Dog Reportedly Killed at Hands of Groomer Deserves Justice

Target: Melinda Katz, District Attorney of Queens, NY

Goal: Prosecute dog groomer accused of manhandling animal to death to the fullest extent.

“When we entrust our beloved pets to caretakers, they should be returned to us in the same healthy condition.” A New York district attorney made this statement following aggravated animal cruelty charges filed against pet groomer Lee Yat Sing. This suspect stands accused of causing the death of a four-year-old Maltese dog under his care.

The tragic events began when the dog, named Pele, was taken to Furry Babies Pet Grooming for an appointment. During the course of the session, Sing allegedly used abusive practices to restrain the animal, including hitting her with scissors, pulling her hair, and picking her up by the neck. Even when Pele became unresponsive, Sing reportedly continued handling her in a rough manner for over six minutes, making no apparent effort to give her aid. After Pele died, an examination confirmed her death from respiratory failure (she had exhibited labored breathing during the incident) and noted bruising and other marks on her.

While Sing was quickly fired from his job, he is now facing potential legal consequences for his alleged actions that could include a prison sentence. Sign the petition below to hold the district attorney to her promise of full accountability in this disturbing case.


Dear DA Katz,

“We will hold the defendant fully accountable for his actions.” Charging former pet groomer Lee Yat Sing with aggravated animal cruelty as well as torturing and injuring animals in relation to the dog who reportedly died under his care does indicate that you intend to honor your word. The deceased animal, Pele, did apparently endure terror, pain, and distress during her final moments, and she deserves justice.

Please do not yield and plea out this case, as it would send a harmful message about animal cruelty and its intended consequences. Continue seeking the maximum penalty for the sake of future victims.


[Your Name Here]

Photo Credit: Gustavo Fring


  1. The torment/abuse and pain that the little dog endured is nothing but short of an absolute nightmare of how that dog would ever recover if he had survived. Afraid to go to a groomer,afaraid to trust anyone..I am glad this groomer was fired!!! May this little dog have some justice even though he’s deceased..everyone even dogs deserve JUSTICE 🐶♥️♥️

  2. Rhonda Jones says:

    Please punish this very disturbed, angry, and heartless so called human. This is absolutely heartbreaking and should have never happened. I’m sure he did this stuff to other dogs as well. Punishment to the fullest no exception. So heartbreaking what this innocent pup went through.

    • He is not disturbed or whatever you say. He is a nasty little ‘animal torturing’ fucker who needs removing permanently by any means possible.
      I would really love to read in on this site that one of more of these torturing cunts had been taken out.
      And hopefully would act as a deterrent to other bastards doing the same.

  3. Save our tax diollars and just Eliminate YEE LAT SING from our world!
    Evil souless subhumans have nonace to cauae more danger to animals and humans. If the little dog was mine, i know for sure LeeYarSing would gwt what he truly deserves!

    • Agreed. Why should the taxpayer have to feed these cunts. Its name says it all.

      • Exactly my thoughts Brother David.
        This fucker needs taking out.
        A baseball bat on a dark night would do the trick and I am sure there would be plenty of takers!
        If I was not so far away I would be first in the queue.
        These bastards have no respect for animals or any fucking thing.
        With a name like that the wanker would be better off dead anyway.
        I really hope that someone has the guts to give this little innocent dog justice.
        I reiterate my submission that if it had been my dog he would be a ‘dead man walking’ but not for very fucking long he wouldn’t!

  4. Mary Jeffrey says:

    Animal abusers need to be punished to the full extent of the law

  5. Becky+Beck says:

    Absolutely this ass wipe should be behind bars!!!!!

  6. So who saw this to report in detail what happened??? Why didn’t someone else there stop the abuse. Perps and spineless bystanders are total bastards.

    • I agree. Makes me wonder about the owner of the salon. There should be an investigation to see if other clients had problems with this grooming salon. Hard to believe the owner hadn’t seen some type of previous abuse unless the groomer had some type instantaneous episode this one time. Their client cards need to be pulled so they can be contacted for any pertinent info. I am heartbroken for this furbaby and it’s family.

  7. Sally Grantwho fo not come forwRd, yoi are just ad guilty! May you rot in hell!! says:

    Where were the other staff? Vhy did they not stop him. They are as guilty as him. This makes me sick!

  8. God that is so sad. Poor wee thing. Did they not notice this and the dog would have been terrified when picked up.

  9. Sue Cugini says:

    This POS should have the same done to him and then feed him to a very hungry tiger or lion! What a disgrace. Until we treat animal abusers harshly with, at the very least, LONG prison sentences, nothing will deter asswipes from engaging in this kind of behavior.

  10. Paula Long says:

    Prison for this piece of shit and permanently close salon!!!!

  11. This vile, mentally deranged dog killing scumbag requires instigation of the death penalty and nothing less. A slow and agonizing extermination of this evil cretin is essential!

  12. Glad he was fired but where was rest of staff while this was going on?

  13. The piece of shit needs needs to die the same way!!! Society needs to be cleaned and Justice done

  14. Pet owners need to supervise while their pets are groomed at any station. These groomers are ex felons and not to be trusted.

  15. Scum!a curse on its worthless life. Had that been my dog there would have been precious little left to prosecute. May you suffer every pain and terror you inflicted you oxygen theif.

  16. Jaime Perez says:

    A horrible tragedy that could have been avoided! Did no one notice what was going on?? That’s sickening and disgusting. I’m glad this cretin was fired!! It seems you can’t trust anyone anymore-groomers, dog trainers, boarding places.

  17. Joseph Kenosky says:

    Euthanize the groomer.

  18. WHAT THE FUCK?!?!?!?! Since the asshole’s actions were told in great detail here, it’s OBVIOUS that there was at least one witness. WHY THE FUCK DIDN’T THE WITNESS(ES) STOP THIS PIECE OF SHIT?!?!?!?!!

    • For the same reasons people didn’t stop that guy last week from drowning his Golden Lab in the ocean for “fleas”….because many people have no values and are cowardly

  19. Bosha Karanovic says:


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