Dog Reportedly Found Dead in Trash Bag at Training Facility Deserves Justice

Target: Greg Abbott, Governor of Texas

Goal: Secure the arrest and prosecution of all individuals involved in alleged abuse at pet training and boarding facility.

In The Colony, Texas, an alarming situation has emerged at Leiva Boarding and Training. Numerous pet owners report the heartbreaking loss of their dogs while in the care of this facility. One such account pertains to a dog named Moose who, according to owner Selena Trevino, was an emotionally supportive, healthy animal until his stay at Leiva’s establishment. Reportedly, Moose was discovered lifeless, transported in a trash bag no less. This incident alone paints a chilling portrait of animal neglect, yet it appears not to be isolated. Another pet owner has stepped forward, alleging that their dog also died under Leiva’s care.

These occurrences beg a serious, immediate investigation into Leiva Boarding and Training, particularly given the criminal charges already leveled against Taylor Leiva and David Judelson. Taylor stands accused of tampering with physical evidence, while David, her father, faces seven counts of animal cruelty. Such revelations highlight the urgent need for an exhaustive, transparent inquiry to uncover the magnitude of this alleged misconduct. Time to take action.


Dear Governor Abbott,

We, as engaged and concerned citizens, write to express our profound alarm about multiple reports of pet deaths at Leiva Boarding and Training. These incidents, involving not just one but several animals, are not just disconcerting but demand immediate and serious legal scrutiny.

Your position grants you the authority to direct resources towards a thorough investigation of these allegations. We implore you to use this authority decisively. Establish a dedicated task force to explore all aspects of this case, from treatment protocols at the facility to the individuals operating it.

We expect the implementation of due process, with the arrest and prosecution of all individuals found culpable of abuse or neglect. There should be no sanctuary for those who show a complete lack of empathy and responsibility toward innocent animals.

It stands crucial for the community to see justice done in this grim situation. Without prompt action, we risk permitting such reported tragedies to fester, eroding public trust in both business practices and law enforcement in The Colony.


[Your Name Here]

Photo Credit: Province of British Columbia


  1. I just don’t understand why these places are still conducting business? If it were your pet that dies, wouldn’t you report it to the police? One report should get them shut down, and at least enough publicity that people are able to find this out. This is starting to happen all too often. But I get it. The powers that be do not treat animal cruelty, torture and killing as the serious crime that it is. The investigations and court proceedings take far too long, if there even are any.

    • Totalmente de acuerdo contigo!!!!

    • If it had been ‘my pet’ that had died ( or been killed) by the hands of these bastards, ( although I would never have gone there in the first place) then I can wholeheartedly guarantee that they would not be far behind.
      No messing.
      Is this ‘just talk’ you may ask! I can honestly say, NO, IT SURE IS NOT!!!

  2. Greg abbot ain’t gonna do shit! He don’t care about women, you think he’s gonna care about dogs? Please.

  3. These people who run this false training place must be prosecuted. They don’t love or want to help animals-the opposite. Only interested in money. This happens often. It just happened in Florida. We must make tougher animal cruelty laws to prevent the death of animals!

  4. Joseph Kenosky says:

    Euthanize the pieces of garbage that did this.

  5. Maria Lavorato says:

    Taylor Leiva and David Judelson and all the authorities that did nothing after the very first animal cruelty allegation should ALL be held accountable! This so called boarding and training facility should have been shut down immediately! Does anyone give a shit?!?!?!? You should all be replaced with animals lovers that would give a shit and clean this up so that it never happens again!

    You failed miserably and you all need to pay the price that you bestowed on these innocent animals! YOU ARE DISGUSTING TO THE CORE!

    As an outsider I hear a lot of nasty things about your state. After all the animals evacuate, if Texas fell of the face of the earth, no one would give a damn. There would only be rejoicing!


  7. Uncommon Sensesc says:

    Hear me and hear me well, if they’d have killed one of my dogs they wouldn’t go to sleep. Then they would. I’m sick and tired of dog killers (and abusers) getting by with their evil doings and not one bleeping politician, cop, prosecutor or judge doing a damn thing about it.

  8. Pamela Plambeck says:

    Please use your power to fully investigate this facility to spare other beloved pets (and their owners) the horror of deception combined with animal abuse.

  9. It’s so disgusting that nobody does a damn thing about animal abuse!!! All animal abusers and people who COULD do something to stop it but don’t, deserve to be tortured!!!! All animals deserve loving care- wish Taylor and David would end up in garbage bags!!!

  10. Jacqueline “Torture the S*** says:

    Electrocute these evil, torturous scum!!

  11. Yeah, Gov. Abbott will get right on it.

  12. Tina Zerello says:

    I am just so tired of animal cruelty and the fact that the laws are so weak! CHANGE THE LAWS. Someone needs to be punished for this.. Don’t stop until justice is served..

  13. Taylor Leiva and David Judelson are scumbags and frauds. They need to be put behind bars for 20 years minimum.

  14. Bernhard Yolanda says:

    my heart is bleeding
    how many of these poor angels still have to suffer and die because of piles of rubbish like these “people”.


  16. Julie Bates says:

    Laws are made in the 🇺🇸 But no one has the balls to follow through or punish offenders !!

  17. Jane Todaro says:

    This place should be shut down pronto, and the owners should be prosecuted to the fullest extent of the law and banned from ever owning and/or dealing with animals ever again!!!!!!!!!!!!

  18. I have never seen anywhere that any of these animal murdering bastards have been prosecuted or terminated!!!
    Which to me means to me they are still out there and no doubt carrying on as though nothing happened.
    Someone, somewhere MUST know where some of these bastards live or where they go etc.
    They really DO have to be ‘removed’ by any means possible so animals and the world can be free if these sick-minded bastards everywhere.!!!

  19. this training?? facility MUST be closed down FOR GOOD. If not, please boycott them and spread the word. P.O.S. SCUM. Animal abused CANNOT BE TOLLERATED.

  20. Patricia Leigh Wicker says:


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