Terrier Who Reportedly Suffered Multiple Bone Fractures From Attack by Owner Deserves Justice

Target: Mr. Todd Westwood, SPCA Chief Executive, New Zealand

Goal: Secure harsher penalties for animal cruelty cases following the distressing alleged abuse of a small dog named Mister.

In Porirua, North Island, New Zealand, a grievous instance of animal cruelty emerged when a terrier allegedly suffered at his owner’s hands. Mister, the dog, reportedly endured a brutal attack that led to severe injuries. After getting his claw caught, Mister’s subsequent actions, which included an accidental indoor relief, apparently provoked the owner’s rage.

As per SPCA reports, the owner’s retaliation involved kicking and throwing Mister, who suffered multiple bone fractures and a lung collapse. Charged with ill-treatment of an animal, the owner faced the Porirua District Court and received a sentence: one month of community detention and six months of supervision, with a three-year ban on dog ownership.

Though Mister recovered and found a new home, the sentence raises concerns over its adequacy in deterring future cruelty. Take action now.


Dear Mr. Westwood,

In the wake of Mister the dog’s harrowing ordeal, there comes a clarion call for a re-examination of animal cruelty sentencing in New Zealand. It is disconcerting to learn that the abuse, which left a dog with broken bones and a punctured lung, resulted in what many might consider a lenient punishment. This event, marked by a disturbingly violent reaction to a pet’s minor transgression, should catalyze a stricter stance against animal cruelty.

We request a comprehensive review of the sentencing guidelines. Current penalties fail to encapsulate the severity of such acts, potentially falling short in safeguarding countless animals that remain silent witnesses and victims to human wrath. It is crucial that the legal system reflects a firm commitment to justice and compassion for all beings, setting a precedent that discourages future maltreatment.

Mister’s case must not simply be a footnote in the annals of animal welfare. Let it be the impetus for change. We urge you to advocate for revised, stringent penalties that match the gravity of the crimes committed against creatures unable to plea for mercy.

With respect and hope for reform,

[Your Name Here]

Photo credit: Magda Ehlers


  1. Find the owner and f…..k him publicly!

  2. There has to be stronger punishment (preferably harsh torture) for all animal abusers!!! Innocent animals should be treated with loving care!

  3. I am glad Mister(terrier) found a new hopefully loving home♥️🐶♥️

  4. Pamela Plambeck says:

    The sentence that the Porirua District Court delivered is not acceptable. Mister and other animals under the district’s jurisdiction are obviously not taken seriously.

  5. Cheryl+Miller says:

    Poor poor Mister!!! A teeny tiny innocent little dog deserves more justice!!! Never ever allow that sicko any animals again and harsher laws against cruelty to animals!!!!

  6. This disgusting, mentally deranged dog abusing scumbag requires instigation of the death penalty. A slow and agonizing for this evil cretin is essential.

  7. Now this is a real brave mother-fucker. 200 pound piece of shit terrorizes and hurts a 4 pound dog. This is just another animal torturer that needs a bullet in the head. No more dog torturing after that. Question is? Who’s gonna do it. Most law abiding citizens don’t want to go to prison for life. And the damn law and the judges always give the perpetrators a slap on the wrist. And if a vigilante did hunt the sonofabitch down and kill him, the law couldn’t wait to arrest the guy and put him in prison for life. So, the cycle continues. Piece of shit humans injuring and killing innocent animals with virtually no punishments that would justify what they did to the helpless animals.

    • I’m with you brother. I would love to have just 60 seconds alone with this chickenshit pussy scumbag punk! I would expedite his trip to HELL !

  8. Maria Lavorato says:

    One month of community detention and six months of supervision, with a three-year ban on dog ownership. GIVE ME A BREAK!!!!!!!!!



    I am happy they got it right by finding Mister a new home. HE DESERVES REAL JUSTICE!!

  9. So tough guy you need to be dropped off in the centre of the issues in the Middle East right now – let’s see how your cowardly piece of ass would last there. OMG what a pathetic piece of shit you are – a 4 lb dog – f*ck you ignorant asshole. You don’t deserve to be living.

  10. Garlina Norris says:

    Let me guess… a violent male again abusing an animal. Dammit


  12. Oh you worthless soul of a human! May you get your worthless ass best to a pulp!

  13. Absolutely dreadful person!

  14. Joseph Kenosky says:

    Euthanize the subhuman piece of garbage that did this to a poor defenseless pup.

  15. The owner’s abuse of this poor dog .. involved kicking and throwing Mister, who suffered multiple bone fractures and a lung collapse. Charged with ill-treatment of an animal, the owner faced the Porirua District Court and received a sentence: one month of community detention and six months of supervision, with a three-year ban on dog ownership.
    OMG!!!! What the FUCK kind of sentence is that? The judge presiding is obviously an ASSHOLE!!!!
    As for the owner .. KICK THE FUCK OUT OF THEM!!!!

  16. That judge should be made to stand down so someone who at least cares about animals give those kinds of idiots 25 yrs in prison and at least 15 yrs of community and supervised work and make them all get their heads examined poop mister didn’t deserve what he got i’m happy that he’s with a new family.

  17. Bernhard Yolanda says:

    this vile cunt doesn’t deserve a life anymore. this prick needs to be fucked to death.
    SHAME on all those who are guilty of the fate of their extremely suffering and dying animals. whether in the past, present or future.
    it’s a fucking shame.
    why why why???
    so many different animals are being raped, tortured with joy and/or with blatant sadism.
    the government MUST make new laws and change old ones.

  18. What’s the name of this POS!???? This POS must be taught a valuable life changing lesson here!

    • Yeh, this fucker needs a severe ‘life changing lesson here.’
      The torturing bastard needs to be beaten to death to find out how it feels!! Goodbye asswipe. On less animal torturing shitbag in the world.

  19. Jaime Perez says:

    I am so disgusted at people who continue to hurt animals and get no or little punishment!! Sick bastards deserve the same treatment they inflicted on animals!

  20. Meg Schoeberl says:

    All animal abusers and murders should be dumped in the high desert with no food and water ! See how it feels near your dead! No mercy for those sun humans !
    The world can exist with out them.

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