Preserve the Alabama Beach Mouse From Coastal Development

Target: Christopher M. Blankenship, Commissioner of Conservation at the Alabama Department of Conservation and Natural Resources

Goal: Immediately halt the proposed coastal development that threatens the Alabama beach mouse.

The Alabama beach mouse, a critically endangered species, faces an imminent threat to its survival due to proposed coastal development activities along its habitat. These activities, if allowed to proceed unchecked, will undoubtedly disrupt the delicate balance of this fragile ecosystem.

The Alabama beach mouse is a small, elusive creature that plays an indispensable role in maintaining the ecological health of coastal regions. Its habitat, characterized by sand dunes and maritime forests, is home not only to this unique species, but also to various other wildlife and plant species. The rapid pace of coastal development poses a grave risk to this habitat’s integrity.

In the absence of immediate intervention, the consequences are dire. Irreparable damage will be inflicted upon the Alabama beach mouse habitat, leading to a further decline in their population. This, in turn, will have cascading effects on the entire ecosystem, affecting numerous interconnected species.

Sign the petition below to demand the Alabama Department of Conservation and Natural Resources to take swift and decisive action to protect the Alabama beach mouse habitat from the impending coastal development.


Dear Commissioner Blankenship,

We write to you today with a deep sense of urgency and concern for the welfare of the Alabama beach mouse and its habitat. As custodians of natural resources, it is incumbent upon us to safeguard the fragile ecosystems that support the diverse life forms within them.

The proposed coastal development activities in the vicinity of the Alabama beach mouse habitat pose a significant threat to the continued existence of this critically endangered species. I implore you to reconsider and halt these development plans immediately, in recognition of the vital role the Alabama beach mouse plays in the coastal ecosystem.

By taking this decisive step, we can not only save a species from the brink of extinction but also preserve the delicate balance of the coastal environment, benefiting countless other species and ensuring a sustainable future for the region.

We beseech you to act swiftly and decisively in favor of conservation and protection. The future of the Alabama beach mouse, and the health of the coastal ecosystem, rests in your hands.


[Your Name Here]

Photo Credit: U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service Southeast Region

One Comment

  1. Thislittle beach mouse has no where else to go. But as usual money talks. However, I feel there are laces up and down the coast which would be a decent second to the beach proposal you now offer. Remember the story f the muse and the lion? Well, the lion did not comet the winner. Sometimes true grit comes form the smallest among us. Leave the habitat of this muse alone. Thank you.

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  • azia cassell
  • wesley burnett
  • Cecil Woolley
  • Olga Orda
  • Ellen Peck
  • Cynthia Kelley
  • Kathleen Leslie
  • Kelly Tadlock
  • Vanessa Strougo
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