Defenseless Dog Reportedly Drowned by Owner Deserves Justice

Target: Mr. Keith Blackwood, District Attorney of Mobile County, Alabama, United States

Goal: Demand the maximum penalty for a man who allegedly drowned his dog at a beach.

At a beach in Dauphin Island, Alabama, witnesses reported that a man drowned his golden Labrador retriever in the surf. According to eyewitness statements provided to the police, the suspect submerged the dog underwater for approximately three minutes, claiming it had fleas. This appalling act of reported cruelty has shocked and appalled beachgoers and animal lovers alike.

Two witnesses who observed the apparently tragic event confronted the owner and immediately called 911 to report the incident. The Dauphin Island Police Department responded to the distress call, arresting Shawn Taulbee, a resident of Theodore, Alabama, on charges of first-degree cruelty to a dog, a felony offense.

The alleged drowning of a defenseless dog is an egregious violation of ethical principles and reflects a complete disregard for the welfare and dignity of animals. Such acts of extreme cruelty cannot be tolerated within any civilized society and must be met with swift and decisive action. Demand action now.


Dear Mr. Keith Blackwood,

We are writing to express our profound outrage and concern regarding a recent reported incident of animal cruelty that occurred at Dauphin Island, Alabama. The alleged drowning of a golden Labrador retriever by its owner at the beach has deeply disturbed us and demands swift and decisive action.

The intentional drowning of a defenseless dog, as alleged, is a severe violation of ethical principles and a gross abuse of an animal’s right to life. It is imperative that the suspect faces the full weight of the law and receives the maximum penalty if he is found guilty of this act of cruelty.

By prosecuting the suspect to the fullest extent of the law, you will send a clear message that acts of animal cruelty will not be tolerated within Mobile County or the state of Alabama. It is our collective responsibility to protect the welfare and rights of animals and to hold those who harm them accountable for their actions.

We respectfully urge you to prioritize this case and seek justice for the innocent dog who tragically lost its life. We believe that by taking decisive action, you will reinforce the values of compassion and respect for all living beings within our community.


[Your Name Here]

Photo credit: Franca


  1. Brian Formes says:

    If anyone witnessed this why didn’t anyone do anything to stop it!!!!???!! They aren’t much better! More interested in videoing the incident to report it than actually intervening to save the poor dogs life, and letting it SUFFER! What could’ve possibly happened if they shoved the asshole, or anything? Pretend it’s your own pet/ family member, how would you respond? I’d be killing a MF! Poor doggie :((( Throw the book at that asshole and hold him underwater, until the crabs eat his ass!

  2. All those who watched this horrific act and did nothing to help the poor defenseless dog should be punished right along with the owner.

    • In Florida if you hit the guy or stopped him you could be prosecuted for assault. Personally he should have held under the water

      • I would rather be charged with assault then watch some psycho kill a poor defenceless animal. The people that watched this and did nothing are just as guilty. Watching until the dog was dead and then calling the police and confronting the guy didn’t help that poor dog at all. I live in Florida.. Never heard of that ridiculous law and even if I had heard of it, it would not have stopped me from trying to save that dog.

        • Nichole Bachand-Bartlett says:

          Yes same!

        • Patricia Lamonica says:


        • Totally agree with you Janet. And fuck that stupid law in Florida.How can you see someone kill an animal and do nothing?????

          • Agree as well. They watched as this sweet dog’s “family member” held him down in the water to die.
            Can you just imagine the terror in this sweet Angel’s mind???!!!! Such a monster needs to be off the streets and in a cell.

    • Yes! My point exactly what the hell is wrong with people?

    • Susan CLARK says:

      my thoughts exactly. why do people stand around and do nothing? see something say something? zero tolerance for violence? where did that all go? are people afraid they’ll get shot or stabbed? i could not stand still and not shove that guy onto his ass and the devil take me. where is the moral obligation of a few people against ONE asshole? i will have nightmares over this.

      • Corinne Sanches says:

        I agree I would’ve ran up and push the guy. I would’ve been screaming and telling everybody to help me save this dog. There is no way I would’ve allowed this to happen. This is so cruel and people are so cruel to stand around and let this happen this is horrific act of abuse in front of people and nobody did anything. This is unbelievable this poor dog.

      • Nichole Bachand-Bartlett says:

        Me too! Its so sad and horrific. I hope the same can be done to him in jail!

    • Amen to that!!

    • Put them in the dogs position and see their response, bet it changes real fast. These people are worthless like the perpetrator, jail all.

  3. A to the J says:

    Wha the hell is wrong with people? Those who watched are just as guilty. Sometimes you don’t need to mind your own business. This makes me sick. Drown this owner please. I ducking hate people like this.

  4. Josephine Oshana says:

    Common sense is to take the dog to the vet and get flea/tick medicine- water doesn’t kill the fleas and dunking your dog’s head in water or worse the ocean is not a solution- I love labs and all you did was cause confusion, terror and fear for the animal- you shouldn’t have any pets and need your head checked- I hope your cell mate loves dogs. – You have to live with killing your family – he must’ve been so scared- Also why didn’t anyone jump in to rescue the dog from your bizarre behavior? Humans out there- If you see something, say or do something!

  5. If this bastard was on the beach in the sea and all of these ‘supposed’ witnesses
    who were watching this happen, why did they not stop this arsehole instead of standing there bloody watching?
    I mean, what the fuck is wrong with these pricks.
    It should have been obvious what this piece of shit was doing as I really do not think the unfortunate dog would have been laying still and letting it happen! It would have been kicking and threshing around to try and escape.p with it’s life!
    There must have been plenty of these fools around who could have dealt with the bastard accordingly by mobbing the fucker and retaining the prick until the police arrived. Oh, that is if any of them had the brain to call them!
    But no, the idiots would sooner stand and watch and no doubt take sodding videos instead of getting involved.
    Shame on the lot of them. They deserve a bloody good beating all of them. Pathetic tossers.
    And that is why these wankers get away with torturing, abusing and killing because they are scared of getting involved.
    I wonder, if it was a member if their family I expect the bloody fools would just stand there and watch. Morons!!
    We all know what this fucker needs. A few good men sitting on the bastard with his face in the water. It is the only way these sods will maybe learn.
    Although if he dies in the process they could just say it was a accident and they were just having some fun.
    I would love this so-called pissant dog-drowner for a very short time. I guarantee the wanker would no do it again.

  6. J.Mitchell says:

    This is a terrible act of cruelty, abuse and cold-blooded murder against an innocent defenceless animal. This was a “living being” with “real feelings” regardless of species. This man or monster who committed this horrid crime is evil and needs to be properly dealt with by the law. This should never be tolerated within a civilized society!

  7. Cathy McCormick says:

    This POS should be held underwater and drowned- exactly what he did to this innocent dog! Animal abusers don’t deserve to walk on this Earth! 😵‍💫

  8. Maria Lavorato says:

    Why did no one go to save this sweet dog? They should all be drowned.

    ….many dogs get fleas at some point. YOU DON’T DROWN THEM! This pathetic excuse for a human should be banned from ever coming near another animal!!!!!!!!!!

    FIRST DEGREE MURDER CHARGES and nothing less.

  9. Lying bastard!!!

  10. Hold his head underwater for 10 minutes!!

  11. Starla Wallace says:

    Evil person!!

  12. Seriously OMG what a pathetic piece of shit human this asshole is. He is the one that should have been drowned and still should be – for all of the people or whatever the f*ck you were doing – but you certainly were not saving the life of the dog. This asshole who owned this poor animal needs to have the same treatment levied on him – FUCK what is wrong with people!!!!!

  13. F and F meaning, Find him and Fuck him. The only solution for this type of criminals.

  14. bernard jean-pierre says:

    por cet odieux personnage, je le tiendrait 5 minutes sous l’eau, pour être certain qu’il n’a pas de puces; ce qu’il a fait à ce gentil chien est horrible et devraient être condamné sévèrement et ceux qui n’ont pas intervenu pour sauver ce pauvre être sans défense sont aussi coupable.”Le monde ne sera pas détruit par ceux qui font le mal, mais par ceux qui les regardent sans rien faire.”<>.


  16. If I had been there, I might’ve ended up in jail myself after I beat the crap out of this guy!!! What is wrong with people??!!!

  17. We need to hold this POS accountable are you kidding me I just can’t believe how stupid some people are. I wonder if you ever thought about the dog his pet. I mean the judicial system the police the legal system it all has to change to where we hold people like this accountable to the fullest extent of the law. We have to change the way we look at the animals that we allow into our lives and promise to take care of them providing them Medical Dental if needed love compassion kindness treats toys all the above. we all have to live here no one has the right to abuse any animal nor anybody. People who do that are cowards and deserve what they get. God said be kind to his animal and you for sure not done that you’ll have to answer to a much higher power than me.

  18. See long din says:

    Yep again, a MALE committing a heinous crime. What the hell dudes? May Shawn Taulbee get what he deserves in life. A life of torment and hell. Useless human.

  19. Mary Hawks says:

    Whoever watched this and allowed it to happen would be ashamed of themselves. I would catch whatever charge but it would’ve been handled. This is disgusting! He deserves to sit and rot for this.

  20. What this man did was appalling but what I can’t understand is why witnesses stood there and watched him do it without on earth could they stand there and not jump in to save the dog.That poor creature had no one ready to stand up and fight for him..didn’t stand a chance.

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