Kittens Reportedly Found With Broken Bones After Brutal Beating Deserve Justice

Target: Kim Ogg, District Attorney of Harris County, Texas

Goal: Ensure legal consequences for individual accused of severe animal cruelty against defenseless kittens.

In June, an appalling case emerged from Sugar Land, Texas, involving alleged extreme animal cruelty. Graham William Reid, a resident, faced accusations of inflicting severe physical harm on two three-month-old kittens. This reportedly led to multiple rib fractures in both kittens and a serious head fracture in one. Such disturbing allegations compel urgent attention and action.

A local veterinary clinic’s vigilance led to Reid’s arrest, highlighting a distressing pattern of alleged animal abuse. Initially charged with four counts of felony animal cruelty in April 2021, Reid was out on bond when the kittens’ plight was uncovered. These allegations, if true, depict a shocking disregard for animal welfare and safety, demanding stringent legal measures.

The safety of defenseless animals rests in our legal system’s hands, underscoring the need for stern action in such cases. The severity of the alleged abuse warrants a firm, unyielding response to ensure justice for the innocent victims and to prevent potential future incidents. Demand comprehensive legal repercussions for the individual accused of these heinous acts.


Dear Attorney Ogg,

I write to you concerning the deeply troubling case of Graham William Reid, accused of severe animal cruelty in Sugar Land. His alleged actions, which include inflicting life-threatening injuries on two kittens, represent a grave violation of animal rights and welfare. This case has profoundly disturbed the community and animal lovers everywhere, underscoring an urgent need for justice.

These allegations paint a picture of relentless cruelty. Reid, reportedly out on bond for similar charges, was re-arrested following the discovery of the kittens’ injuries. Such repeat offenses, if proven true, indicate a pattern of behavior that poses a serious threat to defenseless animals. It is imperative that our legal system addresses this issue with the seriousness it deserves.

In light of these distressing allegations, I urge you to pursue the strictest legal action possible against Reid. The severity of the alleged crimes demands a response that reflects the community’s commitment to protecting the most vulnerable among us. We implore you to ensure that justice prevails in this case, deterring future instances of animal cruelty.


[Your Name Here]



  1. These poor babies need all the help they can get. Please punish severely the evil people responsible

    • Karen Pierce says:

      This man is an evil inhuman monster, he deserves more than jail and band from having or being near animals. He’s a danger to humanity all living things, he will resort to harming kids, and any human. Extreme penalty should be his destiny to never walk this earth again!

  2. This savage needs to be in jail for good,

  3. When will we get serious about stiff punishment for animal abuse and suffering It will never end otherwise

  4. This individual is nothing but a coward… a sickening coward! Karma always hits you back.

  5. Maximum punishment please!! Also, a lifetime ban is needed: from owning, caring for, possessing, and from residing in any house where ANY animal is present.
    He needs to forfeit any animals currently in his possession, and also pay back costs for all veterinary care if applicable. Let’s be serious about saving animals’ lives. Thank you.

  6. What is wrong with our justice system? If people were punished like they should be, this wouldn’t be happening! If our justice system can’t punish these people as they should, they don’t deserve the jobs. Lets put the people in office that will give justice to all these defenceless animals, who can’t do it for themselves!!! Animal abuse is running rampant and NO ONE IS DOING ANYTHING ABOUT IT!! DO THESE PEOPLE HAVE NO HEART!!!

    • I agree! Something needs to be done because whoever is in charge of handing out the punishment in every city, every state must be a heartless piece of crap. How do these people sleep at night? Animals have feelings too. Animals feel pain.. They feel fear and are helpless. And all we have are a bunch of cold hearted idiots running everything.a slap on the wrist and being told to stay away from animals doesn’t work. They need to get some animal lovers in these jobs that will actually help these poor animals.

  7. Whoever did this deserves to be put through a wood chipper

  8. I read comments about how this guy should be prosecuted to the “fullest extent of the law”. The fullest extent of the law means virtually nothing. Will the “law” allow this piece of shit be beaten to death? No! Will the “law” execute this mother-fucker? No! Then why in the fuck do people keep saying he needs to be prosecuted to the “fullest extent of the law”. Jail time means nothing to these animal abusers. Fines mean nothing to them either. In my opinion, the only good animal abuser is a dead animal abuser. Opinions are like assholes, every body’s got one. And if most peoples opinions are to just fine this guy or give him a little jail time, then nothing is ever going to change. Animals are going to be tortured and killed every day and people who come on this site and say he needs to pay a fine or he needs some jail time are just wasting their time. But I guess it makes them feel like they’re doing “something” to stop “animal abuse”, which it is most definitely not doing. If they want anything short of killing this mother-fucker, then to me that’s not acceptable. That, ladies and gentlemen, is the best and only way to stop animal abuse. When the worms are eating on him/her, they will never abuse another animal.

  9. Uncommon Sensesc says:

    This evil son of a bitch has done this before! In May 2021 he beat, tortured and killed 4 kittens! Damnit to hell! This piece of shit has to be eradicated and gone from this earth for the safety of all living beings! This pisses me off so much that I don’t know how to tell just how enraged I am! I want him tortured, tased, beaten, broken and gone!

    • Uncommon Sensesc,
      I agree with you 100%. Tortured! Yes, Tased? Yes, Beaten? Yes, Broken? yes and Gone? Yes
      All of the above needs to happen to this sorry mother-fucker. And if someone does this, please put it on Pay-Per-View so us animal lovers could enjoy watching this bastard die slowly and very painfully. I would gladly and gleefully pay to watch it.
      Johnny K.

  10. Dear Kim Ogg District Attorney,
    please hold this miserable sadistic coward responsible for inflicting torture, pain and unimaginable suffering upon 2 tiny and young innocent sweet lovable baby kittens. The perpetrator, Graham William Reid, needs to be prosecuted to the very fullest extent of the law, and no less than jail time along with a total and permanent lifetime ban on owning or being near animals or having pets should be placed upon him so no other living being will be injured or killed at his malicious hands ever again. History has proven that Animal violence often leads to domestic violence and child abuse. Recommendations are that he be prevented from being around animals and children ever again.

  11. Joseph Kenosky says:

    Euthanize the pieces of garbage that did this to these poor little kittens!

  12. Christine Grabar says:

    I strongly agree that whomever would abuse helpless kittens deserves to be in the electric chair or at least prison! I hope those babies will be okay.♥️🐈🙏🙏

  13. No animal will have to go through such horrifying tortures because of a DEHUMANIZED and DESENSITIZED sadist. This monster must be found, imprisoned and forbidden from coming near animals ever again, and also cover all veterinary expenses resulting from this abuse.
    SET A PRECEDENT. Punish to full extent of the law.

  14. He needs to be executed!! You can NOT fix evil!!! Please do something!!!!

  15. Nadine Brundage says:

    This demented, nut case needs life in the nearest mental institution, this creature is beyond rehabilitation and a danger to animals and society. Texas has very poor animal protection laws so it’s doubtful this one will be held accountable.

  16. what kind of psycho beats up a kitten?

  17. Give me 2 min. with him and he’ll never harm another living creature. Hope they fry him

  18. So fed up with vile assholes who do this type of shit. PUT THE FUCKER in prison (10-15 yrs min). Let the other inmates know what they did (put their pic out too for them).
    One thing inmates hate are animal & child abusers.
    This low life will know the TRUE meaning of torture in there!!!!
    In addition to getting the shit kicked out of him … he most likely will get SOME EXTRA LOVIN from them. I suggest the big jar of vaseline .. you will NEED it for that asshole of yours


  20. Jacqueline “Torture the S*** says:

    He harmed the kittens while out on bail for animal abuse???
    Throw him in prison with animal lovers!! The Texas lame animal laws don’t do it to him but let him back out to hurt more kittens!
    Who could bring harm to the smallest beings you’ve ever seen except the Devil himself!! Fry !!!

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