Target: Mr. Dave Roberson, Sheriff of Floyd County, Georgia
A deeply disturbing incident of apparent animal cruelty has come to our attention in Floyd County, Georgia. Constance Elinor Grissett is facing charges of aggravated cruelty to animals and four counts of cruelty to animals after her home was condemned. The investigation revealed four dogs apparently living in deplorable conditions, with the house covered in urine, feces, and rats. A deceased adult dog was reportedly discovered in Grissett’s bed, emphasizing the severity of the situation.
This act of alleged cruelty and neglect towards the dogs is a gross violation of humane principles. Sign below and demand authorities seek appropriate legal consequences for the alleged acts of cruelty and mental health treatment for the accused, should it be deemed necessary.
Dear Mr. Dave Roberson,
We are writing to express our deep concern and outrage regarding the recent incident of animal cruelty in Floyd County. The allegedly deplorable conditions in which the four dogs were found, along with the discovery of a deceased adult dog, reflect a grave violation of ethical principles and a complete disregard for the welfare and rights of animals.
We implore you to ensure a thorough investigation is conducted into this case. We urge you to allocate the necessary resources and collaborate with relevant authorities to gather evidence, interview witnesses, and determine the full extent of the alleged mistreatment and neglect suffered by the dogs. We also ask that mental health treatment be made available to the accused, if deemed necessary.
Furthermore, we call upon you to raise awareness about animal welfare and the importance of responsible pet ownership within Floyd County. By educating the community and enforcing stricter animal welfare regulations, we can work towards preventing acts of cruelty in the future.
[Your Name Here]
Photo credit: Ankitgupta4u
I Can’t believe how anyone could mistreat a animal dogs cat or any living pet. It make me so mad to hear how a innocent pet be mistreated . If you don’t want a pet then just don’t get one instead of getting one and mistreating or even worse killing one .That is so wrong .
I remember this person from high school and have often wondered what ever came of her. She was one of the sweetest, most timid, living people I knew. Very nice. I honestly don’t think that she had these dogs or intentions for mistreatment. I think that she was probably just overwhelmed. She probably tried to help and rescue whatever animals she could and just didn’t have the resources to keep things sustainable.
I don’t think she ever had any intentions of hurting anything. Again, just didn’t have the means to do what her heart wanted and thought was right. She did as best she could with what she could.
She did not do the best she could and you are minimizing and negating what happened to those animals. Regardless of how she seemed to you in high school, she abandoned defenseless, live dogs to die a slow,agonizing death by starving and dehydrating immersed in their own filth. She didn’t have to do that to them.Feeling overwhelmed is not a justification to subjecting animals any kind of torture. She could have made an anonymous call to an animal welfare group about animals in distress in an abandoned building. She had no right to just abandon them to such a gruesome end.
But there is a point where a person knows it’s not right to subject dogs to living like that. She may not have started off to intentionally harm them, but there was a point where she knew she needed to get them some help and she did nothing. That is still neglect. Those dogs are still innocent victims. If what she had wasn’t good enough, get help for those dogs. If she wanted to live like that, fine but don’t force the dogs to live and die like that. They deserve better.
100 percent correct
But yet they let the shelters put down healthy puppies and dogs EVERYDAY with out any issues?all BS!all animal abuse should be addressed,even shelters!,
WRONG!!! She could of surrendered the dogs. Even in a kill shelter that dog would NOT have suffered.
I am sure she has a mental problem no one in their right mind lives in filt!
Poor animals have to suffer!
Really? You are the type of person that enables these people to feel what they do and how they handle theses situations is ok. If you can’t handle your animals and it gets too much for you, oh I know, just leave them in an abandoned building with no way to care for themselves … that will be fine. I dont care what kind of person you were are or turned out to be, WRONG IS WRONG!!!! No one in their right mind and with a compassionate heart would do such a thing. Like it really would
have taken a lot to make a phone call to an organization that can help or take them yourself to surrender them over? Your excuses for her don’t hold water.
WTF is wrong with this ignorant bitch – leave her in a pile of feces and rats running all over until she is f*cking dead. Fuck these ignorant animal abusers. Sorry Wild Breeze – don’t care what she was like back then but really do care what she has turned out to be and no excuses will ever work for me – if you are that f*cking overwhelmed turn the animal over to a rescue – that decision is for the best of the animal. What she did is deplorable and she deserves the same treatment she levied upon her dog.
Outside looking in,….
I would agree.
Coincidentally, I seen someone walking yesterday why does to ask if (turned out to be a) he would care for a ride. He said yes. Water getting him settled in the vehicle, we started talking. Again, no clue who he was or is. Turns out he was with Connie for 10 years. He confirmed she is a really good person, really sweet, and really didn’t deserve all this. He told me that her daughter ODed on her porch, and the dogs were her daughter’s and he said she just couldn’t get rid of them. They ended up mating and had (probably) a (few) liters. He said the one that was found deceased on her bed had had seizures. She laid there in the bed with the dog crying and trying to let it know someone was there that cared. After the dog passed she continues crying and sleeping with it.
No, by no means does it excuse any behaviors, outcomes, situations, but again I say this to say her intentions and mindset was not predatory, ill mannered, negative, or neglectful.
But I’m sure we’ve all heard the saying, “Good intentions are the path to Hell and destruction.” or something like that.
Hear, hear Cathy….no excuse for this vile woman. Absolutely NO EXCUSE>
this makes my heart break reading about all these animal abuses and cruelty everyday. This crime is a FELONY with 7 years in prison. 4 counts by my math is 28 years. It does not bring the dog back, but prevents her from owing others for 28 years.
Make her life in prison the same as the hell she put the animals thru
Sick bitch bastard to let her dogs suffer and die in her condemned house and stinking bed! That sweet dog was looking/waiting for the bitch.
I am so sorry little buddies. I sincerely hope the lame judicial system will GIVE YOU JUSTICE BY making the bitch pay with MURDER 1 and FELONY CHARGES!
I hope she goes straight to hell and discovers up close and personal what it is like to die starving in feces and urine and rats all while waiting for someone that was supposed to love and care for you. YOUR TURN WILL COME!
Lock this POS up in similar conditions!
Humans are caring less and less about other living beings. Would anyone like to perish like this? How can anyone allow an animal to die such a horrific death???!!!
Find the owner and Fuck him!!!
Do the same to her as she did to the dogs.
This is one case, may I suggest taking your anger to the shelters that are putting down healthy puppies and dogs every day that’s abuse as well and I’m pissed off about that, but nobody does anything about that!!! instead we’re all worried about one woman yeah it was wrong which she did but this is one case shelters do it every day they give them a treat with one hand and put them to sleep with the very other disgusting hey
Well yes, most of us know what happens at the majority of these shelters.
This had been going on in the U.K. for very many years.
If the dog was not claimed or it had been there for seven days or more then it was ‘put to sleep’ which sounded better than being ‘put down’.
Thankfully now we have many ‘no kill’ or forever home shelters if animals are not claimed or re-housed.
But even this is better than than what these nasty torturing bastards do to animals as depicted on this site.
I will finish by saying, somewhat impolitely’ , a nasty death to any animal torturing bastards the world over.
It is going to happen and maybe sooner than later!
Our Justice System MUST hold these people accountable. Punish them to the fullest extent possible with the harshest penalties possible.
That monster needs the electric chair or at all least prison time! As a cat mom, I have no tolerance for any cruelty towards fur babies.
Everyone, please go to change.org and sign my petition about animal cruelty so we can end it. It is also under Christine Grabar in Facebook.
This woman is a mentally-deranged sadistic psychopath. What she did to the dog and other animals is unspeakable cruelty that must be severely punished with many years behind bars. No animal will have to go through such untold tortures because of a DEHUMANIZED and DESENSITIZED sadist. This monster must be forbidden from coming near animals ever again. Punishment for animal abuse should be extremely harsh! As it is now animal-torturers get a slap on the wrist only, and start torturing and kill more animals as soon as they are freed. Animals are like children and shall not be VICTIMS of human DEHUMANIZED MONSTERS!!! LIFE behind bars for this Satan!
If she was so kind, she knew that she could not maintain these dogs and let yhem suffer instead if instead of asking for help. 1 and 1 do not nake 2 here! I always had 5 dogs and I would go without food so that they and my children could eat. Emergencies I dealt with. Why let your dogs suffer. This us selfish! FULLSTOP!!!
It’s obvious this person has mental problems and it’s hard to believe no one, family, neighbors, mailman never noticed something wasn’t right at that house? Sorry to know how those poor animals suffered because no one cared.
Mental problems? In jail locked up? Whatbb CB possible excuses justify this poor dog dying on the bed waiting for mom? Trash. This owner is trash.
I am really getting tired of these stories about abusing, torturing and killing innocent animals. These fucking humans just need to be killed. Enough is enough with these sick bastards.
Top summing up. Fully agree!
Until authorities – ALL authorities stop pussy-footing around and get to grips with the appallingly negative and abusive behaviour some ‘humans’ have towards the animals for whom they have special responsibility, then behaviours in general towards our four-legged friends [or any other animal that crosses their path] will not improve.
In this case:
1.A swingeing fine to cover:
[a] the cost of removing, treating and re-homing any surviving animals;
[b] cost of cremation of deceased animals on or near the property;
[c] a donation to the shelter/animal charity which rescued the surviving victim[s];
[d] payment of all costs to a foster home;
[e] cost of demolition of the condemned property;
2.Determination of mental illness [hospitalised in a secure facility] or animal brutality [imprisonment].
3. Cascade the details of the case State-wide and State-to- State so they who would abuse animals in any way whatsoever receive a crystal-clear message that their behaviour is reprehensible and will not be condoned.
4. In fact your President is an animal-lover is he not? Perhaps this is legislation that should come from The Top!