Terrier Who Reportedly Suffered Multiple Bone Fractures From Attack by Owner Deserves Justice

Target: Mr. Todd Westwood, SPCA Chief Executive, New Zealand

Goal: Secure harsher penalties for animal cruelty cases following the distressing alleged abuse of a small dog named Mister.

In Porirua, North Island, New Zealand, a grievous instance of animal cruelty emerged when a terrier allegedly suffered at his owner’s hands. Mister, the dog, reportedly endured a brutal attack that led to severe injuries. After getting his claw caught, Mister’s subsequent actions, which included an accidental indoor relief, apparently provoked the owner’s rage.

As per SPCA reports, the owner’s retaliation involved kicking and throwing Mister, who suffered multiple bone fractures and a lung collapse. Charged with ill-treatment of an animal, the owner faced the Porirua District Court and received a sentence: one month of community detention and six months of supervision, with a three-year ban on dog ownership.

Though Mister recovered and found a new home, the sentence raises concerns over its adequacy in deterring future cruelty. Take action now.


Dear Mr. Westwood,

In the wake of Mister the dog’s harrowing ordeal, there comes a clarion call for a re-examination of animal cruelty sentencing in New Zealand. It is disconcerting to learn that the abuse, which left a dog with broken bones and a punctured lung, resulted in what many might consider a lenient punishment. This event, marked by a disturbingly violent reaction to a pet’s minor transgression, should catalyze a stricter stance against animal cruelty.

We request a comprehensive review of the sentencing guidelines. Current penalties fail to encapsulate the severity of such acts, potentially falling short in safeguarding countless animals that remain silent witnesses and victims to human wrath. It is crucial that the legal system reflects a firm commitment to justice and compassion for all beings, setting a precedent that discourages future maltreatment.

Mister’s case must not simply be a footnote in the annals of animal welfare. Let it be the impetus for change. We urge you to advocate for revised, stringent penalties that match the gravity of the crimes committed against creatures unable to plea for mercy.

With respect and hope for reform,

[Your Name Here]

Photo credit: Magda Ehlers


  1. Permanent ban please! Monster like him will never be able to control his urge of abusing animals!

  2. Maximum punishment please!! Also, a LIFETIME BAN is needed: from owning, caring for, possessing, and from residing in any house where ANY animal is present.
    He needs to forfeit any animals currently in his possession, and also pay back costs for ALL veterinary care if applicable. Let’s be serious about saving animals’ lives. Thank you.

  3. Needs to be tried to the fullest extent of the law!!!!!

    • I agree with you 💯%!

    • This is New Zealand. Where they want to arm kids to kill feral cats for prizes.

    • Every other day some demented bastard is torturing animals. JUST BECAUSE THE ARSEHOLES CAN!! Mostly dogs it seems!
      He don’t need to be tried. The poxy fuddy- duddy law would just tell him not to do it again.
      I’ll tell you what this bastard needs ——— he seriously needs a ‘Billhook’ ( you will find this on google etc if interested) burying in the top of the bastards scull. You will need a good swing but I can guarantee that the pointed top of the blade will sink in perfectly. You may have to snag it to release it because the bastard will be in no fit state to help you!!
      It can be carried inside a decent length coat without detection and slipped into a suitable plastic bag inside the coat after use!!
      Someone has to make a ‘stand’ against these animal murdering bastards as the supposed law could really not give a toss!!
      I sincerely hope that someone out there can deal with this arrogant and no doubt ‘little -dicked’ piece of excrement and put him painfully to sleep.

      • Right! He doesn’t need to be tried, just kill the mother fucker. Same for asshole people who do shit like this. They don’t spade serve to live.

        • This is going to happen before very much longer!
          These deranged bastards have a ‘torturing and maiming streak’ in their brains and the only way to remove it is by termination!!
          They are just pieces of shite corrupting our planet!!

  4. Outrageous, vile and unacceptable! He fully deserves maximum punishment and fines. Must NEVER be permitted near an animal, and should receive counseling.

    • The only counselling that this fucker needs is having his head smashed in so that he would never do this sick and deranged abuse ever again.
      These pricks have to be stopped. The useless law will not stop them so we normal people must make a stand.
      These are NOT humans but just torturing ‘gutter-trash’ that must be wiped out!!

  5. Margaret Strane says:

    Punishment not nearly enough. Fair would be the same thing done to him. It’s that simple.

  6. Like i said this happens in every corner of the world.

  7. I hope someone on this site lives in New Zealand and can find this POS and inflict, at the very least, the same kind of treatment. Nah, torture him to death. Please!

  8. Julie Pohar says:

    A three years ban?? I shudder to think of the suffering of future unsuspecting, innocent dogs under its (I refuse to use a human pronoun for this monster) “care”. A lifetime ban is necessary to protect the innocent. Animal lives do matter and we as a society need to do better.

    • Hopefully throughout the three year ban someone could maybe terminate or very seriously injure this deranged bastard so he would, if still alive, never be able to do anything like this ever again!!

  9. That cruel owner must be punished to the fullest extent of the law. Glad to know the littledog has found a new and loving home.

  10. Animals shall not be victims of DEHUMANIZED and DESENSITIZED sadistic psychopaths. Crimes committed against animals are increasingly grotesque because the punishment for animal abuse is not severe enough, and in many cases does not exist. A slap on the wrist is a MOCKERY of animal victims. This dehumanized sadistic psychopath must be severely punished. He should also cover all veterinary costs resulting from this horrific abuse, and be banned from owning animals ever again. LIFE behind bars for this Satanic lowlife scum!

  11. Renata Kuchinsky says:

    I hope that this monster gets what he deserves. He should not walk on this Earth


  13. Anyone who hurts a innocent animal I want to hurt them in the same manner

  14. Nadine Brundage says:

    This subhuman has anger problems and should never own any animal plus that person needs anger management and impulse control.

    • Management and impulse control you think this prick needs??No one can cure these bastards as it is in their blood.
      The only way they will be stopped is when the fuckers are DEAD!!

  15. This was not a punishment it was a joke compared to what that little dog survived. What the hell is wrong with judges who hand out these sentences? Do they have no empathy for animals? They disgust me.

    • These ‘pissant’ Judges are just a waste of space. I think you will find that they are scared of any reprisals afterwards as they would not want their own cosy lifestyle disrupting!
      People power has got to be used to get rid of these torturing tossers once and for all as it seems like the bloody Judicial system DARE NOT!!

  16. should be thrown in jail for a long time sicko

  17. Stephanie Geyser says:

    “One month of community detention and six months of supervision, with a three-year ban on dog ownership”? Is this a sick joke or what? Shame on you, New Zealand.

    • This bastard could I expect go out and secure another dog no problem so the the whole system is useless!!
      The only thing these arseholes understand would be being beaten to death by a seriously angry animal activist group then they would never do it again!!

  18. Let’s drop kick this piece of garbage off the highest bridge in the world

  19. 3 years how about forever!!

  20. Take a good long look at this little dog that probably weighs 4 pounds. The violent man, or monster, that took his rage out on this little dog likely weighs in at atleast 180 plus pounds. This ain’t no man. This is a bully. A coward at best who in an uncontrollable rage of anger caused serious injuries to this little dog. If those little dog eyes could speak imagine the pain and suffering you would hear caused by a monster of a human being who should be held accountable . Let him get kicked around in prison for a while to see what it feels like.

    • Well, we all know what needs to happen to bullies don’t we??
      A serious taste of the bastards own medicine!
      Much better still, the tossers need to be dead!!!
      Mob justice for these ‘waste of space’ animal torturing and murdering bastards.p worldwide.
      J, W.

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