Puppy Reportedly Starved to Death Deserves Justice

Target: Mr. Chitwood, Sheriff of Volusia County, Florida, United States

Goal: Demand a thorough investigation into the case of reportedly malnourished dogs and a dead puppy.

In DeLand, Florida, Kevin Proulx, a resident of Pursley Drive, was arrested after several apparently malnourished dogs and a dead puppy were discovered at his filth-ridden home. The allegedly deplorable conditions in which the animals were found raise grave concerns about their well-being and the welfare of animals in general.

A neighbor had requested a well-being check on behalf of Proulx after hearing unusual barking and noticing the absence of the dogs. When an officer responded to the home on June 16, Proulx allegedly failed to answer the door but eventually emerged, reportedly with feces on his feet and claiming to have a heart attack. As Proulx was hospitalized, the living dogs were taken to the DeLand Police Department’s kennel, while the deceased puppy was sent to DeLand Animal Hospital.

The surviving dogs, which included three hound-mix puppies of approximately 9 months old, a 3-to-4-year-old Weimaraner named Ghost, and a 2-to-3-year-old German shorthair pointer named Kiara, were reportedly found in distressing conditions. Kiara was described as “very skinny and scared.” This alleged act of cruelty and neglect towards these innocent animals is a flagrant violation of ethical principles and the laws protecting animal welfare. Demand action now.


Dear Mr. Chitwood,

We are writing to express our profound concern and outrage regarding an alleged incident of animal cruelty at the residence of Kevin Proulx in DeLand, Florida. The reported discovery of malnourished dogs and a deceased puppy in allegedly deplorable conditions demands immediate action and a thorough investigation.

The described appalling conditions in which these innocent animals were found are an affront to ethical principles and an alleged violation of the laws safeguarding animal welfare. We demand that Kevin Proulx be held accountable for his actions, if found guilty, through a diligent investigation and appropriate legal proceedings.

Furthermore, we call upon you to strengthen animal welfare enforcement and increase public awareness about the importance of treating animals with compassion and care. By taking decisive action, you can send a clear message that Volusia County is committed to upholding the rights and welfare of all living beings.

We entrust you with the responsibility of ensuring that the rights and welfare of animals are protected. We urge you to take a firm stance against this alleged animal cruelty, bring the perpetrator to justice, and advocate for the well-being of animals within Volusia County.


[Your Name Here]

Photo credit: pxhere


  1. May all those who abuse or torture animals suffer a slow horrible painful torturous death before they rot in hell!

    • Patricia Lamonica says:


      • I agree. Why does anyone want a dog or any other animal! We are all living beings and need to be cared for, the same way we care for ourselves! My God! Are these people primitive or just plain illiterate! We are all living beings with the same wants and needs for crying out loud!! If you can’t take care of a dog or child, don’t have one. Get it!! We need to have the government enforce laws to punishes those who brutalize or murder dogs and other animals. I am sick of all these lowlifes on this good earth!

  2. Make him pay for all expenses relating to this case. This is animal cruelty and the penalty is 7 years in prison. these pups deserve better than this asshole. Starve him like he does his dogs, let him experience what he was doing to them

  3. This piece of excrement is also a lawyer – although currently suspended by the Florida bar. 😡

  4. Uncommon Sensesc says:

    I’d like to give that SOB a heart attack – right after me, him and a Karma bat had a long discussion about animal abuse and murder of innocent dogs. He’d wish he’d died from a heart attack. I’m so sick and tired of these evil bags of crap getting by with this I could scream! Our “justice” system is so freaking broken when it comes to animal abuse and not one bleeping politician wants to fix it.

  5. Put this bastard in a room w no windows water or food let him die slow death.

  6. F this guy and anyone who hurts dogs, including Dr. Fauci.

  7. It says, ‘if’ found guilty, fucking ‘IF’!!!.
    Or course the fucker is guilty. I mean how the hell can this bastard not be found guilty? He was in the house when confronted so where is the bloody problem.
    We all know what this dirty stinking dog abusing and torturing cunt needs but the system with give the bastard a slap on the wrist as we all know for the arsehole to do it all over again.
    And we also know what this wanker wants. (Well he no doubt would not want it )
    as the fucker would not be alive anymore!
    This piece of shit must be shown the serious error of his nasty, filthy ways.
    Hopefully people know where this human garbage lives or where he goes. Say no more!
    I really would love to help this fucker on his way out and it would be very painful I can assure you!
    How do I know this. Because I can chalk up ‘ONE’ for the animals. Obviously we have bastards in the U.K. who do this sort of animal torture, and all I will say is,
    there is now ‘one less’ asswipe in the U.K NOT DOING IT!!
    And before anyone asks, no I do not have any remorse whatsoever.
    I am just a normal everyday human being who has helped a dog torturing fucker to see the error of his ways before his demise!
    We have the ‘slapped wrist’ laws in the U.K. but unfortunately for this tosser, he was not around very long to enjoy it!!
    Was I wrong?
    .Was I as bad as him? I really don’t know. I will let the good people on this site decide!
    Jonny W.

  8. Kevin Proulx Is a POS SCUMBAG that needs to be put behind bars for a very long time!!!

  9. Joseph Kenosky says:

    Euthanize the offender(s)!

  10. Maria Lavorato says:

    No slaps on the wrist.! ever!!!!!


    My wish is that every animal could just walk away to get help but they can’t so the justice system should be their voice. EACH AND EVERY TIME!. There should be serious consequences under the law when a innocent defenceless animal is tortured!

    There should be a ZERO tolerance animal abuse policy in each and every case!


  11. Darcey Wulkan says:


  12. Nadine Brundage says:

    It’s very obvious this person is mentally unbalanced and needs to be housed in a mental institution. Thanks to the neighbor for alerting someone to check on the conditions of that person and the animals. No normal human with a brain and heart could commit such horrific cruelty to innocent animals. Hope the surviving dogs make a good recovery and placed in nice homes.

    • No not mentally unbalanced.
      Just a useless human bastard who could not give one shit about his animals!
      HIS ANIMALS?? This prick could not give a toss about any of them.
      Would be good if someone or some activist group could give him a real good ‘bollock kicking’ so he knew what real pain and suffering was all about.
      Yet another useless prick who needs terminating!

  13. Animal cruelty laws need to be more severe and upheld. If not, me and the rest of the animal lovers out here will put these monsters in their place. Then, law enforcement, you will have more paperwork to deal with the dead human bodies!

  14. Pets are not objects. They are sentient beings and family members. The man who starved them to death must be punished to the fullest extent of the law

  15. Julia Edinger says:

    I totally agree with John+Q
    “May all those who abuse or torture animals suffer a slow horrible painful torturous death before they rot in hell! “…..

  16. Rhonda Jones says:

    There is no excuse for these cruel, heartless, and very disturbing neglect put Upon all these precious dogs. The puppy should have never died and all the other dogs that were starving is an act of pure abuse. This so called low life needs to be punished to the fullest no exception. Very sad

  17. Monstrous monstrous evil, heartbreaking and horrific, karma is theirs – I feel you, poor lost innocent souls; their blood on your souls

    The abuse, torture & murder of the innocents

    Some heartbreaks can never be unseen, some horrors never unheard – PLEASE GOD

    And the universe weeps tears of blood

    Your life as theirs, as their death

  18. Jaime Perez says:

    This horrible monster needs to be punished severely! This was an ugly, heinous act. Take this creep out of society and never allow him to go near an animal again!!

  19. There was no excuse for allowing that poor puppy to starve to death. That careless monster deserves to starve! If a human has a health condition he/she should call animal control for help to prevent this from happening.

    Punish to full extent of law.

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