Seventeen Chihuahua Puppies Apparently Left to Freeze in Storage Unit Deserve Justice

Target: Director David B. Rausch, Tennessee Bureau of Investigation

Goal: Secure legal consequences for the alleged mistreatment of seventeen Chihuahuas in a storage unit, ensuring such cruelty ceases.

Shocking news emerged from Morristown, Tennessee, involving seventeen Chihuahuas reportedly found in a storage unit under harrowing conditions. Allegations suggest these animals, some barely neonatal with their eyes still closed, endured neglect and exposure to cold. These claims, if true, depict a heart-wrenching scenario of animal cruelty.

Further details from the Morristown Hamblen Humane Society indicate these pups required medical attention, with some facing health ‘hiccups.’ The broader context involves a rising trend in animal abuse cases in Tennessee. A staggering 36.5% increase was reported between 2020 and 2022. This incident, therefore, appears to be not an isolated case but part of a disturbing pattern.

The recent legislative efforts in Tennessee to define adequate animal sheltering are commendable. Yet, this incident highlights a dire need for stricter enforcement and legal repercussions. Take decisive action against those responsible for this alleged cruelty. Ensure that such inhumane treatment does not recur.


Dear Director David B. Rausch,

I write to you deeply troubled by a recent incident in Morristown involving seventeen Chihuahuas, allegedly found in deplorable conditions within a storage unit. This case, reportedly one of many in a growing trend of animal cruelty in Tennessee, calls for your immediate attention.

The details emerging from the Morristown Hamblen Humane Society paint a grim picture. Animals, some neonatal, allegedly endured neglect and severe weather conditions in a confined, inappropriate space. Such treatment, if proven true, is not only morally reprehensible but also a violation of the state’s animal welfare laws. This incident underscores a pressing need for more robust legal action against animal cruelty.

Therefore, I urge you to leverage your authority and resources to investigate this case thoroughly. Hold those allegedly responsible accountable to the fullest extent of the law. Your intervention will send a clear message: animal cruelty is a serious offense in Tennessee, and it will not be tolerated. Prompt action in this case will also support the ongoing legislative efforts to safeguard the welfare of animals.


[Your Name Here]

Photo credit: Lynn


  1. Aprille Gilmore says:

    No state in the US has either muscular cruelty laws or truly effective enforcement but, Good Lord, southern states positively sanction cruelty as a right. Please, prosecute this crime.

  2. Samina+Araf says:

    How about you find out who did this and we put them in a walk in freezer and forget about them! Sick evil scum!!!

  3. Pamela Chattergoon says:

    I’m sick of the wording If true, allegedly, inappropriate shelter. You think this isn’t true? Why would anyone make this up? Stop protecting abusers. Someone rented the storage unit. Who is it? Most storage units have cameras to see what cars are coming and going to prevent people from breaking into storage units. Not hard to figure out. Not rocket science.Screw the “authorities” they won’t do anything. The people need to act.

  4. When people do this to animals they’ll certainly do this to our helpless children . Put these people in prison for many decades to protect our animals and children from their evil hands and minds. It’s also time that the law started working for both animals and our children alike today not decades in the future . Just remember that you and I pay their salaries through our taxes .

  5. Jane Todaro says:

    This excruciatingly cruel, disgusting, reprehensible act of animal cruelty and abuse needs to be fully investigated. Whoever did this needs to be prosecuted to the fullest extent of the law and never allowed near an animal ever again!!!!!!!!!!!! WHAT IS THE MATTER WITH SOME PEOPLE??????????!!!!!!!!!!!

  6. Jacqueline “Torture the S*** says:

    Deplorable!! Everyone, especially Tennessee, should hear about this.

    The rednecks need to be fixed before the dogs.

  7. This is deplorable! Monster humans need to be in prison.

  8. If these puppies unable to keep themselves warm were found in a storage unit then there is a means to track down who owned or rented the storage unit. I agree with other comments about the lack of Legislation and enforcement that goes into animal abuse crimes.

  9. I hope these poor pups survive despite the evil intent of they who were responsible.

    Agreeing with another poster, they with no moral compass start on animals and work up to children…maybe YOUR children.

    Ignore the plight of innocent puppies at your peril, lawmakers everywhere [not just Tennessee – although it sounds like this State needs to up its game towards the protection of all animals].

  10. David – Please do the job you were hired to do, find out who that storage shed belonged to, and prosecute the POS to the fullest extent allowed under Tennessee law. Total bullshit…

  11. Nadine Brundage says:

    Someone is responsible for this evil cruelty and I hope a through investigation is on going to find the demented low life responsible for leaving these innocent animals to die a horrific death. Tennessee has become another state with too many animal cruelty cases.


  13. Laurie Fuller says:

    lets look at the dates 2020 to 2022 gee what has happened to our country in the last 3 going on now 4 years, lets see EVERYTHING is more expensive so of course the animals are the ones that get dumped on, its either feed yourself or feed your animals. NOW this is totally unacceptable to do to any living breathing animal and it really pisses me off BUT this is all our government doings.

  14. Diane Jenkins says:

    I hope y’all know when people abuse animals that is psychopathic behavior! They are also abusing humans! These are helpless people and animals that depend on humans to protect and provide for them. The penalties are not hard enough. The courts, police and others are responsible for not taking this seriously! The next thing they’re going to abuse could be a family member!

    Allegedly? That is used because supposedly they are innocent until proven guilty. That’s BS! It should be guilty until proven innocent! This world is so screwed up and filled with a bunch of psychopaths that are not being dealt with properly!

    People, get our head out of the sand and prosecute these psychopaths before they end up in your backyard!!

  15. Carolynn Bailey says:

    If you need people to adopt these dogs, I am willing. Carolynn Bailey

  16. Joe Kenosky says:

    Euthanize the perpetrator(s)!

  17. One has to wonder why there is an increase, let alone, a 36.5% increase, in Tennessee animal abuse between 2020 and 2022…what are the root causes? It’s time to take human and animal life welfare seriously.

    • It’s time to take these animal torturing bastards out—— ‘mob-wise!!
      Easy to say I know, but I assure you good people, that this CAN be achieved with a modicum of care and planning.

  18. Tennessee is one of the worst states for enforcing animal welfare laws, what few they actually have.. Last fall a horse was being gelded at an auction house by someone who was not a vet which is perfectly legal in Tennessee. The horse had a hernia and its intestines literally fell out on the ground. An organization was there to buy and save horses from slaughter had to pay this man so they could humanely euthanize the poor animal. My point here is to tell the lawmakers in Tennessee they need a 100% improvement in their animal welfare laws. I can guarantee that there will be no justice for the little abandoned babies and that’s just shameful.


  20. Maria Lavorato says:

    The judicial system, law enforcement etc are all lacking in doling out the most severe punishment for animal cruelty. Until this is corrected with REAL legal deterrents animal abuse cases will rise! Strengthen the animal abuse laws and enforce them for each and every case.

    Please make sure ALL those that abuse animals get severe punishment so animal cruelty is curtailed rather then continually be on the rise!

    Please see to it that these little Chihuahuas get their justice by prosecuting this case to the maximum.

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