Horse Allegedly Thrashed After Collapsing at Race Track Deserves Justice

Target: Robert K. Schmitz, Chairman of the Ohio State Racing Commission

Goal: Demand a comprehensive investigation into the alleged abuse of a horse at a harness track.

Newly acquired video footage, courtesy of PETA, seems to show a disturbing scene involving Brevin Lupton, an Ohio racing licensee. The recording showcases an alleged incident of horse abuse at an Ohio harness track. Not only does it appear to depict the horse collapsing, but it also allegedly captures Lupton and another individual kicking and whipping the animal. Such treatment reportedly led to the horse’s repeated struggles to regain footing, further signaling its distress.

This deplorable act of alleged violence toward a vulnerable animal doesn’t just defy ethical norms; it also possibly violates state and federal laws governing animal welfare. The Ohio State Racing Commission (OSRC) recently suspended Lupton for a mere year and imposed a fine of $1,000 for “engaging in an act of cruelty to a horse.” Such penalties hardly suffice given the severity of the allegations.

Advocacy group PETA has urgently called upon both the OSRC and the United States Trotting Association to revoke Lupton’s license and membership. Moreover, there is a public plea for law enforcement to delve deeper into this matter, potentially leading to criminal charges if warranted. Simply put, these acts, if proven true, flagrantly contradict the principles that any civil society built on empathy and justice should espouse. There must be zero tolerance for animal abuse in the racing industry, a sport that already places enormous physical strain on these magnificent creatures.


Dear Mr. Robert K. Schmitz,

We, the undersigned, write to convey collective outrage and concern about the recently surfaced allegations against Ohio racing licensee Brevin Lupton. According to PETA, a video exists that shows Mr. Lupton engaging in harmful activities against a horse at an Ohio harness track on October 9.

As Chairman of the Ohio State Racing Commission, we request your immediate intervention. We insist on the immediate revocation of Brevin Lupton’s racing license. Furthermore, a full investigation into the matter should commence posthaste, leveraging all available resources to ascertain the truth.

Ohio residents and indeed citizens worldwide expect your decisive intervention. Such alleged actions cannot stand; they warrant serious penalties and the complete expulsion of any individual found guilty from the racing industry.


[Your Name Here]

Photo credit: MJ Boswell


  1. Revoke his license? how about whip and kick him and the other abuser within an inch of their life and then throw them in prison. That’s justice.

  2. I just can’t even imagine how horrible life is for so many animals in so many places, Ohio being one of them. Too few laws to protect animals from abuse and extremely lax enforcement of animal cruelty laws that they do have. Also, seem to be happy to encourage puppy mills and general abuse of animals like this jerk Lupton. There is no excuse for his actions, deliberate sadistic abuse of that horse. He should be in jail, fined heavily and banned from racing.

  3. Why show a thoroughbred horse when it was a standardbred you described. Also Robert Schmitz hasn’t been the Chairman for over 3 years. What are you too lazy to look at Racing Commission website.
    Never going to condone abuse!! To make an impact tell the truth and tell it to the correct people!!

  4. Brevin Lupton is a disgrace for abusing a defenseless horse. A thousand dollar fine and 1 year suspension is not going to deter this monster from hurting another horse again in future because clearly he has anger issues. Revoke his license permanently plus a jail term and ban him from going near another horse again! Stricter and harsher laws should discourage animal cruelty.

  5. Hmmm, a PETA video that was provided, how convenient. Where is that video? Why not include a link in this story to allow readers to draw their own conclusion.

    How much AI was used in this “story”?

    Question everything.

  6. That is not punishment !!!!!!!!!!!

    Whipping a horse is whipping a horse, not AI abuse is abuse

    Law enforcement DO YOUR JOB, punishment should fit the crime

    not a slap on the wrist!! PUNISH THIS BASTARD !

  7. To force horses to take part in races is already an act of cruelty but this poor horse has suffered qo much more it’s heartbreaking. Mr. Lupton should serve no less than a prison sentence.

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