Courageous Rescue Dog Left Without Food or Water for Weeks Deserves Justice

Target: District Attorney Michael Allen, El Paso County, Colorado

Goal: Ensure consequences for those responsible for the severe neglect and cruelty endured by Lou, the French bulldog.

Lou, a French bulldog with an extraordinary story of resilience, faced appalling neglect a few years ago. Left without food or water for weeks, he was among the few survivors of a horrific cruelty case. His journey from neglect to becoming a nurturing figure for over 200 foster puppies is both heartbreaking and inspiring. This petition seeks justice for Lou and countless others who suffer similar fates.

Lou’s ordeal is a stark reminder of the cruelty some animals endure. Found among dozens of neglected dogs, he suffered from frostbite and the psychological scars of his past. Despite these adversities, Lou blossomed into a loving foster parent under the care of the Humane Society of the Pikes Peak Region. His ability to overcome such a traumatic past and become a source of comfort for others is nothing short of remarkable.

The need for accountability in cases of animal cruelty is paramount. Lou’s story, while filled with hope, also highlights the grim reality of animal neglect. It is imperative that those responsible for such heinous acts face stringent legal repercussions. Demand justice for Lou and a strong message that animal cruelty will not be tolerated.


Dear District Attorney Michael Allen,

Lou, the French bulldog, represents both a heart-wrenching tale of survival and a glaring example of animal cruelty. Lou was discovered in a dire state, abandoned without food or water. His remarkable transformation from a neglected animal to a nurturing figure for over 200 foster puppies underscores the need for justice in cases like his.

The severity of Lou’s initial condition, including frostbite and malnourishment, is a clear indication of the extent of neglect he endured. Despite these challenges, he has shown an incredible capacity for love and resilience. However, his story is not just about triumph; it’s a potent reminder of the cruelty that many animals silently endure. It is crucial that such acts of neglect and cruelty are met with appropriate legal action.

The pursuit of justice for Lou is about more than one dog’s journey. It is about setting a precedent that animal cruelty is a serious offense that demands serious consequences. We urge you to take decisive action against those responsible for Lou’s suffering. By doing so, you will send a clear message that our society does not tolerate such inhumanity towards animals.


[Your Name Here]

Photo credit: Artur Malinowski


  1. Throw the scum in jail

  2. Jacqueline “Torture the S*** says:

    Get rid of this trash!!

  3. Joseph Kenosky says:

    Euthanize the people that did this to this poor pup!

  4. There truly is no shortage of cruelty towards animals, it is heartbreaking! We must continue to speak up on their behalf ALWAYS…

  5. Α very easy case! Just find the bastard who did it and punish him, accordingly.

  6. Patricia Robinson says:

    Lots of people with mental illness out there; unfortunately, animals are helpless against this cruelty. We have to be their voice.

  7. Garlina Norris says:

    Throw the people responsible for animal
    Abuse in prison without food , water, warmth. Good luck

  8. Aprille Gilmore says:

    Mandatory jail time, reparations (abusers pay local rescues for medical care/living expenses for rescued animals) and a national registry depriving offenders of sale, trade, ownership of animals for life. Every state needs tougher punishment, mote comprehensive, well defined laws AND serious enforcement of animals rights legislation…or why bother pretending animal rights exist.

  9. Julia Edinger says:

    I totally agree with.. Joseph Kenosky
    “Euthanize the people that did this to this poor pup!”
    This “cruelty to pups a kitty’s”. has GOT TO BE TREATED SEVERELY WITH CONCRETE PUNISHNT ,,, asap!!!

  10. Father Douglas M Bilyeu, M Div., MA says:

    Find the son of a bitch and throw his/her ass in jail.
    And,I am a priest!
    Why are humans allowed to use our animals and abuse their unconditional love?

    Father Douglas Michael ✝️

  11. Uncommon Sensesc says:

    I’m so freaking sick of prosecutors and judges who do absolutely nothing to animal abusers and this is another fine example of just that! Damnit to hell! They don’t even do their bleeping jobs nevertheless stand up for animals against cruelty, abuse or killing! THEY DO NOTHING! That said, I’d love to have a Come to Jesus Meeting with the owners and a Karma bat! I’m thinking about 10 to 15 minutes should be long enough to administer justice!

    • Unfortunately the only way these tossers can be stopped is if they are six feet under the ground!
      They cannot help themselves and have to inflict torture and pain on innocent animals to get their ‘fix’ as these will not fight back!
      But it would be a different matter if the bastards came up against a fired – up animal activist group to teach them the error of their ways—- hopefully permanently. This is THE ONLY WAY these animal torturing pricks are going to be ‘stopped’.
      Someone must know where the buggers live or hang out.
      I understand that not everyone could do this but no matter. And if you think you will feel bad and guilty afterwards then do not bother as the bastard is STILL a human being after all.
      But saying that, it is a animal torturing bastard human being that has to be erased from the world. They will never change as the torturing instinct is in their blood.
      Unfortunately the only cure for these nasty ‘non- caring’ bastards is DEATH.
      TO MENTION, Their demise CAN be accomplished with patience and forward planning. It takes time but is worth it in the end. Of that I can guarantee!
      The only thing I WILL say is that I do sleep very well at night!👍

  12. Maria Lavorato says:

    It seems many animals faced animal cruelty besides Lou. So are the perps known? If so, publish their names. DO NOT PROTECT THEM!!! If not, someone must know something because there were MANY animals who suffered cruelty.

    I agree NO FIRM MESSAGE IS BEING SENT BY PROSECUTORS/JUDGES. So the wheel keeps turning going no where good!. STOP THIS NOW!
    Let’s see REAL JUSTICE FOR LOU AND ALL ABUSED ANIMALS so no more animals suffer horror at the hands of humans. ENOUGH HEARTACHE!!!!

    Lou, you are such a brave little boy!

  13. Christie Smith says:

    There are NO WORDS for the amount of HATE I feel towards the ones that did this to Lou, the French Bulldog. May these monsters NEVER SEE THE LIGHT OF DAY AGAIN!

  14. Some people are worthless as slime and scum! They don’t deserve to be in society. Animal abusers are the filth of the earth!!

  15. Hasta las mismísimas de la gentuza.Los humanos no somos los únicos que tenemos sentimientos. No somos los únicos con capacidad de sufrir.¡Basta ya de maltratar al resto de especies animales e ignorarlo!

  16. Great ideas to be implemented asap.

  17. May all those who abuse,torture or neglect animals suffer a slow horrible painful death before they rot in hell !

  18. Our planet is inhabited by millions of desensitized and dehumanized sadistic psychopaths. Signing petitions on a daily basis, gave me a glimpse into a world I didn’t know existed! A world of horrific bestiality, greed and the worst ANIMAL TORTURE imaginable!!!
    MAX JAIL for this DESENSITIZED, DEHUMANIZED and PATHOLOGICAL LOWLIFE SCUM! This innocent and loving dog, and others like him, deserve JUSTICE.

    Crimes committed against innocent animals are increasingly GROTESQUE because the punishment for animal abuse is not severe enough, and in many cases does not exist. A slap on the wrist is a MOCKERY of animal victims.

    Please, SET a PRECEDENT, punish to full extent of law!

  19. Christine Grabar says:

    I strongly agree with everyone that those hateful prior owners deserve to be in prison! Thank goodness that sweet dog was rescued and is now helping others. This is so heartwarming.❤️🐕🙏

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