Defenseless Puppies Reportedly Cruelly Mutilated Deserve Justice

Target: Mr. Ed Gonzalez, Sheriff of Harris County, Texas, United States

Goal: Perform a thorough investigation into the man accused of cutting the legs or paw off six live puppies.

A deeply disturbing case of animal cruelty has emerged in Baytown, Texas. Justin Belton, a 44-year-old man, is facing multiple charges of cruelty to non-livestock animals. According to court documents, Belton stands accused of cutting the legs or paw off of six live puppies, inflicting unimaginable pain and suffering upon these innocent creatures.

The act of mutilating defenseless puppies is a horrifying violation of ethical principles and demonstrates a complete disregard for the well-being and dignity of living beings. Such acts of cruelty not only inflict physical harm, but also cause profound emotional distress to both the animals involved and the broader community.

It is our collective responsibility to ensure that justice is served and that those who commit acts of cruelty are held accountable for their actions. Sign below and demand swift and decisive action in this case.


Dear Mr. Ed Gonzalez,

We are writing to express our deep concern and outrage regarding the recent case of animal cruelty in Baytown, Texas. The allegations against Justin Belton, accused of cutting the legs or paw off of six live puppies, have shocked and appalled the community.

We demand that you prioritize this case and pursue it with the utmost diligence. Every effort must be made to collect compelling evidence, interview witnesses, and ensure a fair and just legal process. The charges of cruelty to non-livestock animals against Justin Belton must be thoroughly investigated and to ensure he can be prosecuted to the fullest extent of the law.

By taking decisive action against this alleged perpetrator, you will send a powerful message that acts of animal cruelty will not be tolerated in Harris County, Texas. It is essential to demonstrate that our community upholds the principles of compassion, justice, and empathy towards all living beings.


[Your Name Here]

Photo credit: kitty.green66


  1. There is no punishment to fit this horrendous cruelty other than to slice this bastards limbs off slowly and agonisingly and leave him to bleed to death…. and that would come nowhere near being enough, though I am sure an eternity of suffering awaits him in Hell…..

    • I agree 100% with you. I am glad he is having a hard time finding a lawyer willing to defend him & hope he doesn’t find one.

      • Joyce O'Malley says:

        Strictly fine this person – prosecute and put him in prison for life – no contact with or around and cats or dogs or any animals for life!!

  2. Sherry Abela says:

    Such acts of cruelty should never go unpunished. If Justin Belton is proven guilty PUNISH him to the fullest extent of the law for this horrific act of cruelty. He should lose his right to ever own another animal. Please, please be a voice for these innocent puppies.

  3. Should this man be proven guilty he deserves the harshest punishment allowed. It is hard to imagine someone doing this to babies, or any animal. This man is deeply ill. He needs counciling but he also should do prison for the horrible things he did. He knows right from wrong, thus, no excuse. I would hope lawyers don’t want to represent this type of person. If he is mentally ill, he needs help but he is also dangerous to society. This is the same mental attitude of mass murders.
    Again I make the plea for stronger laws. National laws would make a difference as states can do as they please but punishments are usually a slap on the wrist with no interest in a person’s future actions.

  4. Stella Waldvogel says:

    I wish they could lock him away for life. His brain is pureed from years of meth and who knows what else. He chopped the legs and feet off those puppies and then brought them to the vet. That doesn’t excuse him at all, it just says he’s dangerously unpredictable. No defense attorney wants to take his case.

  5. Instigation of the death penalty and nothing less must be implemented to these evil cretin severe animal abusing scumbags.

  6. There is a fit punishment …saw every appendage that he has off, but keep him alive…tie him to a tree in the wilderness and let the animals do their thing…

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