Terrified Puppies Dumped in Various Locations Deserve Justice

Target: Rossa Fanning, Attorney General of Ireland

Goal: Ensure strict penalties for the heartless abandonment of puppies in Longford.

Five pointer puppies were left in a state of terror after being abandoned one by one across different areas. The ISPCA’s Senior Inspector, Karen Lyons, was alerted to this horrifying situation on March 11, following reports of several puppies wandering lost. Three of these young dogs were luckily saved by compassionate locals, yet the search for their siblings unveiled a scenario brimming with neglect and fear.

Further investigation revealed the depths of their plight. One puppy, Stefan, was found trembling uncontrollably, hidden in a hedge. Despite exhaustive efforts spanning two days, a fifth puppy was eventually discovered, equally traumatized, as per reports. These findings suggest an allegedly deliberate act of abandonment, painting a bleak picture of disregard for animal welfare. The puppies, now under the care of the ISPCA, were starving and petrified, yet now begin their journey towards recovery in a safe environment.

This case sheds light on a broader issue of animal abandonment and mistreatment in Ireland. It underscores the urgent need for stronger legal frameworks to penalize such acts of cruelty. We Demand immediate action.


Dear Attorney General Rossa Fanning,

We are writing to you today, deeply troubled by the recent discovery of five pointer puppies subjected to severe neglect and abandonment in Longford. Someone seemingly purposefully left these young dogs scattered across various locations, a cruel act that left them terrified and vulnerable. Under the vigilant care of the ISPCA, these puppies are slowly recuperating from their harrowing experience. However, their ordeal highlights a significant flaw in our animal welfare laws – the lack of stringent penalties for such heartless acts.

This incident is not isolated. It mirrors a concerning trend of animal neglect and abandonment across the country. The actions against these puppies, including seemingly deliberate abandonment and the apparent lack of effort to find them homes, underscore an urgent need for reform. Our legal system must reflect the seriousness of these actions and impose strict penalties to deter potential offenders.

We urge you to consider this case as a catalyst for change. By implementing tougher laws and ensuring rigorous enforcement, we can safeguard the welfare of animals and prevent future atrocities. Let’s take a stand against cruelty and work towards a society where every animal is treated with the respect and care they deserve.


[Your Name Here]

Photo credit: HONG SON


  1. no matter where you live these scumbags seem to flourish. we will be signing more and more petitions for justice but until the lazy bureaucrats get off their lazy asses and do something. this will never end and in todays lawless society it is going to grow.

    • You are absolutely right. There is only ONE reason this endless stream of animal abuse carries on and that’s because those who torture/abuse/murder animals know damn well they won’t get punished. It really is time the public took the law into their own hands and hopefully that day is not far off.

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  • Josephine van Steenis Bucknull
  • Lesha Thornton
  • Deborah Blanco
  • Nancy Fifer
  • Velina Ussery
  • Donna Pfeffer
  • Latonya Sassee Walker
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  • Amy Wilson
  • Tonya Hilton
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