Student Accused of Stomping on Cat’s Head Must be Punished

Target: He Rong, Minister of Justice, China

Goal: Hold alleged perpetrator accountable for the reported cruel mistreatment of a cat.

A top student known as Xu, despite his academic excellence, has drawn significant public outrage due to a disturbing incident captured on video where he is apparently seen stepping on a cat’s head inside a bucket. This alleged act, widely shared across social media platforms, not only sparked widespread condemnation but also led to his rejection from a prestigious university’s program. Such alleged cruelty mustn’t be overlooked, but rather, addressed with stern legal measures to prevent future occurrences.

Further examination of this incident reveals that Xu, after achieving the highest score on his entrance exam, failed to secure admission to the School of Physics at Nanjing University. This decision followed the exposure of the video showcasing his alleged abusive act towards a helpless cat. Authorities have since initiated an investigation, and while Xu has issued an apology and written repentance, the gravity of his alleged actions demands a more consequential response.

The distress caused by such actions extends beyond the immediate suffering seemingly inflicted on the animal; it undermines societal values and trust in the moral compass of future leaders. Demand immediate and appropriate legal action against Xu to serve as a deterrent against similar behavior and to uphold justice for the allegedly wronged animal.


Dear Minister He Rong,

We, the undersigned, wish to bring to your attention a deeply troubling incident involving a top student who was recorded in a video allegedly mistreating a cat most cruelly. This young man, identified only as Xu, is reportedly seen in the video stepping on a cat’s head while the animal was trapped in a bucket. This reported act, which has caused significant public uproar, not only raises serious concerns about the character of an individual poised to become part of our academic and professional communities but also calls into question our societal commitment to compassion and justice.

As you may be aware, the incident led to Xu’s rejection from the School of Physics at Nanjing University despite his top scores. While academic consequences are indeed a step towards accountability, they cannot replace the need for legal consequences in matters of alleged cruelty. The evidence presented by the video led to police investigations and a subsequent public apology from Xu; however, these actions alone do not suffice to address the severity of the alleged act or to prevent future incidents.

Therefore, we urgently request that you take immediate legal action against Xu for his alleged cruelty towards the cat. This case must be treated with the seriousness it deserves, with appropriate charges laid to reflect both the alleged act and its impact on the community and to demonstrate that such behavior will not be tolerated. Let us ensure that justice is served and that a clear message is sent about our societal values.


[Your Name Here]

Photo credit: Peakpx


  1. Sharon Rudyk says:

    Start doing the same thing right back to these types of humans and soon this crap will stop!!!!



  3. Pamela Chattergoon says:

    The only people that will do anything is the vigilante groups. There is not enough of them to do the job.

    • This is what has got to happen to stop these animal murdering and torturing bastards dead in their tracks. And I emphasize the word ‘DEAD’ as this is the only way these demented psycho’s will be cured!!!

  4. This person needs to be punished and behind bars! Sicko. Animal abuse is a crime!

  5. Al brechbiel says:

    Kill this piece of shit

  6. Maria Lavorato says:

    Academic consequences ARE NOT ENOUGH!

    He should be expelled permanently!…and there should be legal consequences. Nail him so an example is set!!

    Did the little cat make it? God bless you little buddy…..

  7. Xu needs to be next! Dumb sack of 💩!

  8. Stomp on his head and cut his balls out of him so that he’ll never reproduce anymore of his like kind ever. While your at it throw him in prison for 30 years and let the other prisoners have their way with him and that way it’ll keep our animals and children safe too from this sick bastard.

  9. Judy Singer says:

    Lock him up and ban him from owning any animal!

  10. Sylvia Sullivan says:

    This guy is a worthless piece of garbage! He needs someone stomping on his head & make sure he suffers like this cat! This poor cat did not deserve this! What a lowlife to hurt an animal! Lock him up & throw away the key, never to see the light of day again!

  11. He needs to be jailed for animal cruelty. What happened to the cat? What kind of sick ahole does this?

  12. Sadly, the Chinese are even worse than Americans and will do absolutely nothing about it. The Chinese and others have been
    posting animal torture videos for “fun” and youtube refuses to shut them down. We have our own torturers here, but some people are trying to do something about it. The Chinese will probably do nothing to stop it and nothing to punish this useless piece of trash.

  13. William Turner says:

    Not surprised.The chinese are germs and needto be destroyed.A curse on the country

  14. Apology is NOT enough. He should be expelled from the course and his vile actions be made public. Lifetime ban on owning animals, restitution to be paid to an animal charity or to cover costs of vet bills for this poor cat. If it survived. All this AFTER jail. A psych evaluation might not be out of order either. Vile scum.

  15. Put his head in a bucket and do the same to him. Must learn to give out punishment to those that deserve it. This man shouldn’t be allowed to walk among us

  16. Jacqueline “Torture the S*** says:

    X OUT, Xu. High functioning sociopath, big deal, put his head in a bucket with no where to go and stop his evil brains in, expel him from the University!!
    What happened to the poor cat??? Did he live?

  17. This piece of shit should have his head stomped on till there’s no pulse left!!!

  18. The Chink Xu, what a name, Loser, social outcast Now should have the same done to him. Give him the Best Karate shot ever, one good Crack to the neck! Good Riddens! Let him clean Cat Shit for the rest of his pathetic life!!

  19. He should be good and stomped and jailed

  20. I hope the cat is ok 🙏🏼🙏🏼🙏🏼

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