Dog Found 30 Pounds Underweight and Dying in Middle of Street Deserves Justice

Target: Cook County, Illinois Sheriff Tom Dart

Goal: Find and arrest suspect who allegedly abandoned dying dog in the middle of the street.

An extremely emaciated dog, who rescuers later named Sugar Snap, was allegedly abandoned on a city street. According to reports the dog, suspected to be a Husky-Shepherd mix, would have likely died if it had not been for a father and child finding and taking him to Animal Care and Control to get help.

Reportedly, the dog was over 30 pounds underweight when found and unable to stand up or walk by himself. Luckily, he is now being cared for by a rescue facility and is said by workers to slowly be regaining strength.

Other animals may be subject to cruelty by whoever abused Sugar Snap unless the person is found and brought to justice. Sign this petition to demand investigators do a thorough search for whoever is suspected of neglecting this animal.


Dear Sheriff Dart,

An underweight dog, named Sugar Snap by rescuers, was recently brought to animal control after he was reportedly found almost dead in the middle of the street. In fact, rescuers stated that if it had not been for citizens taking the dog to Animal Care and Control, the animal likely would not have survived.

Sugar Snap, who officials think is a Husky-Shepherd mix, is now residing at One Tail at a Time where Kim Thomas is helping to take care of him. According to her expertise, the dog should weigh 50 or more pounds but currently only weighs around 19 pounds. She also noted that the animal cannot stand up or walk without help.

Rescuers are happy to report the dog is eating and that his condition is therefore improving. However, the person who allegedly dumped and left the animal for dead has not been caught. If this person is not found, other animals may suffer at the hands of their abuse. I therefore demand you investigate this case as well as search for and arrest the person who is thought to have committed this heartless act of animal cruelty to better ensure other animals remain safe.


[Your Name Here]

Photo Credit: Rennett Stowe


  1. Stephanie Geyser says:

    I say: Find the owner and starve HIM to the point of death. Let HIM see how it feels to suffer from starvation. In fact, I wonder how he treats his own children, if (God forbid) he has bred human babies from his sperm. Is he also starving them to death, while stuffing food into his fat cakehole?

  2. Carole Coulson says:

    The lack of humanity in the treatment of this poor dog is startling. A dog this starved doesn’t happen overnight. The person(s) responsible need to be found, punished (and not just a simple fine but jail time that stays on their record) and they should be forbidden to own animals if any sort. Additionally, if they have a spouse and/or children, the treatment of those people should be looked into as well.

  3. Find who did this and rot him in jail

  4. DO THE SAME RIGHT BACK…Cowardly humans, [including justice systems worldwide] are not worthy of anything less than the same they dish out…turning a blind eye as in the case of authorities, makes you a very big part of the problem, AND guilty of animal cruelty!!

  5. Penelope Corcoran says:

    Whoever did this deserves the same punishment and a stiff fine and jail
    May you rot in hell with the other abusers🤬😡🤬😡

  6. First, fine him till everything owned is bankrupt for life. Then throw him in jail and starve him while he rots so he feels the agony he inflicted on this precious, innocent dog.

  7. Maria Lavorato says:

    This SOB needs to feel what it is like to slowly starve to death. PRAYING YOUR TURN COMES SOON!

    Authorities must take cases like this seriously or other animals and/or humans are at risk! Hold this dangerous heartless SOB accountable with maximum sentence possible.

    Give this little husky his justice and find him a safe happy forever home.

  8. Elease M. Bradford says:

    I’m so sorry that Sugar Snap was neglected and almost starved to death. I’m glad she was rescued and I wish her a speedy recovery.
    I hope the low-down person(s) who subjected her to this pain and suffering is caught and severely punished. Sugar Snap I hope you get justice.

  9. Jane Todaro says:

    Whoever did this should be prosecuted to the fullest extent of the law and never allowed near an animal ever again!!!!!!!!!!! What is the matter with these people?????????!!!!!!!!!!!

  10. Someone knows who the owner is, somebody has seen this poor dog in it’s owner’s home or with the owner/coward. Offer a reward and see how fast his buddies turn him in – this dog did not exist in a vacuum. Once found, owner should be in jail, heavily fined and given a lifetime ban on any animal contact – not even a goldfish should be in this jerks care. To let this lowlife off is the same as enabling and encouraging abuse in the community so find him and take care of this loser, get him off the streets.

    • Good one Sister Jo,
      Except the only way to fully cure these arrogant torturing bastards is when they are six feet under the ground.
      Hard to think about but I can just say ‘yes’ it can be carried out with carful planning.

  11. I am totally FED UP with ppl, WE DEMAND SEVERE PUNISHMENT, get this human garbage OUT IF SOCIETY

  12. Julia Edinger says:

    I totally agree with… Penelope Corcoran
    “Whoever did this deserves the same punishment and a stiff fine and jail
    May you rot in hell with the other abusers🤬😡🤬😡”!!!!

  13. Garlina Norris says:

    A male did this, quite sure of that

  14. Someone knows who’s dog this was. Post the picture and ask them to come forward.
    Send them to prison for 7 years and make them pay for all expenses
    President Trump Signs Federal Animal Cruelty Bill Into Law

    The bill, called the Preventing Animal Cruelty and Torture Act, makes intentional acts of cruelty to animals federal crimes carrying penalties of up to seven years in prison

  15. Margaret Strane says:

    Find this devil, let them starve and lay in the street. When almost dead, THEN, prosecute you the fullest.

  16. josie olive says:

    Thanks goodness for that father and child wonderful people. Now find that savage and relocated him to the artic with no clothes

  17. Find this or these scumbag(s) and just fry them. Shoot them dead in the middle of the street and leave them there like they did with the dog

  18. Yep just another “Ass Wipe” that authorities don’t know where to look or the whereabouts of this ass hole.. so the dog has been saved for now thank god!! I pray that who did this is left to starve and looses his/her ability to walk or stand at least that would be a good start of punishment to start with.. I hope you catch who did this.. Someone knows this dog!!!! Speak up!!! Stop protecting this animal abuser!!! Do the right thing

  19. Joseph Kenosky says:

    Find the perpetrator(s) and euthanize them.

  20. People in this area need to get together and figure out who this dog belonged to. I am sure someone knows. Then you should get a group of guys together and beat the living shit out of them. Idiots like this keep doing these things because no one does anything about it. A fine or a few days in jail is not enough to get the point across. A real beat down might prevent some of these assholes from doing shit like this.

    • Bloody good summing up Sister Michele,
      This us EXACTLY what is needed to teach these bastards a very severe lesson. And if the pieces of shit died because of their injuries then no loss to the world.
      This has seriously GOT to happen as these arseholes think they are untouchable.
      We need to show the tossers that THEY ARE NOT!!!

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