Justice for Dog Reportedly Executed Behind Dumpster

Target: Steve Mulroy, District Attorney for Shelby County, TN

Goal: Punish man accused of shooting and killing dog if he is found guilty.

A witness reportedly saw a horrific act of animal cruelty unfold in Memphis, Tennessee. The person claimed to see a man drag a dog into a wooded area. Shortly thereafter, the witness apparently heard several gunshots. The dog then seemingly fled from the area with a wound to the head. In an even more disturbing turn of events, the suspect allegedly caught and dragged the pup again…this time behind a dumpster. The witness reported more gunshots, and authorities later discovered a deceased dog at the dumpster site.

Officers also reportedly confiscated a firearm from the car of the suspect, John Coleman. This man has since been arrested on aggravated animal cruelty charges. If he did indeed commit such a brazen act in plain view, he needs to face severe consequences.

Sign the petition below to demand this suspect be prosecuted to the fullest extent.


Dear DA Mulroy,

A defenseless dog was allegedly dragged, shot, stalked, and then shot again in view of a Memphis witness. This poor animal apparently died as a result. Think about the terror and pain that must have been felt by this living being.

Please do not let this horrendous case go unpunished. Suspect John Coleman was found with a gun; the actions he took with the firearm appear to have been calculated and malicious. If he is guilty, he needs to face the maximum punishment for justice’s sake and to prevent further escalation of such cold cruelty.


[Your Name Here]

Photo Credit: Em on Earth


  1. Couldn’t have said it better myself. He’s a disgusting waste of space, and needs to die slowly in excruciating pain. What a piece of shit.

  2. Karma demands the same punishment for the POS who did this

  3. Prosecute this worthless scum of earth depraved monster. Let the prisoners and animal lovers Do some prison justice!!! Dont Let him off. He Is a danger to All society!! Let justice Be served!

  4. Dr.+Dagmar+Görz-Lenzen says:

    Find this insane piece of human meat and throw this scum-subject into jail, where rather bad men stay, who have to lose nothing, but love and adore animals.

  5. Bear de Mel says:

    Thank God there was a witness , who obviously reported the cruelty . My sincere thanks to this person . All animal cruelty needs to be punished very severely and promptly .

  6. The continuing animal abuse angers me to no end, especially as the offenders usually get off with a fine and/or worse — freedom.

    • They are all budding serial killers who will end up murdering ppl also someday. All starts with the defenseless animals. They need to be taken out early.

  7. Been signing these petitions til the cows come home and yet nothing seems to get done. I dont know what it will take to get these lazy ass lawmakers to realize animals are just as important as people and they need laws to protect them and get justice done, without needing to continuously sign petitions. That piece of crap is guilty, was witnessed doing the crime, now get prosecution done! No if, ands, maybe’s, probably’s …. JUST DO IT!!!!!!

    • You are spot on! Tired of hearing how they get a plea deal, lesser sentence. The community obviously will not tolerate and do not like animal abuse so why isn’t the state prosecutor doing what the people want! Are they not supposed to be working for the people and prosecuting to the fullest extent of the law? State prosecutor do your job!!!!!! Or we will get someone else in who will

      • Christine Nuttall says:

        I’ve been signing every petition and yet they get away with a slap on the wrist. What makes me sick is this person was seen and yet they still say if he’s found guilty!! Of course he’s guilty. An eye for an eye. I’d like to shoot him and make him suffer so he’s suffering. Evil piece of shit!!!

        • Sign them all and the damn court don’t do anything about it I’m gonnasign until I see just one person get life in prison for killing animals and that goes for damn sorry ass kids cause I hate kids with a passion

      • These fucking jumped-up barristers who defend these pieces of shite are just as bad as they are.
        With quips like,
        “Oh, he didn’t’ the mean it, or he was very upset at the time, or he was constipated which made him angry”.
        So for an easy life the useless Judge passes a ‘slap on the wrist‘ sentence!
        Mob rule or people power is the only way to deal with these cocky bastards.
        Not necessarily kill them ( although this would be good) but cripple them for the rest of their miserable lives so they will never forget what they have done and will never be able to do it again!
        This fucker seriously needs teaching that animal abuse and torture will not be tolerated and would be a strong message to all of these sick bastards out there who enjoy torturing animals.
        But ‘sick minded’ is not really true as these arseholes know exactly what they are doing!! Bastards all of them, and definitely better off DEAD!

    • Sign them all and the damn court don’t do anything about it I’m gonnasign until I see just one person get life in prison for killing animals and that goes for damn sorry ass kids cause I hate kids with a passion

  8. What a POS!!!! This guy needs to be treated the same.


    Poor sweet little angel. I am so sad for what horror you had to endure. I wish I or someone could have come to save you. I know heaven will give you all the joy you deserve little sweet boy/girl.




  10. Uncommon Sensesc says:

    People will let their kids treat animals horribly but then get mad if the animal defends or protects itself (or gets scared and bites). John Coleman lives in the Edgewater Apartment in Northeast Memphis but I don’t have an exact address. I hope someone with some sense gets ahold of him and exacts true justice for this poor dog!

  11. put him away for good

  12. Michele Bestor says:

    Skin the piece of shut alive. Make him suffer immensely PLEASE!!!!
    Rip to the innocent puppy.

  13. Sandy Menden says:

    John Coleman should be executed!!!!

  14. Ross Allen says:

    Prosecute, punish to the fullest extent. Garbage human deserves serious prison time before he kills kids.

  15. This piece of scub deserves to be prosecuted to the fullest extent of the law!!!!

    • Yea OK the laws are not gonna do anything but let this bastatd go no he needs to be took out to the same damn place where he killed this poor baby and shot and killed in the same way no prison are jail shot dead the same way

  16. Annette & Jeff says:

    I’M SOOOOOOOOOOOO ANGRY AND SAD :-(, I HAVE NO WORDS BUT YOU ARE ALL SPEAKING OUR MINDS. Personally I WANT TO RIP THIS HUMAN GARBAGE APART…THEN DO TO HIM WHAT HE DID TO THAT POOR BABY..may he now rest in peace from this cowardly, pathetic, demented, psychotic P.O.S. son of a bitch..this scum SHOULD NOT BE BREATHING!!!!

  17. The person who reported it and who could of stopped it should be punished as well.

    • Hun, seriously. The guy had a gun. Are you going to confront this guy with a gun in his hand and possibly get shot yourself? Come on. All they could have done was shout at the guy…who knows if they did or not but you got a LOON with gun. As much as any of us would love to do so, you can’t take that chance that he wouldn’t shoot you.

  18. People like this doesn’t deserve to live this bastard should be f**king shot the same dame way but the damn courts will let him get off free cause they don’t care I hate people that does this shit he should be killed to in the same way the low life sorry ass mother f**ker

    • Exactly. These arrogant and cocky bastards must be stopped. This dog was a living being and deserves justice!
      This nasty prick needs to be seriously shown the error of his ways.
      I mean, who the hell does the bastard think he is to take an animal and torture it to death.
      If anyone says he has a diseased mind then it needs un-deseasing which means the arsehole needs to be ‘dead’ by any means possible.
      And good riddance. A fired up ‘lynch mob’ would be perfect for this inhuman tosser! Yes this is going to happen very soon I think as normal people will only take so much from these pieces of shite!

  19. I am glad a witness called the police; however, I wish they person would have rescued this poor dog and maybe he could have been saved. The monster whom killed this dog needs to be shot to death!

    • Christine would you really have ran over to the guy with a gun in his hand and got into it with him???? You could have been shot and killed yourself. It’s a very SAD situation but you can’t take that chance with a LOON!

  20. This bastard needs the same done to him!!!!!

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