Justice for Horse’s Allegedly Inhumane Treatment and Tragic Demise on TV Set

Target: Sung-Joo Kim, Chief Prosecutor of Seoul Southern District Court, South Korea

Goal: Ensure stringent legal action against individuals accused of causing a horse’s tragic death on TV set.

Shocking details emerged from a TV production, ‘The King of Tears, Lee Bangwon,’ where a horse allegedly endured cruel treatment, leading to its tragic death. In 2021, during filming, the animal reportedly fell and was left without immediate care, succumbing to injuries five days later. A fine was imposed, but this does not suffice for the gravity of the situation.

Further inquiry revealed the production team had feasible alternatives, like stunt doubles or computer graphics, yet apparently chose a path leading to inhumane treatment. This seeming negligence, coupled with the distressing outcome, has stirred public outcry and highlighted a significant lapse in ethical standards within the entertainment industry. Such actions cannot be overlooked, as they set a dangerous precedent for animal welfare in media productions.

This petition implores the Chief Prosecutor to take robust legal action against those involved. It is crucial to establish a precedent that animal cruelty, especially in high-profile industries, is unacceptable and will be met with severe consequences. This tragic event should catalyze a movement towards more humane treatment of animals in all forms of media.


Dear Sung-Joo Kim,

I write to you concerning the disturbing case of animal cruelty on the set of ‘The King of Tears, Lee Bangwon.’ A horse allegedly suffered unimaginably and eventually died as a direct result of negligence and cruel treatment by the production staff. The imposed fines, though a step, are insufficient in addressing the severity of this case.

This incident not only reflects poorly on the individuals involved but also on the broader entertainment industry’s ethical practices. The court’s findings indicated clear alternatives that could have prevented this tragedy, yet the production team chose a path of inhumane treatment. This decision resulted in not just a loss of life but also a significant negative impact on public perception of animal welfare in media.

Therefore, I urge you to take stringent legal action against those responsible for this cruelty. It is imperative that a strong message is sent – that such disregard for animal welfare will not be tolerated. This tragic event must catalyze change and ensure that all living beings are treated with the respect and dignity they deserve.


[Your Name Here]

Photo credit: Shadow Ayush


  1. No surprise ….it’s Seoul>

  2. Lesley Rodgers says:

    This is Korea and I assume the production people were Korean, so of course they are cruel to animals, of course they have no compassion for animals.
    Why should anyone be surprised?
    If I could I would do the same to all Koreans who mistreat animals, as those cruel production people did to that poor horse.
    I have been signing petitions agains cruelty to animals in Asia, including Korea, for about 50 years now. They will always be cruel, it is in their nature.

  3. Irene Leggett says:

    What else would you expect from a gut-wrenchingly, cruel and brutal country such as SOUTH KOREA…..one has only got to see how they treat ALL animals, especially innocent dogs and cats. These animals are horrifically abused, tortured and killed in the most heinous ways, just so some fat, brain-dead, heartless piece of human trash can eat their meat, in the belief that if the animal is tortured enough its meat is ‘tastier’ Truly a country full of sadistic, barbaric, brain-dead masses.

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