Reported Sexual Abuse of Dog by Inmates Must be Punished

Target: Samuel Prawer, Director of Government Affairs for the Department of Corrections, USA

Goal: Ensure accountability and enhance animal welfare standards in correctional facilities

Shocking allegations have emerged from the Maine State Prison, involving the alleged sexual abuse of a dog by inmates. This horrifying claim brings to light not only the alleged mistreatment of an innocent animal but also raises serious questions about the oversight and ethical management within correctional facilities. According to reports, two inmates are believed to be involved in this egregious act, pointing to a grievous lapse in the prison’s duty to protect all living beings within its walls.

Further details reveal the Maine Department of Corrections’ response, initiating an investigation into these serious allegations. Samuel Prawer, Director of Government Affairs, highlighted the department’s commitment to addressing this issue, though specifics, including the existence of any video evidence, remain undisclosed. This incident allegedly occurred within the context of the Earned Living Unit, a program presumably designed to promote rehabilitation and responsibility among inmates.

The necessity for a stringent review of animal welfare policies in correctional institutions has never been clearer. Enhancing oversight, ensuring accountability for those found responsible, and instituting rigorous animal welfare standards are imperative. Hold individuals accountable for their actions, reevaluate the Earned Living Unit’s policies, and safeguard against future occurrences of alleged abuse.


Dear Director Samuel Prawer,

We write to you amidst disturbing allegations surfacing from within the Maine State Prison, where a dog was reportedly subjected to sexual abuse by inmates. Such allegations, if true, not only expose a horrifying act of cruelty but also underscore a significant failure in safeguarding the welfare of animals entrusted to the care of the correctional system. This incident, reportedly involving two inmates and one dog within the Earned Living Unit, has understandably shocked and appalled all who advocate for the humane treatment of animals.

The Maine Department of Corrections has commenced an investigation, a step we acknowledge. However, this alone is insufficient. We urge a comprehensive review and overhaul of policies regarding animals in correctional facilities to prevent any recurrence of such alleged acts. The purported lapse in oversight that allowed this alleged abuse demands immediate and decisive action to ensure those responsible are held accountable and measures are implemented to enhance the protection of all animals within the system.

Our call to action is unequivocal: instigate thorough policy reforms, enforce stringent animal welfare standards, and ensure transparency in the investigation’s outcomes. Let this unfortunate episode serve as a catalyst for positive change, affirming the Maine Department of Corrections’ commitment to the highest standards of care and responsibility for all lives within its purview.


[Your Name Here]

Photo credit: grayeme


  1. This is beyond SHOCKING! What’s wrong with humans!?
    These perverted satanic monsters must be imprisoned for life, or just sentenced to death!
    Castrate this human lowlife scum and just cut off their balls without anesthesia so that they understands what bestiality they have inflicted on innocent and defenseless dogs!!! SHAME!!! SHAME!!! SHAME!!!

  2. Sharon Rudyk says:

    Make sure the same but a thousand fold happens back to the creeps!! The animals MUST BE PROTECTED 224/7!!!!!!!!!!!! or no more dogs!!!!!!!!!!!!

  3. Starla Wallace says:

    They do not deserve anything but life in prison!! Sick perverts would probably do the same outside of prison and to humans too!

    • Janice Suter says:

      I totally AGREE!! This is outrageous and where are the prison guards monitoring these scum bags?!! They’re where they belong and No more dogs!!! I hope this dog is safe now and getting rehabilitation for such an abnormal horrific act.

  4. This is disgusting! There should be no more dogs or any animal in jail,PERIOD!! Don’t care if they though it would be good for rehabilitation, cut that program out! But best thing would be castrate them & that should teach them!!

  5. This just sickens me!! That poor innocent dog (and maybe others, who knows?) trusted these vile pieces of shit!! They need to receive the same treatment they inflicted on that poor baby!!

  6. Video cameras need to capture all human/animal interactions going forward in Maine State prison with serious consequences attached to delinquent behavior.

  7. Is the dog ok? Was the dog removed from the prison?

  8. The person to write to is:

    Randall Liberty, Maine State Commissioner of Corrections
    State House Station 111
    Augusta, Maine 04333-0111

    Please let’s get the letters written to him today!

  9. Humans disgust me! These prisoners should be held accountable for their sick perverted act. If the prison can’t monitor the prisoners 24/7 than the programs like this one should not exist. The two that comitted this act of beastiality should have the same acts done to them for the rest of the time that they have been sentence to. But that would be against the law. Why? The punishment should fit the crime!

  10. Why does Maine Corrections leave criminals alone w dogs????


  12. It’s horrible what was done to this precious dog. But people have to stop being crazy and going overboard with reactions to things. Everyone should not be punished because these 2 guys did something horrible. You would not want to be punished because somebody else did something and it’s wrong if it’s done to anybody, including people in prison, just because people are imprisoned doesn’t mean they get to be abused. That’s why stopping the programs would be ridiculousand cruel idea. That’s a good program for lots of reasons. Those 2 people did something horrific to the poor precious Dog and they should be punished that would be totally appropriate. Adding safeguards for the Dogs is absolutely important. Those programs help heal people and Dogs.People who have never abused an animal nor would they. And Dogs who have never abused a person nor would they. It is NOT a good sign when people get upset and go completely overboard with reactions
    We need to think a feel in a more balance manner. These comments are coming from a lifelong animal rescuer. Who loves animals like crazy. I adore animals.

    • Anita Yott says:

      I agree with Jacqui BUT NO dog should be left alone with inmates. This case is just one out of ??? that was reported!

    • Thank you for your logical response Jacqui. I quite understand though why folks get over-heated when the victim is either a small person, an elderly person or an animal. However, those mainly at fault here are the prison authorities for allowing this situation to have occurred in the first place. If an innocent pup is teamed up with a prisoner that pup needs to be monitored throughout the day and night – particularly the night when lights are dimmed! I have watched a couple of prisoner-dog training programmes and the benefit appears to be enormous: the prisoner is learning to love, relate to and train an animal. However, leaving dogs with the prisoners overnight is really putting temptation in the way of those with weak/no self-control and sexual urges borne out of being incarcerated. The damage that could inflict on the poor pup is incalculable. Dogs should have their own place to sleep where such threats do not exist.
      By the way [to repeat a question from another poster] there is no indication of what has happened to that innocent pup. We’d like to know please.

    • Aren’t enough animals already at the mercy of abusers without trusting criminals with their welfare? There may be plenty more instances that never get reported. Innocent animal vs. Guilty human. I knew it was just a matter of time before abuse occurred in these programs.

    • If you think it’s a good idea to keep the program going, would you at least be willing to kill the two or more inmates that sexually abused this dog? Let the program go on but let it be known that anyone that sexually abuses a dog will automatically receive the death penalty. And I mean the death penalty the very next day after the assault happened. If you’re not willing to at least see these two bastards executed, then you’re not serious about stopping sexual abuse to animals and you just want to just coddle these bastards the whole time they’re in prison.

      • EXACTLY. 100%.
        Would stop the buggers in their tracks and I guarantee there would be NO MORE animal abuse almost instantaneously as these pieces of sub-human crap are all cowards at heart.

    • Why as you say would stopping these programs be ridiculous?
      It would at least stop these sick buggers from torturing innocent dogs!
      And what do you expect people to say here?
      “Oh you bad boys, you mustn’t do this again otherwise we will have to stop your T.V. for a few days!! You also say that you adore animals but would be happy to let them carry on being abused and
      at the mercy of these ‘twisted minded’ buggers!!
      People who submit here to vent their anger towards these deranged minded bastards and good on them. It just proves that they are genuine animal advocates and NOT playing at it!!
      We all want justice for all abused and mistreated animals here and although you say you ‘love’ animals like crazy, your submission seems to depict otherwise!!!

  13. Pauline Kettner says:

    Why the FUCK do you force ANIMALS to be in PRISON?! One of the most insane and stupid things I’ve ever heard. Animals shouldn’t be in prison!!! If a psycho who is in prison has animals, take the animals away from they and adopt them to normal, kind people! And this proves that psychopaths/violent criminals CANNOT BE REHABILITATED. They shouldn’t even be in prison, they should be PUT TO DEATH. Kill these disgusting animal rapists.

  14. Castrate them!
    cut off their penis without anesthesia!

  15. I will keep saying this. Kill all animal abusers. These 2 assholes are useless prisoners anyway. Kill them

  16. Monstrous monstrous evil, heartbreaking and horrific, karma is theirs – I feel you, poor lost innocent souls; their blood on your souls

    The abuse, torture & murder of the innocents

    Some heartbreaks can never be unseen, some horrors never unheard – PLEASE GOD

    And the universe weeps tears of blood

    Your life as theirs, as their death

  17. This is what you do, when you’re a Prison B****

  18. These bastards need to be castrated! You say they’re in a program to be released back into society? You got to be kidding. If they could do this to an innocent animal which is despicable, disgusting,and beastality,why should they be released to do this to a child? Lock them up and throw away the key!

  19. I’m beyond sick reading this!! Damn the inmates responsible for this- they should be given an injection (euthanize them all and rid the earth of scum like this!) – they don’t deserve jail (free room and good food- that’s too good for the scum responsible for the unthinkable things they did to this innocent dog. How many others were treated the same but were never found out about??? ). What a sick world this is!!!

  20. Dennis Busto says:

    Their in prison.These inmates have NO rights they gave that up when they broke the law. Remove any animals still behind those walls ASAP. Absolutely No Tolerance Towards Animal ABUSERS n Cruelty. GET THOSE DOGS OUT NOW!!!

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