Reported Sexual Abuse of Dog by Inmates Must be Punished

Target: Samuel Prawer, Director of Government Affairs for the Department of Corrections, USA

Goal: Ensure accountability and enhance animal welfare standards in correctional facilities

Shocking allegations have emerged from the Maine State Prison, involving the alleged sexual abuse of a dog by inmates. This horrifying claim brings to light not only the alleged mistreatment of an innocent animal but also raises serious questions about the oversight and ethical management within correctional facilities. According to reports, two inmates are believed to be involved in this egregious act, pointing to a grievous lapse in the prison’s duty to protect all living beings within its walls.

Further details reveal the Maine Department of Corrections’ response, initiating an investigation into these serious allegations. Samuel Prawer, Director of Government Affairs, highlighted the department’s commitment to addressing this issue, though specifics, including the existence of any video evidence, remain undisclosed. This incident allegedly occurred within the context of the Earned Living Unit, a program presumably designed to promote rehabilitation and responsibility among inmates.

The necessity for a stringent review of animal welfare policies in correctional institutions has never been clearer. Enhancing oversight, ensuring accountability for those found responsible, and instituting rigorous animal welfare standards are imperative. Hold individuals accountable for their actions, reevaluate the Earned Living Unit’s policies, and safeguard against future occurrences of alleged abuse.


Dear Director Samuel Prawer,

We write to you amidst disturbing allegations surfacing from within the Maine State Prison, where a dog was reportedly subjected to sexual abuse by inmates. Such allegations, if true, not only expose a horrifying act of cruelty but also underscore a significant failure in safeguarding the welfare of animals entrusted to the care of the correctional system. This incident, reportedly involving two inmates and one dog within the Earned Living Unit, has understandably shocked and appalled all who advocate for the humane treatment of animals.

The Maine Department of Corrections has commenced an investigation, a step we acknowledge. However, this alone is insufficient. We urge a comprehensive review and overhaul of policies regarding animals in correctional facilities to prevent any recurrence of such alleged acts. The purported lapse in oversight that allowed this alleged abuse demands immediate and decisive action to ensure those responsible are held accountable and measures are implemented to enhance the protection of all animals within the system.

Our call to action is unequivocal: instigate thorough policy reforms, enforce stringent animal welfare standards, and ensure transparency in the investigation’s outcomes. Let this unfortunate episode serve as a catalyst for positive change, affirming the Maine Department of Corrections’ commitment to the highest standards of care and responsibility for all lives within its purview.


[Your Name Here]

Photo credit: grayeme


  1. Enuffs_Enuff says:

    Just disgusting..These types of programs involving animals and inmates really should be reevaluated.Its not surprising because the absolute worst of subhuman prime trash is locked behind those walls.

  2. Dore Mande says:


  3. Stephanie Geyser says:

    Why are animals forced into these prisons in the first place? Are they convicted felons too?

  4. Samuel Prawer, Director of Government Affairs for the Department of Corrections, USA

    I hope you are reading this you sick fucking asshole!!! Why would you let these fucking bastards do this to an innocent animal. These inmates should be abusing YOU not innocent animals. Kill these bastards. This shit pisses me off. I fucking hate people.

    • Patricia Lamonica says:


    • Ich stimme dir absolut zu und ich kann nicht verstehen das unschuldige Tiere zu solchen Verbrechern gehen müssen, die Verantwortlichen haben weg geschaut vielleicht haben sie die armen Hunde auch missbraucht, die sind doch alle gestört diese Physophathen! Gerechtigkeit für diese armen wundervollen unschuldigen Hunde.

  5. And this is a prime example why animals can’t be trusted around prisoners. This should not be allowed!

    • I think that you have this the wrong way around Sister Jenifer.
      What you should be saying is that ‘psycho’ ass pounding prisoners cannot be trusted around animals (dogs) who have no choice in the matter.
      These are despicable bastards who need a quick termination as they will NEVER be any use either in or out of prison as they will NEVER change!! Only an early death will stop the tossers from doing this ever again!!!

  6. Maria Lavorato says:

    This whole animals for inmates partnership needs to be reevaluated immediately.

    If the dogs can’t be 100% safe then there should be no more animals in prisons. The whole purpose was to have these inmates rehabilitated. ..but the animals should have always been safe 100% of the time. THEY OBVIOUSLY ARE NOT AND NO ONE IS WATCHING TO PROTECT THEM!


    GUARDS/WARDENS ETC??????????????WTF


  8. This is digusting.Why are innocent animals forced to be in the vicinity of these pieces of human trash?! These two sadistic pieces of shit need to remain behind bars without any further access to animals.

  9. Whats with the rise in bestiality? Just last week in New Zealand, there was a worker who raped a pig. I’m sure this goes on regularly, b/c most people just don’t care, but it should be a criminal offense. Rape is rape, whether it happens to a person or animal. And personally, anyone who rapes a person or animal, there should be an immediate castration.

  10. Judy Singer says:

    Worthless pieces of shit! They don’t deserve to have any freedom! Cut their privates off!!
    Remove all the animals because someone is not doing their job protecting them !

  11. DISGUSTING!! I Knew Allowing Dogs or Any Animals with PRISONERS was a BIG MISTAKE!! NO More Dogs or ANY Animals IN PRISONS. All Those BAD PEOPLE Should Have THEIR “DICKS” CUT OFF So THEY FEEL PAIN Like The Pain They Inflicted On Innocent Helpless DOGS Or ANY ANIMAL. WHERE Were CORRECTION OFFICERS WHEN That POOR HELPLESS DOG Was Being “RAPED!! ??” That Was RAPE!! THOSE PRISONERS Should Get Additional 10 YEARS ADDED To Their Sentences And BE “DickLess!!”. Dogs or Any Animals Should ALWAYS Live In SEPARATE BUILDING With Security Cameras And Only Correction Officers and Warden Have Access. IF Allowed then Prisoners should only work with dogs In Daylight Hours for Only 2 Hours Between 1:00Pm and 3:00Pm With Correction Officers PRESENT!! All Prisons Should NOT EVEN Allow Prisoners to Have In Their Cell Or Work with Any Dogs or Any Animals because Animal Abuse and Torture and Neglect is EXACTLY HOW MAJORITY of BAD PEOPLE STARTED HENCE The REASON They ARE PRISONERS!!

  12. Jane Todaro says:

    These assaults consist of outrageous, disgusting and totally unacceptable behavior. If animals put in prisons to help inmates cannot be protected from assaults by those inmates, those animals need to be removed immediately and placed in private, forever homes, if possible. And those inmates committing those assaults should be prosecuted for those assaults.

  13. Susan Scharf says:

    Whoever did this must be put to death and in a horrible, painful, lengthy way.

  14. Unbelievable that anyone in charge of such prison programs should have the authority to allow animals to be unsupervised around these sacks of trash. Even with supervision so many things could go wrong and it shouldn’t be allowed, period. Would they just hand over a two year old child to these degenerates? Most people don’t do anything to get themselves in prison, so if you’re in there it’s definitely warranted that society does not trust you, so no, you don’t DESERVE to have unsupervised/supervised access to innocent beings.

    Whoever is in charge of these prison programs and responsible for arranging animals in prison bear the same responsibility for such crimes. I wish the very worst on them.

  15. Dogs should never be made to interact with criminals. If you don’t trust your children alone with them, why would you think it would be okay to leave an animal with them??? 😡 End these programs now! It is a danger to these innocent dogs!I never thought this was a good idea to begin with, but I assumed it would all be well supervised. I should’ve know better.

  16. Get all of these dogs outta there immediately! No dog should have been there without constant oversight and then the dog goes home safe at the end of each day. This did not happen. This program obviously cannot take place. Remove all dogs and children and any life from the care of inmates. The risk of exposing animals to harm is not appropriate. They can’t be trusted even during the day whatsoever.

  17. Get these animals out of there immediately! Pronto! Within the next hour! Totally outta there

  18. Garlina Norris says:

    Abused by vile dirtbag scum degenerate filth useless males. This is a damaged gender. Why do we keep them Incarcerated ? Get rid of them all. I don’t want any of my taxes to pay for food or anything for this human garbage.

  19. Garlina Norris says:

    Send them to Gaza and Lebanon and Iran. This garbage doesn’t fly there and they will be vaporized. This is pure sick evil behavior

  20. I don’t know why the hell a dog was anywhere near these a$$holes in the first place. We need to stop saving these pieces of sh#t and start killing them. Instead of testing on animals – why don’t they test on prisoners? They are the rel animals. People who are mentally ill really need to stop breeding. Get rid of sh#t like this.

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