Poodle Apparently Left to Die in Dumpster Deserves Justice

Target: Seth Edwards, District Attorney of Beaufort County

Goal: Prosecute and penalize the individual allegedly responsible for the poodle’s neglect and abandonment.

In a shocking incident in Beaufort, S.C., a poodle now known as Treasure was allegedly discovered inside a dumpster, encased in a trash bag alongside dirty diapers. This act of apparent cruelty not only highlights the grim reality of animal neglect but also calls for an immediate and stringent response from our legal system.

According to reports from Noah’s Arks Rescue, Treasure was in a dire state, with two pounds of matted fur covered in feces and urine, which obscured his vision completely. Further distressing details reveal Treasure’s seemingly critical condition upon rescue, including severe starvation and the need for gradual feeding to prevent fatal outcomes. These allegations, if true, underscore a blatant disregard for life and well-being, demanding not just public outcry but also legal scrutiny and action.

The severity of Treasure’s condition upon discovery—weighing merely 10 pounds, with overgrown nails and his eyes completely covered by matted fur—paints a harrowing picture of apparent neglect. Such alleged acts of cruelty not only harm the individual animal but also erode societal values, showing a disturbing tolerance for violence and neglect. Noah’s Arks Rescue’s involvement brought to light the urgent care and rehabilitation needed for Treasure, emphasizing the broader issue of animal welfare and the need for vigilant and proactive legal measures against such alleged acts of cruelty.

The necessity for change is clear. By demanding legal action against the individual allegedly responsible for this appalling act, we voice our collective insistence on justice, accountability, and the importance of animal welfare. Ensure that such alleged acts of cruelty do not go unpunished and that they serve as a deterrent for future offenses.


Dear DA Seth Edwards,

The recent discovery of a poodle, now affectionately named Treasure, allegedly left to die in a dumpster within your jurisdiction, has ignited widespread outrage and concern. This case, as reported, involves the poodle being found in a trash bag amidst dirty diapers, severely neglected, and in a state of starvation so severe that immediate and specialized care was necessary to save his life. The alleged details of Treasure’s condition, including the removal of two pounds of matted fur laden with waste and the necessity of careful feeding protocols to mitigate the risks of his fragile state, are deeply disturbing and call for our collective action.

This alleged act of cruelty not only highlights the immediate suffering inflicted upon Treasure but also raises significant concerns regarding the broader issue of animal neglect and abuse within our community. The fact that Treasure survived such seemingly harrowing conditions is a testament to his resilience and the swift action taken by Noah’s Arks Rescue; however, it also underscores the urgent need for legal intervention to ensure justice is served and to prevent such alleged acts from occurring in the future.

Therefore, we respectfully urge you to prioritize the investigation into this matter and to prosecute and penalize the individual(s) allegedly responsible for this act of cruelty to the fullest extent of the law. By doing so, you will send a powerful message that animal cruelty is a serious crime that will not be tolerated in our community. We trust in your commitment to justice and in your ability to act decisively in response to this call for action.


[Your Name Here]

Photo credit: Pickpik


  1. Again I ask where were the neighbours. Surely no one brings a cute poodle pup home without showing it off? What happened to it? Did no one wonder about it? When the owner is brought to justice I hope others will look into their souls and ask questions.

  2. this is a FELONY act and when the person is found, they need to pay for all the expenses related to the care of this pup and serve the 7 year prison term. You know someone knows who’s dog this was.

  3. Poor little Treasure. Love to make the ex “owner”(huh) eat one of her shitty diapers, only just i think.

  4. Jacqueline “Torture the S*** says:

    Starve him and throw him in the dumpster, seriously!! Judges can legally do this to fit the crime!

  5. Only a subhuman POS could treat a poodle like this.

  6. Get the sicko and jail him

  7. Jane Todaro says:

    Whoever did this should be prosecuted to the fullest extent of the law and never allowed near an animal ever again!!!!!!!!! WHAT IS THE MATTER WITH SOME PEOPLE????????!!!!!!!!!!!!

  8. Where is the law? Do we even have a respectable system of law? Has that failed us too? Animals and children can not be treated in this manner. Someone did this and they need to pay for their crimes. Now! This dog didn’t deserve to be left in such a state. People are known by the way they treat their animals. But these aren’t people they are criminals. Period. They are the slime which gushes like puss out onto the sores of an open street gutter. And that is when they are at their very best. These people need to waste away in prison as they are not going to get better. They are the best they will ever be, right now. These people won’t get better and can’t get worse. But they can be forgotten.

    • I agree g. Our laws are not adequate when it comes to animal abuse. But I don’t think we should just forget about this sub- human. I think we need to make an example of him/her and advertise what happens to A-holes like this.

    • There is NO law! Well, NOT for animals anyway because in the eyes of the law they I DO NOT count!! And the ‘pussyfooting useless Judges or recorders are scared of the ‘perps’ anyway so no help from them!!
      And as I keep saying, and saying, ‘Animal Vigilante’ Justice is the only way to stop these tosses. And if anyone or gang has the guts to do it well ‘good on you’. It is what has got to happen to show these ‘non-caring’ arrogant animal torturing and murdering bastards that they will NOT be tolerated! And would be a lesson to be learned by other abusers as to what they will receive when confronted by a mob or gang of ‘riled up animal activists!!

  9. Margaret Strane says:

    Find this devil, put lock them in the filthiest dumpster and allow them to starve. When they are half their weight, and only then, prosecute to the fullest extent of the law.

  10. I hope there isn’t another disposal unit with another pup discarded by the same psychologically-challenged “human” being.

    Totally agree with another poster: full financial reparation to the hospital, charity, shelter, foster covering every expense involved in this poor little pup’s recovery + the 7 years ‘banged up’ inside [preferably, but said tongue-in-cheek, although I truly believe it would work]: alongside animal-loving members of the Mafia or some-such who would be asked to hold “classes” to help animal abusers ‘mend their ways’.

    Dear Treasure: I hope your recovery is swift and you find a Forever Home once you are better so you can lead the truly happy life you never knew existed. 🐕💕

    • Psychologically challenged my arse! These pricks know exactly what they are doing and the pieces of shite enjoy it as it gives a ‘buzz’ like taking drugs only these bastards have to take it out on innocent animals.
      They would not try it with someone their own size as they are abject cowards and would be scared of getting hurt.
      The only thing these tossers would understand is being beaten ‘shitless’ by a well organized lynching mob!!
      All of these tortured and murdered animals deserve justice as they have more right to live than the waste of space pieces of gutter shite!! Nasty sub-humans who need to be terminated.

  11. Garlina Norris says:

    A male did this surely. Find the useless human, tie him up in a plastic bag with feces and put him
    In a dumpster. Thanks you

  12. Sending curses to the owner of this poor dog. May you suffer ten fold the pain, misery, suffering, hunger, thirst, loneliness, neglect that you inflicted on this dog. May your soul rot in hell. To all who saw and did nothing (because this dog did not get that way over night), you are just as guilty, therefore I hope karma does its thing to you as well. Amen. Thank you to the rescuers.

  13. What will it take for all this cruelty to stop? It seems that the only way to begin to deter it would be to make it clear to abusers that what horrible act they do will be done to them as punishment. In fact, were such punishment enacted, there are many of us who would gladly watch the perpetrator suffer the same fate. I know I would be first in line to watch this waste of blood be put in a trash bag and dropped into a dumpster filled to the top with soiled diapers.

  14. No animal deserves to be the victim of DEHUMANIZED and DESENSITIZED SADISTIC PSYCHOPATHS!!! Crimes committed against defenseless animals are increasingly GROTESQUE because the punishment for animal abuse is not severe enough, and in many cases does not exist. A slap on the wrist is a MOCKERY of animal victims. This satanic pathological monster must be severely punished, and he must also be forbidden from coming near animals ever again.

    He should also be charged with all vet bills resulting from this horrific abuse.

    SET a PRECEDENT, and punish to the full extent of the law!

    MAX JAIL or DEATH PENALTY for this human pathological monster!

  15. The ex POS owner needs to end up at the bottom of a landfill next! Stupid 💩

  16. Stephanie Geyser says:

    “…..encased in a trash bag alongside dirty diapers…..”. Does this mean that the scumbags also have a child? If this is how they treat their pet dog, God help their baby.

  17. Despicable POS. Poor dog suffering for as long as it did. Imagine the same POS that could do this to a dog and it obviously has a baby to take (not take) care of as well. Ugh – anyone that does something like this also deserves to have their child/ren taken away.

  18. We all leave our submissions and feelings here but without being pessimistic, what good does it do!
    I know that we need to vent our feelings and anger towards these nasty animal abusing and torturing bastards, and really, this is ideal depicting exactly what these turds need!
    But, I have yet to see anything appertaining to the demise of these tossers!
    Right now it seems that they simply getting away with this torture and just sticking two fingers up at the courts and the public sector daring anyone to do anything about it!
    Now, these bastards really need to learn different and seriously MUST be shown that this animal abuse WILL NOT be tolerated.
    They are just human ‘flotsam’, no use to the world whatsoever and have to be stopped one way or the other.
    I won’t go on here as many know my thoughts and feelings towards these shitbags.
    Beaten unmercifully or ‘taken out’ out would be better if anyone or gang has the guts to do it. And believe me, it DOES take some guts to take someone out even if they are animal murdering bastards.
    But power to any group, ‘Lynch mob’ or animal activists who could get the job done without any risk to themselves.
    All power to everyone who feels the same.
    It is the only way these buggers are going to be stopped.

  19. Die in a dumpster too no loss!!!

  20. Prayers for innocent Treasure who never deserved this!! Damn whoever is responsible for this-my wish would be to find them, lock them in a dumpster until they die. They are trash -Rid the earth of scum like this. I’m so sick of animal abusers getting away with this-law enforcement needs to step up and do the job, abusers either need to be hung in public or euthanized!

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