Reported Sexual Abuse of Dog by Inmates Must be Punished

Target: Samuel Prawer, Director of Government Affairs for the Department of Corrections, USA

Goal: Ensure accountability and enhance animal welfare standards in correctional facilities

Shocking allegations have emerged from the Maine State Prison, involving the alleged sexual abuse of a dog by inmates. This horrifying claim brings to light not only the alleged mistreatment of an innocent animal but also raises serious questions about the oversight and ethical management within correctional facilities. According to reports, two inmates are believed to be involved in this egregious act, pointing to a grievous lapse in the prison’s duty to protect all living beings within its walls.

Further details reveal the Maine Department of Corrections’ response, initiating an investigation into these serious allegations. Samuel Prawer, Director of Government Affairs, highlighted the department’s commitment to addressing this issue, though specifics, including the existence of any video evidence, remain undisclosed. This incident allegedly occurred within the context of the Earned Living Unit, a program presumably designed to promote rehabilitation and responsibility among inmates.

The necessity for a stringent review of animal welfare policies in correctional institutions has never been clearer. Enhancing oversight, ensuring accountability for those found responsible, and instituting rigorous animal welfare standards are imperative. Hold individuals accountable for their actions, reevaluate the Earned Living Unit’s policies, and safeguard against future occurrences of alleged abuse.


Dear Director Samuel Prawer,

We write to you amidst disturbing allegations surfacing from within the Maine State Prison, where a dog was reportedly subjected to sexual abuse by inmates. Such allegations, if true, not only expose a horrifying act of cruelty but also underscore a significant failure in safeguarding the welfare of animals entrusted to the care of the correctional system. This incident, reportedly involving two inmates and one dog within the Earned Living Unit, has understandably shocked and appalled all who advocate for the humane treatment of animals.

The Maine Department of Corrections has commenced an investigation, a step we acknowledge. However, this alone is insufficient. We urge a comprehensive review and overhaul of policies regarding animals in correctional facilities to prevent any recurrence of such alleged acts. The purported lapse in oversight that allowed this alleged abuse demands immediate and decisive action to ensure those responsible are held accountable and measures are implemented to enhance the protection of all animals within the system.

Our call to action is unequivocal: instigate thorough policy reforms, enforce stringent animal welfare standards, and ensure transparency in the investigation’s outcomes. Let this unfortunate episode serve as a catalyst for positive change, affirming the Maine Department of Corrections’ commitment to the highest standards of care and responsibility for all lives within its purview.


[Your Name Here]

Photo credit: grayeme


  1. Cut their fucking dicks off!!!

  2. Carol Miknenas says:

    Why are there animals even around these people!!! Never Allie animals into these environments is crucial.
    So evil and depraved. I pray they feel remorse and turn their lives around

  3. Dear Director Samuel Prawer,
    Unless you are 100 thousand % plus certain that the Wardens and the Security has 20 / 20 oversight then DO NOT have any prison programs whereby innocent sweet kind dogs or animals would be subjected to extreme and depraved torture and abuse. There are many earned living programs in many prisons have produced very positive results with homeless dogs that have behavioral challenges and are labeled as “untrainable,” that are paired up with ONE individual inmate in a highly supervised environment. These pairings have proved to benefit people and dogs by providing emotional and mental support to both the prisoners and the Dogs; as the dogs receive time, enrichment, and positive attention along with essential life trailing skills that an over whelmed and overcrowded shelter is unable to provide. The prisoners benefit in numerous ways with life and life earning training that teaches them to care about someone else, someone that matters in their lives, and needs something good and positive nurturing from them. It teaches independence and strength so that when they get out they have better coping mechanisms and will not reoffend as to not ending up back in prison. Many make a living as dog walkers/dog sitters, working in pet stores, or at shelters after getting released. * Please transfer the 2 perpetrator prisoners to a maximum security prison for the most vile sex offenders,* or give them the * death penalty* for their extreme depravity towards that poor canine soul who did NOT deserve to be cruelly sexually assaulted/ and extremely inhumanely abused. Please conduct a thorough investigation to determine how or if other inmates were aware of what was going on, and if or any had attempted to report the heinous incident, in addition to that if a prisoner had attempted to report the abuses were they taken seriously or dismissed, were threatened not to report, or were retaliated against for attempting to report ?? How many successful endings have resulted in this Maine prison’s earned living program?, or was it a new program in it’s early stages? Serious considerations must be put into place before ever thinking of allowing prisoners to cohabitate with animals ever again. This poor dog will never recover from this rape sexual assault, not ever.
    This Maine prison cannot EVER be trusted with another ‘trusting’ canine soul, however in other successful program proven
    Correctional Facilities it should be determined case by case, on a highly supervised basis.

    • Ray finchismith says:

      Absolutely agree
      Spot on
      I wish you would run for the office of head is agriculture and change the laws of the land…. Not just one area. All of em

    • Rose Banderas says:


      These furbabies are not Guinea pigs for these scum bags bs rehabilitation. There is another article on this Maine program that says they are being looked into for for other numerous offenses.

      In addition, the animal part of the program says that any animals not being well cared for by the inmates, those inmates are removed from the program. WTF are they leaving any animal in the care of an inmate w/o additional supervision from someone who speaks & cares for the animal? This just isn’t dogs. Cats are also included in these programs. Absolutely fucking ridiculous to allow these innocent furbabies to left alone with or in sole care with any inmate.

  4. Siham Hajjar says:

    This is horrifying. All animals should be removed ASAP.

  5. Clearly these demented inmates can not be released back into society.
    They are a danger to everyone.
    It seems they are not rehabilitated and not fit to leave the prison confines, they should put in a maximum security prison.
    Please investigate and ensure this type of depravity and utter cruelty never happens again.

  6. Carol Tatarinowicz says:

    how could you allow this to happen? remove all animals from this prison as they clearly do not have correct rules in place. Where were the guards? are they into watching what the inmates were doing and getting off? seems to me there were alot involved here, don’t just blame the inmates.

    • Rose Banderas says:

      These furbabies are not Guinea pigs for these scum bags bs rehabilitation. There is another article on this Maine program that says they are being looked into for for other numerous offenses. In addition, the animal part of the program says that any animals not being well cared for by the inmates, those inmates are removed from the program. WTF are they leaving any animal in the care of an inmate w/o additional supervision from someone who speaks & cares for the animal? This just isn’t dogs. Cats are also included in these programs. Absolutely fucking ridiculous to allow these innocent furbabies to left alone with or in sole care with any inmate.

  7. Jacqueline “Torture the S*** says:

    Why were these deviants allowed a dog?? Where was the guards for the dog??
    Put them with inmates who hate animal abusers!!
    No more animals!!!

  8. April Laporte says:

    There seems to be more and more of this sexual assault on dogs!wtf is wrong with humans!!!!!and these were dirtbags getting ready to be rehabilitated?????is the system fkn blind???like what part of giving them an innocent animal makes ANY kind of sense????? I say get them off tax payers dollars,and end their miserable lives,nasty inhuman scum.if they act that way IN PRISON,imagine whats coming once these scums are rehabilitated hahahaahaha you can’t rehabilitate evil,STOP TRYING

    • I agree with everything your saying and what bright spark thought it was a good idea to put a dog in prison with scum,why punish this innocent dog?

  9. This is why animals should not be part of inmate rehabilitation. You cannot trust them. That is why they are incarcerated! Think!

  10. IF these 2 deranged inmates are not in for life, they need to be now!!! They will not be rehabbed, and those that hurt animals do so to humans and vice versa. It has been reported time and time again. Allegations???!!! No, the TRUTH came to light!!!!!

  11. Maximum penalties for all involved in this atrocity with innocent animals !!!

  12. Cruelty. Please add years to their sentence. I can’t imagine the horror the animal went through, with nowhere to escape.

  13. Margie Smith says:

    They’re prisoners & should be held accountable for their actions if they are to be responsible for another life, being animal or human they need to be held accountable….& not have ANY contact with such!!!

  14. Death penalty! I’m sick of it. These vile scum do NOT deserve to live and breath air! Our tax $ is paying for all these Vile POS filth!

    Where is the oversight?! Hold them accountable. Pull every dog and cat out now! I knew this was and would happen when this program rolled out years ago. These are just the POS that have got caught!

    Most of the garbage in the prison system have no or little regard for other humans or animals,thats why they are in there! WTF would they all of a sudden start! Oh let us put vulnerable innocent animals with FN criminals,repeat offenders,unmonitored or vetted, no oversight. Wow that’s a great idea! Makes me sick. Charge this garbage as you would a child pedo!

  15. Yes! I agree!! I say CASTRATION WITHOUT SEDATION!!! And for the procedure to be done SLOWLY and as PAINFULLY AS POSSIBLE!! It’s sad when animals behave better than humans!!! It’s been my experience that most animals don’t deserve to be locked up but a great deal of people DO!!!!! I’m sorry but these jackasses should seriously be put to DEATH!!! Throw them back in the mainstream cells and pitch the key forever!!!!

  16. These vile bastards .. need to be taught a lesson.
    First off .. cut their balls & peckers off.
    Second .. let the other inmates know what type of pervs they are (I know inmates hate child & animal abusers). So .. the likelihood of these freaks getting the SAME treatment they gave that poor dog are pretty good.
    Third .. break every bone in their worthless bodies.
    Fourth .. add extra time onto each of their sentences

  17. Susan Silva says:


  18. Joseph Kenosky says:

    Euthanize the inmates that sexually assaulted dogs.

    • All of these bastards need ‘euthanising as they will NEVER-EVER be any use to is only the bloody Do Gooder’s that are keeping the buggers alive!!!

  19. All You Awesome, Caring, Animal Lovers Have Said ALL I would’ve said. Thank You !!!!
    I am so very sad, very angry & feel I could easily kill these EVIL fucking subhuman trash if I ever came across them.
    Poor Animals xoxoxox in this fucked up world,, defenceless beautiful beings DO NOT DESERVE THIS TORTURE & SLAUGHTER.

  20. Dr.+Dagmar+Görz-Lenzen says:

    Take away the terrorist’s “weapons” and keep these ticking bombs behind bars in total isolation for the rest of their g*dd*mn lives. This scum should never be able to touch or harm an animal any more. Lowlife subjects!

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