Terrified Dogs Apparently Kicked, Punched and Dragged Deserve Justice

Target: Ms. Katrine Hildyard, Minister for Recreation, Sport, and Racing of South Australia

Goal: Conduct an immediate investigation into the alleged animal cruelty by greyhound trainers and implement stringent measures.

Shocking drone footage revealed greyhound trainers reportedly kicking, punching, and dragging the terrified dogs while they cowered and attempted to escape. The video was taken by a whistleblower who documented the alleged incidents over a two-and-a-half-week period at a property near Murray Bridge in Adelaide’s southeast.

The property in question is operated by prominent breeder and trainer Tony Rasmussen and his wife Lisa, although the identity of the individual seen in the video has not been confirmed. This alleged act of cruelty goes against the principles of compassion and justice that should be upheld in the sporting community and the broader society. Demand a full investigation to these trainers to ensure the welfare of these innocent animals.


Dear Ms. Katrine Hildyard,

We are writing to express our deep concern and outrage regarding the recent allegations of animal cruelty by South Australian greyhound trainers. The shocking footage showing the mistreatment of greyhounds is abhorrent and goes against the principles of compassion and respect for animals.

We implore you to take immediate and decisive action. We urge you to conduct a thorough investigation into this incident, ensuring that the truth is uncovered and those responsible for the alleged acts of cruelty face appropriate consequences under the law.

By taking decisive action and reinforcing animal welfare regulations, South Australia can lead by example, demonstrating its commitment to upholding the rights and well-being of animals within its borders.

We, the concerned citizens and advocates for animal rights, trust in your dedication to ensuring a safe and compassionate environment for all animals in the racing industry and beyond.


[Your Name Here]

Photo credit: AkikoCampbell




  3. Maria Lavorato says:

    I agree Stephanie…

    dog racing, horse racing or any other animal racing should be banned as they all fall in the category of animal cruelty!

  4. There is no place for anyone who commits animal cruelty. These allegations should be takin seriously.

  5. Alfred sung says:

    More useless males abusing animals. What the ….k! Find, incarcerate, and do same treatment to
    Useless dude that did this.

  6. How people can be so disgusting and evil!!!!I wish the worst to happen to those pieces of garbage

  7. Uncommon Sensesc says:

    I would love to get my hands on those 3 (more if needed) and have a meet and greet with my Karma bat. They should not be allowed to live another day! I know they’re going to hell when they die but that needs to happen immediately.

  8. SHAMEFUL! EXPOSE these disgusting, barbaric individuals, their faces, shame them, and let them rot in prison. The penalty for harming animals or any innocent being should be the harshest punishment, next to first degree murder! WAKE UP! These are killers in the making. They harm because there are NO repercussions. ENOUGH is ENOUGH.

  9. Does every animal have to be used as a money maker? We humans really do suck.

  10. Discussing behaviour shame on you maximum sentence and fined to the maximum 😡😡

  11. Joseph Kenosky says:

    Euthanize the offender(s)!

  12. So they have the video proof, what’s the holdup? Just wondering, do you ever hear of protesting for animal rights!!

  13. Tony and Lisa should be barred from having any animals, and or children
    Cruelty starts with animals and graduates to humans!

  14. It sickens me to see this happen day in and day out! These are just the ones we hear about. I can’t imagine how much animal abuse happens in one single day. And there is NO ONE TO HELP THESE POOR INNOCENT ANIMALS!!! PLEASE STEP UP TO THE PLATE AND CONVICT THESE PEOPLE SO HOPEFULLY IT WILL STOP!!!!

  15. Elease M. Bradford says:

    The way these innocent Greyhounds are abused is despicable and unacceptable. These brutal trainers need to be severely punished and not allowed around animals. Greyhound racing needs to be stopped altogether because it exploits these animals for profit without regard for their well being.

  16. These pseudo-trainers are mentally-deranged sadistic psychopaths. What they did to the dogs is unspeakable cruelty that must be severely punished with many years behind bars. No animal deserves to undergo such unspeakable torture because of DEHUMANIZED and DESENSITIZED sadists. These monsters must be forbidden from coming near animals ever again. Punishment for animal abuse should be extremely harsh! As it is now animal-torturers get a slap on the wrist only, and start torturing more animals as soon as they are set free. Animals are like children and shall not be VICTIMS of human DEHUMANIZED MONSTERS!!! LIFE behind bars for these scumbags! 

  17. Cheryl+Miller says:

    Please take away all of the dogs and animals from these horrible people!! Never allow them animals again and make them pay!!

  18. Very few people on this site wants what really needs to be done to these low-life mother-fuckers. They want them fined, a few days in jail maybe, community service and never own or be around animals the rest of their lives. Well, that’s not nearly enough for me. I want everyone of the low-life scum to get a bullet in the head and put under the ground where there is a certainty that they will never again abuse a wonderful animal and they will make a happy meal for all of our worm friends. After all, they need to eat too. And I can’t think of better food to feed them than animal torturers and abusers. Have a Nice Day, ya’ll.

  19. These dogs are so gentle and couch-potatoes! What did they do to deserve that? No animal deserves that!! Take that jerk and drag, punch and kick him!!

  20. Julia Edinger says:

    I totally agree with Joseph Kenosky
    “Euthanize the offender(s)! “
    They deserve the exact same treatment perfect punishment for “Evil Abusers.” !!!!

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