Student Accused of Stomping on Cat’s Head Must be Punished

Target: He Rong, Minister of Justice, China

Goal: Hold alleged perpetrator accountable for the reported cruel mistreatment of a cat.

A top student known as Xu, despite his academic excellence, has drawn significant public outrage due to a disturbing incident captured on video where he is apparently seen stepping on a cat’s head inside a bucket. This alleged act, widely shared across social media platforms, not only sparked widespread condemnation but also led to his rejection from a prestigious university’s program. Such alleged cruelty mustn’t be overlooked, but rather, addressed with stern legal measures to prevent future occurrences.

Further examination of this incident reveals that Xu, after achieving the highest score on his entrance exam, failed to secure admission to the School of Physics at Nanjing University. This decision followed the exposure of the video showcasing his alleged abusive act towards a helpless cat. Authorities have since initiated an investigation, and while Xu has issued an apology and written repentance, the gravity of his alleged actions demands a more consequential response.

The distress caused by such actions extends beyond the immediate suffering seemingly inflicted on the animal; it undermines societal values and trust in the moral compass of future leaders. Demand immediate and appropriate legal action against Xu to serve as a deterrent against similar behavior and to uphold justice for the allegedly wronged animal.


Dear Minister He Rong,

We, the undersigned, wish to bring to your attention a deeply troubling incident involving a top student who was recorded in a video allegedly mistreating a cat most cruelly. This young man, identified only as Xu, is reportedly seen in the video stepping on a cat’s head while the animal was trapped in a bucket. This reported act, which has caused significant public uproar, not only raises serious concerns about the character of an individual poised to become part of our academic and professional communities but also calls into question our societal commitment to compassion and justice.

As you may be aware, the incident led to Xu’s rejection from the School of Physics at Nanjing University despite his top scores. While academic consequences are indeed a step towards accountability, they cannot replace the need for legal consequences in matters of alleged cruelty. The evidence presented by the video led to police investigations and a subsequent public apology from Xu; however, these actions alone do not suffice to address the severity of the alleged act or to prevent future incidents.

Therefore, we urgently request that you take immediate legal action against Xu for his alleged cruelty towards the cat. This case must be treated with the seriousness it deserves, with appropriate charges laid to reflect both the alleged act and its impact on the community and to demonstrate that such behavior will not be tolerated. Let us ensure that justice is served and that a clear message is sent about our societal values.


[Your Name Here]

Photo credit: Peakpx


  1. Jane Todaro says:

    What’s the matter with this kid??????????!!!!!!!!!!

  2. Fran Bambara says:

    Would love to stomp on this CREEP- so cruel- so sickening!!

  3. Strip that evil spawn of Satan of its human rights and make that monster endure the exact same treatment!!!!!!!
    Send that monster back to hell where it belongs!!!!!!!

  4. This was not a kid. It was a thing old enough to apply to college. People need to stop calling the monster a kid, throw him in jail and stomp his head while he’s immobilized

  5. Ellen Gauba says:

    This person is a sick individual and a danger to others. Lock him up and throw away the key.

  6. This vile, mentally deranged POS must have the death penalty implemented. A slow and agonizing extermination of this vile scumbag must be implemented without delay!

  7. Just put the mofos head in paper box and stomp on it …let his brain float around…while his stil breathing.

  8. Do the same to him!

  9. Xu??? Xu fucking what?? Has this Chink piece of shit got a proper name or maybe it’s normal to only have half a name in bloody China.
    But what can you expect when China is one of the main animal torturing and murdering country in the world.
    You only have to see what these bastards do to innocent dogs and cats to understand that they have no compassion for anything that moves animal – wise!
    Dog and cat markets, animals bred for torture and consumption that are murdered in ‘hellish’ ways especially at their yearly dog festivals. Which should be called torturing and murdering festivalS..I hate these bastards for what they put animals through and hope the buggers die if food poisoning!
    These sids could no give a shit about animals feelings. But it STILL goes on!
    I only hope that this prick can have the same or similar treatment from a vigilante group to show the bastard what it feels like to have the same treatment.
    I mean, who the hell does this prick think he is!! The bugger must be taught a severe lesson so he knows he has done wrong.
    Better still if he could end up seriously damaged somewhere as a lesson to all of these animal torturing tossers the world over!!

  10. He lost his chance to study further, but this cat lost his/her life. Both are a waste, one is heartbreaking for the innocent animal, but the consequences for Xu MUST be deterrent and more than a slap on the wrist. He should be tried, fined and jailed, but it’s China, so that’s unlikely. China has a damnable record on animal rights, animal welfare, and no cruelty protections for animals -this needs to change. Until it does, I’ll be one of the shoppers boycotting everything and anything made in China -Join Us!!

  11. Rosemary Brewer says:

    It’s probably the same kid all grown up now who threw a friendly neighborhood cat out of a high rise window
    This is the outcome when serial killers in the making aren’t dealt with properly

  12. This sick kid needs his head stomped on too. Guess his school didn’t like it either. Good for them


  14. Mary Jeffrey says:

    Imprison this person for cruelty- it will not stop here

  15. Here In America the little * would not even get a slap on their backside these days. Make him clean up roadkill on a hot summer day.

  16. Unacceptable, morally or SOCIALLY. I’m certainly glad Xu’s choice of higher learning was impacted, because TBH this is the behavior of a sociopath. Nip it in the bud. I’m your choice if you need someone to stomp on Xu’s penis head. Make his punishment impactful, right?

  17. This young man has some serious mental issues. Or comes from a really dysfunctional family. Every day you see more and more of this type of thing. Jail time, anger management classes, and life time monitoring at the very least.

  18. Dennis Busto says:

    Such malice n disregard for life deserves a ruling of an eye for an eye fits this crime n should be the punishment. There is no place in society for arrogance n stupidity. Absolutely No Tolerance Towards Animal ABUSERS n Cruelty

  19. It’s China. The fucked up shit they do to animals there, especially cats and dogs,suprises me that there was even an uproar. These people are disgusting.

  20. This is unacceptable and Hou should be punished to the fullest extent!!

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