Shih Tzu Apparently Discarded in a Dumpster to Die Deserves Justice

Target: Ashley Moody, Attorney General of Florida

Goal: Ensure legal consequences for the individual allegedly responsible for Xyla’s cruel treatment.

An appalling act of animal cruelty has been reported in Florida, where a 16-year-old Shih Tzu named Xyla was allegedly found in a dumpster, discarded like trash. Captured on video, this incident appears to reveal a disturbing level of inhumanity. Anthony Bellman, 55, is accused of the heinous crime of throwing Xyla into a dumpster behind a Family Dollar store in Lehigh Acres, near Fort Myers.

Store employees, upon discovering a moving garbage bag, alerted the local Animal Cruelty Task Force. Inside, officers reportedly found Xyla, mostly blind, with a rope tied around her neck, barely clinging to life. This shocking discovery led to an immediate rescue operation, rushing Xyla to the Blue Pearl Pet Hospital for urgent care. The local authorities, recognizing the gravity of the situation, reported it as “intentional abuse.”

Such egregious acts of cruelty cannot be overlooked or minimally punished. They seemingly point to a disturbing disregard for life and the well-being of innocent animals. The suffering of an innocent, vulnerable creature calls for stringent legal action. It is imperative to ensure that the law holds individuals accountable for such despicable acts, deterring future incidents of animal cruelty. Demand that the responsible parties face the full extent of legal repercussions for their actions.


Dear Attorney General Ashley Moody,

The heart-wrenching case of Xyla, a 16-year-old Shih Tzu who was allegedly subjected to abominable cruelty, demands your urgent attention. Reportedly discarded in a dumpster with her neck tied, in Lehigh Acres, Florida, Xyla’s case is not just another incident of animal abuse; it appears to represent a gross violation of moral and legal codes. Anthony Bellman, the accused, was reportedly caught on video in this act of callousness.

The details of this case, as conveyed by Lee County Sheriff Carmine Marceno, paint a chilling picture of the ordeal faced by Xyla. Found alive but in a dire state, her discovery and subsequent rescue highlighted a seemingly reprehensible act of intentional abuse. Such actions should not and cannot be dismissed lightly or without severe legal consequences.

We urge you to take swift and decisive action. The perpetrator of this crime must face the consequences of their actions to the fullest extent of the law. It is vital to send a clear message that such barbarity towards animals is intolerable and will be met with stern legal repercussions. We trust in your commitment to justice and the protection of the most vulnerable, including animals like Xyla.


[Your Name Here]

Photo credit: wsilver


  1. This is so unbelievably cruel.what kind of person treats a sick old dog like this. He needs to be severely punished for this crime and locked away so he can’t do it again. Please don’t let him off with a slap on the wrist.

  2. Punish him to the fullest extent of the law and never be allowed to own or be around any animals ever again period this was an act of animal cruelty he was heartless and unnecessary humans have no compassion this is a sad world animals need our love and a safe home

    • The fullest extent of the law as you say is just one big bloody joke.
      IF, prosecuted and this is a very big ‘IF’ these bastards will just laugh at the pathetic sentence given.
      These turds do not give a flying fuck about anything, least of all animals because they do not fight back.
      As I have said times before, is would be extremely difficult for a normal person to take a life no matter what anyone had done as it is not in a normal persons genes.
      But these tossers are absolute ‘scum’ and have to be treated as such as is the only thing that they understand so have to learn the hard way.
      I expect all who submit here would like to know that these bastards are dead or severely crippled for their murdering torturing actions.
      It can happen my friends as there are people out there who WILL stop these bastards in their tracks. I know that for a fact!!!!!
      Power to anyone or group who can track these pissants down and do what is necessary for the good of our world.

  3. Christine Grabar says:

    I strongly agree that these heartless monsters deserve the electric chair or at least prison for life! I’m glad this poor dog was rescued.

    Please sign my petition on about needing to end all animal cruelty worldwide.

    • Naila M Johnston says:

      I support your work 100%!!
      May all animal murderers and abusers die a thousand torturous deaths and be damned to hell!

  4. William Turner says:

    I wish i could offer money to find the filth that done this.Please find the filth.

  5. This monster is trash and should be discarded and left to die in a dumpster. Justice

  6. Sherry Akridge says:

    Google this monsters name and watch him throw that black bag into that dumpster. That MONSTER does not deserve to breathe. They have him throwing that poor dog into a dumpster, in a black tied up bag. He does not deserve to live. He is pure EVIL. If he is not punished to the fullest, I hope he pays in all other ways possible. I am so sick of these monsters getting away with these crimes against animals!

  7. Idk if I can keep reading these. It seems like each one is worse than the last. Is there no end to human depravity?

  8. Animals shall not be victims of DEHUMANIZED and DESENSITIZED, SADISTIC PSYCHOPATHS!!! Crimes committed against innocent animals are increasingly GROTESQUE because the punishment for animal abuse is not severe enough, and in many cases does not exist. A slap on the wrist is a MOCKERY of animal victims. This satanic monster must be severely punished, MAX JAIL.
    He must be forbidden from coming near animals ever again and also cover all the veterinary expenses resulting from this horrific abuse.
    SET a PRECEDENT, and punish to the full extent of the law!

  9. I had to put my 16 year old dog down earlier this year. Every single day of her last few months I wanted to be sure she was happy and comfortable. Just imagining this f**ker putting his dog in a bag in the trash makes me so sad and angry! I really would like to spend the rest of my life hunting down animal abusers and putting them out of the misery of the animals they have harmed.

  10. Maria Lavorato says:

    Did Xyla make it?

    My faith in humanity shatters more and more with each heinous act of cruelty toward the innocent!!

    This is the way you treat a little older dog? Wow, heartless scum needs the same back.

    Florida judge overseeing this case, YOU MUST give Xyla the justice deserved! Anthony Bellman, is the REAL piece of trash that needs to be discarded…AND NOT BE RESCUED! EVER!

  11. Dr. Veronica Rynn says:

    Florida better get its sh*t together….

  12. Maria Cheryl Betancourt says:


  13. Nadine Brundage says:

    Unbelievable horrific act of cruelty was caught on a video showing this low life heartless scum dumping a 16 year old dog in a dumpster to die an agonizing death. I just hope this disgusting piece of shit rots in hell and is facing serious consequences. No animal deserves to suffer like that.

  14. Rebecca Soubra says:

    Evil monster needs to be punished to the fullest extend of the law! Such animal cruelty, this sick person needs to be locked up and never allowed around animals again!

  15. When will this nonsense stop. These are innocent animals. We need to love and protect them don’t get them if you can’t take care of them.

  16. Just when you think pieces of shit live. Need to discard this savage into a vat of acid

  17. I want to tie a rope around that fucking worthless humans neck, and dangle him offa cliff till he fucking dies

  18. This is an act of Pure Evil this demon must pay for trying to kill this innocent little dog,make this a Felony and make an example out of this heinous Act of abandonment dnd cruelty dnd attempted murder!

  19. Laura Rolder says:

    Dump this abuser in a prison cell for a long long time. How horrible to do to an innocent animal. They deserve nothing but love and kindness. This evil man needs to be removed from society and thrown away like the trash he is. Thank heaven this poor senior was saved by caring humans.

  20. It’s hard to even comprehend that someone could be so heartless and mean. You need to make sure the man who did this gets the ultimate punishment for doing something so evil. Also, he should be forbidden from ever owning other animals for the rest of his miserable life!

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