Kitten Reportedly Thrown Onto Highway From Moving Car Deserves Justice

Target: Kim Ogg, District Attorney for Harris County, TX

Goal: Identify and prosecute suspect accused of throwing defenseless kitten out of moving car to fullest extent.

“I saw the car, and he was driving crazy. He was going from one side to another, and I just saw the window roll down, and I just saw when he threw the cat out the window.” A Houston Uber driver reported witnessing this disturbing incident on a city highway. Dashcam footage apparently backed up the shocking claims. This footage soon went viral, sparking community outrage and a police investigation.

According to the reports, a driver in a speeding white Escalade was responsible for the shocking act. The small kitten apparently bounced violently onto the road and was nearly run over by passing cars before reaching the shoulder. A similar event seemingly took place on the same patch of road a few weeks beforehand.

The person responsible, when apprehended, should face full legal repercussions for the act of cruelty. Sign the petition below to ensure justice is served in this horrific case.


Dear DA Ogg,

At least two incidents of animal cruelty on Houston highways have taken place recently. The latest case, which grabbed immediate public attention, involved a kitten who was reportedly hurled from a speeding car onto a very busy street. Only sheer luck prevented a greater tragedy.

Incidents of cruelty in Houston often end merely with the surrender of animals, but this “punishment” does nothing to deter future acts of harm. If a suspect is identified in this case, please send a strong and decisive message by seeking full charges and the maximum possible penalty.


[Your Name Here]

Photo Credit: Pixabay


  1. Andrew Wells says:

    Disgusting and immoral, hang them!

  2. No animal deserves to be the victim of DEHUMANIZED and DESENSITIZED SADISTIC PSYCHOPATHS!!! Crimes committed against defenseless animals are increasingly GROTESQUE because the punishment for animal abuse is not severe enough, and in many cases does not exist. A slap on the wrist is a MOCKERY of animal victims. These satanic pathological monsters must be severely punished, MAX JAIL or DEATH PENALTY! They must also be BANNED from owning/coming near animals ever again.
    SET a PRECEDENT, and punish to the full extent of the law!
    MAX JAIL or DEATH PENALTY is the only justice!!

  3. Julia Edinger says:

    I TOTALLY AGREE WITH… Urszula Lund
    “No animal deserves to be the victim of DEHUMANIZED and DESENSITIZED SADISTIC PSYCHOPATHS!!! Crimes committed against defenseless animals are increasingly GROTESQUE because the punishment for animal abuse is not severe enough, and in many cases does not exist. A slap on the wrist is a MOCKERY of animal victims. These satanic pathological monsters must be severely punished, MAX JAIL or DEATH PENALTY! They must also be BANNED from owning/coming near animals ever again.
    SET a PRECEDENT, and punish to the full extent of the law!
    MAX JAIL or DEATH PENALTY is the only justice!!!”

  4. The police can see the car and can blow up the license number. Get this person and charge him with animal cruelty and torture. Give him a prison sentence not a slap on the wrist. These actions must be taken seriously in order to put a stop to these nightmares.

  5. They can easily use that dash cam footage to get the license plate number of the vehicle and get that PSYCHOTIC POS MONSTER!!!!! I really wish we knew what happened with the kitten. I surely hope someone stopped to rescue it!!!

  6. Monstrous monstrous evil, heartbreaking and horrific, karma is theirs – I feel you, poor lost innocent souls; their blood on your souls

    The abuse, torture & murder of the innocents

    Some heartbreaks can never be unseen, some horrors never unheard – PLEASE GOD

    And the universe weeps tears of blood

    Your life as theirs, as their death


  8. Does no one in law have a heart for animals?

  9. The pos should be thrown into oncoming traffic the same way the kitten was. If it’s (I refuse to use a human pronoun for this thing) hit by cars, oh well!!!

  10. Cherilyn S. says:

    Everyday, another petition, another act of violence towards innocent animals. So sick & tired of the human race. Truly.

  11. Sharon Rudyk says:


  12. Since the authorities know who this is based on footage, I would highly suggest they do something about this to the fullest extent of the law law. This is terrible. Anybody should get by with this that poor baby kitten

  13. Elia Gilles says:

    Praying the police find this low-life scum and charge him with a felony. Hope the kitten is safe.

  14. Through all the comments left…what happened to the cat!
    Did it get rescued after such horrible treatment?

  15. For the life of me I will never understand some monster that takes an innocent animal and does this. NEVER. POS!

    • It is because the bastards are deranged and have no empathy for animals ( or humans) whatsoever, and one of the things that WILL happen is these tossers are going to get beaten shitless’ by normal people who finally say say ‘enough is enough‘
      Do not worry too much about the police as most times, they will not want to get off of their lazy arses or having to leave their doughnuts!!
      Just try to make sure the prick is seeing lots of pretty stars so you cannot be identified! A little disguise can also be helpful. Then, ‘disappear smartish!
      This is easy to say ‘BUT’ much harder to carry out.
      Please understand that I’m not necessarily saying ‘kill the perp’, just try and make sure that the bastard will NOT be walking around for a VERY long time afterwards— if at all 🥴🥴

  16. Did anyone rescue the poor kitty?

  17. Jane Todaro says:

    The person who committed this outrageous act of horrendous cruelty should be prosecuted to the fullest extent of the law and never allowed near an animal every again!!!!!!!!!! WHAT IS THE MATTER WITH SOME PEOPLE????????!!!!!!!!!!!!

  18. These type of people should be locked away for a long time so they have time to thick of what they did.

  19. Find them a d shoot them dead. Plain and simple. All animal abusers should die horrific painful deaths

  20. Texas…unbelievably cruel! Is the kitten OK? Hang the a-holes.

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