Dog Reportedly Starved Until Forced to Ingest Rocks Deserves Justice

Target: Mr. David E Sullivan, District Attorney of Franklin County, Massachusetts, USA

Goal: Prompt, decisive legal action on behalf of a dog allegedly starved until he was forced to eat rocks.

An appalling case of alleged animal cruelty involving Conrad, a 5-year-old pit bull mix, took place in Franklin County, Massachusetts. Conrad was allegedly subjected to unimaginable suffering, including severe malnutrition, untreated broken bones, and the ingestion of rocks, all of which led to his emaciated and perilous condition.

Yarras P. Fletcher and Aliah K. Rivera, both residents of Greenfield, have been charged with two counts each of felony animal cruelty for their actions. These allegations demonstrate a flagrant disregard for the welfare and rights of a defenseless animal under their care.

Greenfield police and the MSPCA’s Law Enforcement Division reportedly worked together to rescue Conrad after concerned witnesses reported his dire circumstances. Upon investigation, it was apparently revealed that the dog had not only endured physical torment but also lived in a state of perpetual neglect.

The cruelty allegedly inflicted upon Conrad is reprehensible and demands a strong response from the legal system. Animal cruelty is a crime that not only harms innocent creatures but also reflects a disturbing lack of empathy and respect for life. Demand action now.


Dear Mr. David E Sullivan,

We, the undersigned, write to you with a sense of urgency and deep concern regarding the distressing case of animal cruelty involving Conrad, the pit bull mix from Franklin County. The horrific circumstances in which Conrad was allegedly found, emaciated with untreated broken bones and rocks in his stomach, are utterly unacceptable.

The charges brought against Yarras P. Fletcher and Aliah K. Rivera for felony animal cruelty must be pursued with the utmost seriousness. Their actions allegedly caused immense suffering and pain to an innocent creature. We urge you to ensure that the legal proceedings are handled swiftly and effectively, allowing justice to prevail.

Cases of animal cruelty are not only violations of the law but also indicative of a potential danger to society. People capable of inflicting such harm on defenseless beings may pose a risk to others as well. By holding these individuals accountable for their actions, we send a clear message that cruelty and neglect of animals will not be tolerated in our society.

We implore you to prioritize this case and ensure that the charges are pursued rigorously, with appropriate penalties if the accused are found guilty. Conrad’s suffering must not be in vain—his case should serve as a reminder that all living beings deserve protection and compassion under the law.

As concerned citizens, we look to you to champion justice on behalf of Conrad and all animals that may fall victim to cruelty. By taking decisive action, you reinforce the principles of empathy, compassion, and the sanctity of life.


[Your Name Here]

Photo credit: ASPCA


  1. I think any person that harms a defensless child or animal should be dropped off on an island and be put in a cage with no water and no food. That’s carma🤨why feed them in prison, let them feel the pain

  2. If I could blink these disgusting human monsters (and those like them) into oblivion to suffer immense pain and burning in hell to experience even more unimaginable evil, I would not only do it in heartbeat a million times, I would beat the shit out of them with boulders! We need justice for sweet Conrad!

  3. Joseph Kenosky says:

    The offender(s) should be euthanized.

  4. Jennifer Carson says:

    These two are non human. Trash at its lowest form. As a society, we need to start thinking about getting rid of these types. If they would do this to a dog? They would do it to an elderly person or child. We have no use for them. Lowlifes!

  5. Agree all comments do the same to them and also beat the fuck out of them leave to die slow. No excuse don’t get animals. Laws need to change now and checks should be every year all animal owners. Kill these cruel bastards who hurt animals. This is world wide eye for a eye. Before buying animals and full check before allowed to take and a property check and yearly . If sold must transfer details to new owner and also checked. Too much cruelty in this world.

  6. Animal vigilante says:

    Force feed these rotten Fulkerson battery acid. Losers!!!

  7. Animal vigilante says:



  9. Jaime Perez says:

    The dirty, rotten owners deserves the same treatment they inflicted on this poor dog! What filthy monsters. They don’t deserve to be in society. I’m glad the dog was rescued. May he heal and recover.

  10. Wayne LaBeaud says:

    what of Conrad ????? what is his status ? the Duo that abused him should be treatedvwith medieval justice !!

  11. Melissa Leith says:

    Hello, do we know if Conrad was saved? The write up doesn’t explain whether he is alive and receiving treatment.

    I absolutely agreed, the disgusting humans responsible for this cruelty should be dropped in a pit with no escape, and forced to eat rocks for nourishment… oh, and break a few of their bones as well! I hate humans like this, I hope they die horribly!

  12. Kerry Tyler says:

    I live in Australia unfortunately these type of things happen here as well I cannot understand these people what do they think will happen to the animals they torture my God I would like them to be given some rocks to eat!! How hungry would that poor little guy have been.
    Those two deserve full punishment and never be allowed to have any animals again, every day there is more of these horrific stories it has to stop somehow

  13. Here we go again with all the comments on this site with people that want these guys fined and some jail time. Why go thru with all of that bull shit. Someone just needs to walk up and shoot the mother-fuckers in the head a few times and we will never have to worry about the sonofabitches hurting or killing another animal. But most people think that would be too harsh. So what would they do. Make him pay a fine, do some jail time and then when they get out they will just back to hurting and killing animals again. Most people don’t want to do anything drastic to these low-life bastards because they don’t have the stomach for it even if someone other than them does the deed. I wish they would stop coming on this site with bullshit half measures to try and stop these bastards. If you don’t want anything more to happen to these animal torturers and killers than a fine and jail time, then I suggest you find another site you can comment on where pussies don’t want to really hurt or kill the abusers. They make themselves feel good by their half-ass measures but it certainly does not help any animals that will in the future be tortured and killed by these worthless, cowardly mother-fuckers. Shoot the mother-fuckers in the head and turn them into worm food where they will never make another animal suffer. And video tape the killing and put it on pay-per-view. I would gladly pay $100.00 to see these two worthless bastards begging for their lives just before an animal lover blows their fuckin’ brains out. Now that would be a video worth watching.

  14. The reason why these shitbag so- called humans have a dog is NOT for a companion but something to take out their sad frustrations on when they have a problem!
    For example, when they cannot get it’ up, had a row with their girlfriend ( or boyfriend??) or just annoyed with their fucking useless waste of space lives etc, etc.
    So what do these so-called hard fuckers do; the pathetic tossers take it out on their faithful dutiful dog who no doubt wonders what the fuck it has done wrong to receive a beating or thrashing or most times much worse!
    These sub-humans are pathetic bastards who think this gives them a sense of power to subdue and torture something that is not going to fight back!
    I mean, every other day we have another bastard committing an act of abuse and torture.
    Now until they are stopped this ‘shit’ is going to continue! As I have said before, the useless law will not stop them because it is only an animal anyway so does not matter.
    Well, these excuses of human ‘shite’ do not matter either!
    Jonny Ks solution is what is needed but as I have said before, normal people are not ‘killers’ and it would take serious ‘guts’ to do this, even to one of these animal torturing bastards.
    A riled up mob or gang could make the fuckers change their ways by beating seven barrels of shit out of them, leaving them so their own Mother would not recognise them!
    Then the aresholes might, just might, get the message.
    Just an afterthought, carve out a suitable word or such on the fuckers forehead so people will know what this asswipe has done.
    But maybe better still, stamp on the bastards neck until he don’t move anymore then scarper quickly so as not to get caught.
    This IS is going to happen as there is only so much ‘normal’ people are prepared to take. These tossers HAVE GOT to be stopped one way or the other!
    And the best way of course is when the bastards are DEAD.
    To mention, a nice short handled Boxwood mallet is an excellent piece of kit for lesson teaching!!😉

    • Nice summation, Bro. You and I think alike.

      Regards, Johnny K.

      • I reckon that we would make a very good annihilation team although I am not so agile now.
        But definitely agile enough to cause a severe upset to these ‘dog’ – and animal torturing bastards.
        Just to mention, the ‘boxwood’ mallet does the job admirably.😉

  15. Dr.+Dagmar+Görz-Lenzen says:

    Throw these idiots into a dark, wet, cold jail and feed them one piece of dry bread a day. They have to learn their lesson well……Lowlevel scum!

  16. Sucks but how many of you pay for animal abuse and killing daily. Don’t be outraged at one and accepting of another.

    • Your MEANING exactly?

      • I believe he means all of the animals brutally slaughtered every day for human meat consumption.
        He does have a point though.
        But this is something that we never see as all happens behind closed doors as they say.
        A piece of meat on a supermarket shelf is just that, ‘a piece of meat’
        Never thought of as a living animal waiting it’s turn in the slaughter house terrified, knowing that something seriously bad is going to happen to it!!
        Unfortunately this never going to end as is a huge business supplying animal flesh for meat eating humans who will never change their ways. Well some, maybe but not many!
        The other sad point is-the majority of the people who work in these places actually enjoy it no matter what they say.
        Could you do it?? I know that I definitely could not!!!


  18. Jennifer L Gentry says:


  19. This is attempted murder, not animal cruelty. 30 years each at minimum.

  20. Hope they die a long horrible painful death! Please prosecute and sentence to max punishment.

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