area she’s in and doesn’t go far and doesn’t go near the road. There’s not much more I can do about it right now. She feels safe with me, I feed her and she has a safe place to sleep at night. As I said in the beginning of this comment, I am sick and tired of irresponsible people that own cats. You can’t let dogs roam around the neighborhood but for some reason the government’s allow cats to run free.

      • Good for you!! And a yard is safer than the streets. I have a semi- feral in my garden for about 5 years. He is fixed. And has a winter shelter. My last feral Lily was about 18 when she died. Took care of her for about 9 years. RIP.

  5. Another good reason to keep your cats indoors. There are sick people out there. Poor Poppy

  6. People all over the world.KEEP YOUR CATS AND DOGS INSIDE.

  7. Vanessa Strougo says:

    Please add 24 hour security cameras to your cat Sanctuary so you can identify Criminals that harm animals and punish them.

  8. KARMA!!!😠😠😠Countries Do your jobs!!!!Animals are GODs Guardian Angels on Earth!GOD is testing humans. WHO areFAILING !!!!

  9. They could find out who did this if they geotrack the phones in the area at the time of this innocent cat brutal death. It is not hard to do our governments do it all the time.

  10. Monsters are amongst us. I’ve said it before and I’ll say it again, we need laws to protect those who have no voice! Especially babies, animals, and often the disabled and the elderly! What about this is hard to understand? I hope monsters who commit such cruel acts are punished for life! There is no place for them in society!

  11. this is such cruelty it is unbelievable. cruelty is such abundance in this world. the man should be punished for what he did. even tho this is a animal what would happen if he decided to do it on. human being?

  12. We citizens of our own countries live with respect to the laws that allow for us to live together in peace. There are, however, those who choose to ignore the laws and do their own evil. These people always select those who are weak, innocent and can’t speak for themselves. These are cowards whose prey are companion animals and animals of any type, They just live to harm. If we continue to allow this then we are the perps. If we live by the law why can’t others? When someone steps outside the laws, doing harm or death to others, I feel they should be placed in prison for years! m YEARS!!! They deserve no less!!!! Let’s improve lives for the many by punishing the few!!!

  13. Pleading for animal justice to a Prime Minister who just let us all know what he thinks about animals by banning a breed without cause. He doesn’t care about animals.

  14. Joseph Kenosky says:

    The piece of trash that did this needs to be euthanized by beheading.

  15. This savage perp must be found before he continues on his disgusting killing spree. Jail him for life. Animal abusers cannot get away with a slap on the wrist. what next for them????

  16. Paula Long says:

    The authorities must do something other than a slap.on the wrist! Jail or even prison!

  17. John Quinn says:

    Find out who did this and behead them !

  18. Maria Lavorato says:

    Enact Poppy’s Law.! PASS…..ENFORCE THIS LAW Prime Minister! ..or would you rather be known as a heartless inhumane human..

    You have a lunatic running free do something…

    NOAM is a lunatic as well!!!!! All she had to do was hire an expert dog, goat and horse whisperer. How can she govern!!!!!!!!!!! A person that resorts to killing animals has a morbid existence! ENJOY!

  19. I sign but with a heavy heart. We already have stringent animal rights laws in uk, and they are NEVER USED. Everything is already in place, but sick lawyers and depraved incompetant cowardly judges use none of it. Its almost like they are pro animal abuse. Cannot see the point of more laws this bunch of overpaid corrupt perverts that is uks excuse for a judiciary will just ignore, like so much else that is designed to actually punish the evil. The law abiding good people of uk know the judiciary are on the side of our attackers, and justice has gone from this land. Frankly i think we law abiding should return to lynch mobs and dole out our own punisments and justice. We should not have to live like this, and this poor little cat should not have suffered at hands of some vile pervert who has doubtless got away with this crap before. If he does get caught, it will be the usual “mental health issues/substance abuse issues”(big yawn, like we aint heard that boring well worn line a million times before in defence of some other evil asshole)and another wishy washy slap on the wrist and sentence discharged. Same old crap, never changes

    • My brother is mentally ill and has taken meds for last 50 years. He is autistic and i am his caretaker. NEVER WOULD HARM AN ANIMAL. Always loved the cats i bought in that i fostered for rescue groups.

    • Brilliant submission Sister Sally.
      I really could not have put this any better myself. In fact, it is what I would have written almost word for word!
      We all know that there is animal torture and murder worldwide and the ‘good old’ U.K. is no better than anywhere else in the world.
      The useless Judicial system is NEVER going to give these bastards what they rightfully deserve so the sods just keep in doing it knowing that nothing will happen to them!
      All that will happen is that some poxy barrister or lawyer ( paid for at the taxpayers expense) will get a ‘non- sentence’ for diminished responsibility so the bastards will just go out and do it again. Plus the tosser of a lawyer will be filling his pockets at the expense of the tortured animal. Which makes them just as bad as the bloody ‘perp’.
      ‘Lynch mobs’ or vigilante groups is what has got to happen to clear the streets of these animal torturing buggers!
      What is needed here is a ‘fired -up mob to locate the tosser(s) in question and discreetly beat the bastards so bad that their Mothers would not recognise them when laying in their coffins!!
      A nice heartwarming thought but something that is really going to happen before very long. This is the only way that animal torture and murder is going to be stopped. People will only take so much of this crap and retaliation is the only way these pieces of crap will learn.
      Although if they unfortunately ‘snuff it’ in the process then ‘whoopy- do’ they will have learned their lesson good as the pricks will hopefully be DEAD!

  20. No animal deserves to be the victim of DEHUMANIZED and DESENSITIZED SADISTIC PSYCHOPATHS!!! Crimes committed against defenseless animals are increasingly GROTESQUE because the punishment for animal abuse is not severe enough, and in many cases does not exist. A slap on the wrist is a MOCKERY of animal victims.
    This satanic pathological monster must be severely punished, MAX JAIL or DEATH PENALTY! He must also be forbidden from coming near/owning  animals ever again. 
    SET a PRECEDENT, and punish to the full extent of the law!

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