Success: 600-Day Shelter Dog Finds Forever Home

Target: Kyrie Brickman, Kennel Manager for Euclid Animal Shelter

Goal: Applaud successful adoption of dog who survived severe case of neglect.

Horrific cases of animal abandonment have been detailed many times on this site. Often, we must wonder what becomes of the survivors. This ForceChange petition was representative of the many instances when we hope for a kind heart and a helping hand to aid these resilient animals in finding their forever homes. For Chester the pit bull mix, the long journey has concluded with a happy ending.

“Chester was completely skin and bones; the dog couldn’t even lay down. He had his paw stuck in a prong collar and he was a mess.” This is the heart-breaking description the kennel manager gave for Chester when he first arrived at Ohio’s Euclid Animal Shelter over 600 days ago. Chester, was found chained up in an abandoned home rescuers described as “disgusting” and as “a little horror story.” For several months, caring individuals at the shelter restored him to good health. He still remained, however, even after other dogs found with him at the residence had been adopted.

Then, after roughly a year-and-a-half of waiting, Chester’s miracle arrived. Lauren Reitsman, his new pet parent, described the first time she saw Chester as love at first sight. She was eager to begin the adoption process. And after shelter volunteers bid a bittersweet goodbye to one of their favorite patrons, Chester rode to his new forever home in style…and in a limousine. The brave dog is said to be enjoying his new life, which is reportedly full of belly rubs, chew toys, doggie kisses, and—Chester’s favorite treat—meatballs.

Sign the petition below to thank the volunteers who never gave up on their beloved furry friend.


Dear Ms. Brickman,

“Chester definitely stole the hearts of everybody. There’s so many dogs like Chester out there that don’t end up getting the attention or the send-off… I think stories like Chester’s, they’re just little things you can have to hold on to. They’re little beacons of hope.”

You perfectly encapsulated Chester’s story in a few inspiring words. He is a beacon of hope, and so are the individuals who helped him find his forever home. Thank you for all you did for this pup and all you continue to do for brave animals every day. Most of all, thank you for ensuring they are never forgotten.


[Your Name Here]

Photo Credit: Kyrie Brickman

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  • wesley burnett
  • JoAnn Martielli
  • Cecil Woolley
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  • Kathleen Leslie
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