Justice for 50 Dogs Apparently Found in Critical Condition at Hoarder’s House

Target: Ori Tucker White, District Attorney of Jeff Davis County, Texas

Goal: Ensure legal consequences for the alleged severe neglect of 50 dogs in a hoarding case.

A heart-wrenching scenario unfolded where approximately fifty dogs were allegedly discovered in a dire state, necessitating rescue and rehabilitation. Guardians of Rescue, an animal nonprofit, reported this grave situation following the death of a known hoarder. The conditions these animals reportedly endured highlight a shocking and sorrowful tale of alleged neglect and suffering.

Upon their arrival, volunteers described finding the dogs in incredibly poor condition, with some beyond help. This discovery has led to an urgent need for medical care, alongside efforts to rehome the survivors. Social media reactions reflect widespread horror and empathy, underscoring the emotional toll such alleged neglect takes on both animals and humans. The narrative extends beyond mere rescue to a broader conversation on accountability and the prevention of similar cases.

This petition seeks to prompt immediate legal scrutiny and action against those responsible for the alleged neglect of these vulnerable animals. The necessity for legal repercussions stands clear, aiming not only to address this particular incident but also to deter future occurrences. Demand a thorough investigation and appropriate legal measures to ensure justice and protection for animals subjected to such alleged neglect.


Dear DA Ori Tucker White,

Recent reports have shed light on a deeply troubling situation in your jurisdiction. Allegedly, fifty dogs were rescued from a hoarding case marked by significant neglect, following the death of a known hoarder. The conditions described by the Guardians of Rescue, and the subsequent public outcry, underscore an urgent need for legal intervention. These animals, some of whom were reportedly found in critical condition, represent just a fraction of the victims of such alleged neglect.

The rescue effort highlighted not only the dire circumstances faced by these animals but also the broader issue of animal welfare within our communities. Public reaction to this case, marked by horror and sympathy, reflects a collective demand for justice and preventative measures. It is imperative that this situation be met with a comprehensive legal response to ensure those responsible are held accountable.

We urge you to take immediate action by investigating this case thoroughly and prosecuting those reportedly responsible for the alleged neglect. Legal accountability in this matter is crucial, not only for the sake of the animals directly affected but also to send a clear message that neglect will not be tolerated. We demand justice for these animals and preventive measures to safeguard against future instances of hoarding and neglect.


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Photo credit: PickPik

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512 Signatures

  • Olga Orda
  • Ellen Peck
  • Kathleen Leslie
  • Kelly Tadlock
  • Vanessa Strougo
  • Barbara Nixon
  • Petra Pennington
  • Amy Wahl
  • Velina Ussery
  • Luciano Meoni
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