Dead and Dying Kittens Apparently Smeared in Feces and Urine in Plastic Bin Deserve Justice

Target: Ashley Moody, Attorney General of Florida

Goal: Prosecute and ensure severe penalties for the alleged abuse and neglect of seven cats.

In a deeply disturbing incident in Largo, Florida, seven kittens were allegedly subjected to extreme abuse and neglect. This situation came to light when Pinellas County Sheriff’s Office deputies charged a 37-year-old man, following a distressing discovery at a local animal shelter. Allegedly, this man surrendered a plastic bin and a suitcase to the Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals, containing five dead cats and two others in critical condition. The cats, all under 18 months old, were reportedly found “wet to the touch” and smeared in feces and urine. One of the two surviving kittens was seemingly in such a dire state that euthanasia was deemed the only humane option. The other exhibited a life-threatening internal temperature of 106 degrees Fahrenheit, illustrating the severity of its apparent suffering.

Further investigation revealed that these cats had allegedly been under the man’s care for over a week, during which time their conditions drastically deteriorated. He reportedly claimed to have taken up the responsibility for a friend who was away, only to surrender them to the SPCA when he apparently grew tired of their care. The containers used for this reportedly cruel act were not only inappropriate, but evidently contributed to the animals’ severe distress and demise. Detectives believe the kittens were alive and well before being confined, highlighting the alleged negligence that led to their suffering.

This heartbreaking case underscores the urgent need for stricter animal welfare laws and enforcement. The apparent callousness and disregard for the well-being of these innocent animals demand a strong legal response. The severity of this alleged crime warrants thorough prosecution to ensure such acts of cruelty are met with the full force of the law. Take immediate and decisive action.


Dear Attorney General Ashley Moody,

We are deeply troubled by the alleged abuse and neglect of seven young cats in Largo, as reported by the Pinellas County Sheriff’s Office. The details of this case, involving the reportedly severe mistreatment and subsequent death or euthanasia of these animals, are profoundly distressing. Allegations suggest that the man responsible for their care chose to confine them in a manner leading to their suffering and death. This action allegedly resulted in conditions so dire that one cat had to be euthanized upon rescue, and another suffered from life-threatening conditions.

The community looks to you for justice in this harrowing case. The allegations against the accused, including seven counts of aggravated animal abuse, highlight a grievous disregard for life and welfare. The facts, as reported, suggest these innocent animals were subjected to unimaginable suffering due to neglect and improper care. Their treatment under his care, as described, demands not just our collective outrage but a legal response that reflects the seriousness of these alleged acts.

We urge you to pursue this case with the utmost rigor and to seek penalties that not only serve justice but also deter similar acts of cruelty in the future. The protection of vulnerable animals relies on the enforcement of our laws and the message sent by their application. We implore you to ensure that this case receives the attention it deserves, leading to a resolution that affirms our community’s commitment to compassion and justice.


[Your Name Here]

Photo credit: Tarcsío


  1. The best way to stop these assholes .. is to make public their photo, name, address and where they are employed
    The first 3 .. in case some animal loving person wants to pay the POS a visit!!!! Where they work .. so people can contact their employer and tell them what they think of their employee. With luck they will get FIRED!!!!

    • I want the MOFO that did this in my back yard. It’s waiting for their ass, too! We need justice for all the voiceless and helpless that suffer at the hands of human monsters every day.

    • Allison Winters says:

      I agree! Public shaming and add stoning to it too! They deserve to be tortured like the poor animals they neglected or abused. So sick of these a-holes getting away with a slap on the wrist.

    • catherine lu says:

      Just like they do for sex offenders.

    • This is a good pkan.Firing the son of a bitch os tge first step to life’s degradation in this country that will bring this man closer to experiencing what happened to the kittens.Perhaps when he is homeless and sleeping on a sidewalk a couple of vibrant American youth will come by and urinate on him and then either beat him with bats or set him on fire

  2. Joyce O'Malley says:

    Strict harsh laws for animal abuse and killing for scumbag monster humans!! These monsters are taught this abusive/killing behaviour by their parents and siblings, so it’s learned disfunctional hatred of animals and anything smaller than themselves. They also go into abuse children and women, so they should not be able to procreate either!! Capital punishment is the best way to eradicate these shit for brains creeps!; Problem solved!!

    • I agree with your treatment of this perpetrator.And you bring up one of the two origins of this problem that of these people being reared in a family that hates animals or has no regard for them and despises anything vulnerable or smaller thsn them However there is another origin of this problem…..these people do these things and nothing happens to them because the people who drafted the laws of thus country didn’t have regard for animals either and so the fucked up cruel laws of this country consider animals PROPERTY and not living sentient beings

  3. Christine Grabar says:

    This heartless monster deserves to be in the electric chair! Those poor babies need justice.

    Please go to and sign my petition about needing to end all animal cruelty worldwide.


    • Electric chair is to humane.I sat desth by lethal injection.I sat this because from what I have read it seems like far more suffering and torture than the chair,and a big part of that is because the people administering the I Vs seem to be non medical people and so either insert itvwhere they miss or can’t find the veins ir they have to harpoon the guy several times….and even THEN the process might fail…..and then more Kegan proceedings commense and during that time the perpetrator has to wonder if he will get a stay (usually not),at the last minute…..I think that would be very appropriate


  5. Jane Todaro says:

    This guy should be prosecuted to the fullest extent of the law and never allowed near an animal ever again!!!!!!!!!! WHAT IN THE NAME OF SAM HILL IS THE MATTER WITH THESE PEOPLE?????????!!!!!!!!!!!!

  6. Joseph Kenosky says:

    Euthanize the perpetrator(s).

  7. Shane Paul says:

    People like this don’t deserve to be breathing. They need to have an animal abuse registry just like they have for sex offenders. Maybe if some of these POS cowards start ending up dead or “missing” they may start to think twice about having to look over their shoulder the rest of their lives.

  8. Stephanie Geyser says:

    Smear the 37 year old accused with his own feces and urine, then place him in a plastic bin and leave him to rot. It’s the only way to teach him a lesson – a fine or jail-time won’t punish garbage like that, in a country where jail-time is worn as
    a badge of honor.

  9. Appalling…..hard to comprehend someone wilfully torturing innocent babies. Send this psychotic monster to prison…. please

  10. Manitou CalmStorm says:

    I agree with every reply that says that poor excuse for a life form snail slime should be DESTROYED!

  11. Sandra Luder says:

    Today, instead of cursing the perpetretor, I would like to thank you and bless you, dear fellow-animal defenders signing this petition; you are my heroes and the reason I can still believe in humanity. I cant imagine the world without you.

    So thank you.

  12. Claudia Ferguson says:

    I take in kittens and cats left behind or kicked out etc and have gone past 70and stopped counting over 10 years ago! I stopped counting and right now have 22! WTH is wrong with humans??

  13. Jason hallam says:

    This needs to end. People need to go to jail

  14. Jaime Perez says:

    This piece of filth deserves the same treatment!! He needs to spend the rest of his miserable life in jail. No slap on the wrist, he needs to pay for his heinous crime.

  15. There are really only two ways that can stop these animal torturing sods! One that would take some time is to bombard the governments, courts and Justice systems with down to earth letters, placards, and especially demonstrations ( road blocking etc ) to prosecute these torturing tossers until they actually take normal people seriously!
    As I said, this would be a ‘drawn out‘ process that would no doubt take ages if at all.
    Number two—-To deal with these buggers by forming vigilante groups to locate them and school them in the error if their ways appropriately.
    This shit is happening every day and has to be stopped.
    If these cowards see what happens to their fellow animal torturers then I am very sure they would get the message!
    Although the only time these pricks would ever be any use to the world is when the tossers are well and truly DEAD!!!!

  16. Dennis Busto says:

    An eye for an eye fits this crime n should be the punishment. Absolutely No Tolerance Towards Animal ABUSERS n Cruelty. Paws Matter 🐾

  17. The person who did this to these innocent animals need to have the same thing done to them.

  18. Julia Edinger says:

    “ There are really only two ways that can stop these animal torturing sods! One that would take some time is to bombard the governments, courts and Justice systems with down to earth letters, placards, and especially demonstrations ( road blocking etc ) to prosecute these torturing tossers until they actually take normal people seriously!
    As I said, this would be a ‘drawn out‘ process that would no doubt take ages if at all.
    Number two—-To deal with these buggers by forming vigilante groups to locate them and school them in the error if their ways appropriately.
    This shit is happening every day and has to be stopped.
    If these cowards see what happens to their fellow animal torturers then I am very sure they would get the message!
    Although the only time these pricks would ever be any use to the world is when the tossers are well and truly DEAD!!!! “!!!!!

  19. Death penalty for bastard killers,cowards!
    Justice for cats!, +RIP

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