Stop Pushing Majestic Orca Whales to Extinction

Target: Governor Jay Inslee, State of Washington

Goal: Safeguard Washington’s endangered orca whale population.

In the waters of Washington, the orca whales, often referred to as killer whales, are currently facing an ominous and highly uncertain future. These magnificent marine beings have endured a litany of daunting challenges over the years, including the alarming decline in salmon populations, the degradation of their once-pristine habitats, the relentless disruption caused by vessel traffic, and the insidious infiltration of toxic pollutants into their delicate environment.

The cumulative effect of these threats is placing these awe-inspiring creatures in an increasingly precarious position, demanding immediate and concerted action to secure their survival for generations to come.

Efforts to address these issues have been insufficient to halt the decline of the orca population. Without decisive action, the Southern Resident orcas, in particular, remain at risk of extinction, with only a few dozen individuals left in their fragile community.

Sign the petition below to demand comprehensive and immediate action to protect cherished orca whales. Together, their survival must be ensured for generations to come.


Dear Governor Inslee,

As concerned citizens, we urge you to take resolute action to protect Washington’s iconic orca whale population. These incredible creatures are not only a symbol of our state but also vital indicators of the health of our marine ecosystems.

The decline of the Southern Resident orcas is a distressing reality we can no longer ignore. To secure their future, we implore you to lead efforts to expand and safeguard critical orca habitats, ensuring their access to ample food sources. Let’s implement and enforce measures to reduce vessel traffic impacts, including speed limits and no-go zones while enhancing efforts to reduce toxic pollutants entering our waters, threatening both orca health and their prey.

You must advocate for comprehensive salmon recovery plans, addressing the orca’s primary food source.

Governor Inslee, the world is watching, and the orcas of Washington’s waters need your strong leadership to ensure their survival. We stand united in our call for immediate, meaningful action to protect these incredible creatures and the delicate ecosystems they depend on.


[Your Name Here]

Photo credit: Dennis Jarvis


  1. Many of us have been petitioning for Orcas for years!!! They have been starving for a very long time. Has the situation been fixed? Not yet. After they go extinct someone will offer up a pitiful excuse. However there are no excuses. No wonder they are attacking boats. Maybe if they sink one we will pay attention. What will it take to learn that we must share with animal, sea species, and wildlife. Actually all life is just as important as our own.

  2. So the answer is not stopping drilling for oil because electricity will not do by itself. Our grid will fail. However if the fossil fuel industry is fined much more heavily than they are for breaking rules it would stop. As it is they look and say we make more money breaking the rules and paying the fines than following the rules. So make the fumes to where it is almost bankrupting and it will stop. Or are you to chickenshit to do that ? No I think it may be they are on the take. So let’s increase fines by 100% and this shit will stop. You wreck the ecosystem and the ocean will die and so will we . Don’t be stupid. There’s enough of that already with politicians and this administration. I want Trump in however he didn’t raise fines either. So let’s get him as president but make him conform to high fines. If he is what I think he is and the people speak he will listen. He is listening to everything else criminalistic this administration has been doing so …… I do believe he listens when it’s the majority. Biden and his cronies lie say they do , but they don’t listen to this or anything else. At this point that should be obvious. Quit being political because Biden is a liar. He will tell you he will do something then gets elected and does not do a damn thing . That is also obvious and if you don’t see that then you are a failure to wildlife !!!!!!!

  3. Julia Edinger says:

    I agree with g
    “Many of us have been petitioning for Orcas for years!!! They have been starving for a very long time. Has the situation been fixed? Not yet. After they go extinct someone will offer up a pitiful excuse. However there are no excuses. No wonder they are attacking boats. Maybe if they sink one we will pay attention. What will it take to learn that we must share with animal, sea species, and wildlife. Actually all life is just as important as our own.“ !!!

  4. Maria Lavorato says:

    Governor Jay Inslee, State of Washington

    You are in a position to turn the fate of the orcas around before they are all extinct! It is taking too long and time is critical. Orcas like all species need their habitat to live as was intended. Please don’t let these majestic creatures die off.

    Please pass legislation to protect them and their habitats!

  5. Joseph Kenosky says:

    Protect these animals!

  6. Please save these beautiful animals! They don’t deserve to die.

  7. For every species we do not fight for, who all have a right to live, will forever change our world. Every species deserves justice.

  8. I agree that efforts are needed to protect these beautiful Whales. More can be done to make that happen but only if we have the support of those who have the authority to help make that happen.

  9. Governor Jay Inslee, State of Washington.

  10. Future generations need to have ORCAS & ALL OTHER ANIMALS IN THE WORLD TO SEE AND LEARN ABOUT THEM!!!!

  11. You’re the worst govenor in Washington State history. Thank the Lord you’re on your way out but you still have time do at least one decent thing!

  12. Let’s please protect these animals!

  13. Jennifer Gentry says:


    Action must be taken, there are no second chances, PLEASE save these majestic whales, if not, our oceans will slowly decimate if we dont take care of our most precious resources,


  15. All animals deserve protection. Too many are going extinct and humans are doing nothing about it!

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15572 Signatures

  • wesley burnett
  • Cecil Woolley
  • Olga Orda
  • Ellen Peck
  • MaryAnne Huynh
  • Della Glover
  • Cynthia Kelley
  • Kathleen Leslie
  • April Dawn
  • Rhonda Morris
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