Kitten Reportedly Brutally Kicked to Death Deserves Justice

Target: Prince William County, Virginia Commonwealth Attorney Amy Ashworth

Goal: Give man maximum legal sentence for reportedly kicking kitten to death.

A kitten allegedly died after being kicked in the head multiple times. Frederick Grant Pierce was arrested on animal cruelty charges shortly afterwards. It is imperative that Pierce receive the maximum prison sentence if he is found guilty of this horrific crime. Authorities stated they discovered the animal after responding to a domestic violence call. According to reports, the 3-month-old kitten was found lifeless in the bedroom.

The incident allegedly happened after the kitten’s owner left the apartment. Officers said they seized the animal to investigate the reported death further. Pierce is being held on a $1,500 unsecured bond. Demand he spend the most time in prison possible if it is found he committed this unforgivable act.


Dear Commonwealth Attorney Ashworth,

Frederick Grant Pierce is currently being held on felony animal cruelty charges after being accused of brutally kicking a kitten to death. He must spend a lengthy amount of time in prison and be banned from owning or being around pets if he is found guilty of killing this innocent animal. Officers reportedly found the animal motionless in the bedroom after they answered a call concerning domestic violence. They decided to take the kitten with them to try and piece together the alleged crime.

Reports state that the kitten’s owner was away when the crime took place. Pierce is being held on a $1,500 unsecured bond while the crime is being investigated. Sign this petition to demand Pierce not only receive a prison sentence but to also insist he no longer be legally allowed to be around animals if it is found this helpless kitten  suffered and died by his hands.


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Photo Credit: Saving Public Ryan


  1. Johnny K. says:

    Why, oh why, do people keep saying to put this guy in prison. Is it because they don’t have the balls to want to see him tortured and killed. Let’s make this simple. Put the mother-fucker in a cage, pour gasoline all over him and throw a match in the cage. Then as he is screaming his lungs out, video tape it so that real animal lovers could enjoy the video. I would gladly pay a hundred dollars to see this bastard screaming and crying until his last breath. But most people don’t have the guts to want this to happen. And they wonder why things never change. They want to send these bastards to jail for awhile and then they will come out and torture and kill another animal. One thing is for damn sure and that is that the law ain’t gonna do shit about really making animal abusers pay for what they do and have done. That’s just the reality of this fucked-up society.

    • Joyce O'Malley says:

      Our government does not have appropriate laws to protect animals rights, children’s rights, woman’s rights, or individual rights!! The government does not protect people or animals from offenders or repeatedly offenders! This creep should stay in prison and should never be allowed to get out!! Look at the NYCACC Animal Shelter – they have a DEATH ROW CATS WEBSITE!! This shelter was supposed to be no kill in 2015 but is still legally killing cats and dogs weekly!! This animal had no rights and some how this creep probably got the kitten off Craig’s List – or from a neighbor to specifically kill it!! This kind of animal torture and killing must be deemed illegal and the only way is to have the local and state governments stop it with strict laws and follow up with creep animal killers!! This creep is insane and should be in prison for life!!

    • You are right. When they put these monsters in prison, you have to pay for them to keep them alive. Why spend money for them. An eye for an eye. Justice for all the innocent victims.

    • Evelyn Ball says:

      Totally agree. Eye for an eye punishment for these worthless pieces of human shit.

    • Sandra Wente says:

      Great idea!!!

    • EXACTLY – Could not have said it better myself brother.
      These bastards have got to be made an example of.
      Animals have as much right to live, ( if not more so) than these shitbag waste of space so-called humans!
      The law MUST be changed so that anyone convicted of animal abuse, torture, and murder will be terminated, shot or whatever.
      This is the only thing these bastards understand so their tiny brains may just start to understand what will happen to them!
      And would no doubt be a warning to any other animal torturing fuckers out there!
      Cannot see this happening for a long time so any animal vigilante groups out there I say absolute power to you if you can deal with any of these tossers accordingly – and permanently !!!

    • Johnny K., I couldn’t agree more!! This never-ending cycle in monstrous animal abusers and their so-called ‘punishment’ for their actions, angers me to no end!! Most of them don’t even go to jail and when they do, it’s only for a couple months, or even weeks. Hardly enough time for any small chance of them changing one bit… Sick!!!

    • Lisa Finnigan says:

      Where do I sign up to help with this?

  2. Joseph Kenosky says:

    Give the perpetrator(s) the maximum punishment!

  3. Death penalty for bastard killer, justice for the kitten!

  4. Anthony S Marici says:

    Hang the vile mfker!!

  5. When are couples fighting going to stop taking their anger out on innocent animals? Not until courts start obeying the Federal Law which states that animal abusers & killers should be sent to jail & never allowed to own or be around animals again in their lifetime. But too many of our judges are not obeying the law???
    It is up to voters to vote these judges out of office. When it is time to vote in states it is very difficult & most times impossible to find out these judges decisions on these types of cases as well as other decisions they make. This needs to be changed, voters should be made aware of judge’s decisions in these type of cases & then they will be voted out if they did not obey these laws & others. People we have to do better when we vote. In these cases it means the life or death of innocent animals. People of VA please keep informed about this case & other animal abuse\killings, people in all states be aware of these cases to protect our innocent pets.

  6. Paula Long says:

    This sick individual does deserve to live in a civilized society. Put them away. Cruelty kicking this poor innocent kitten yo death is just disgusting.

  7. Shannon Mahoney says:

    I agree with all the comments. Ok, how can we the people get the laws changed to keep these POS in prison for life. They took a life in violence and should stay incarcerated for life or get death themselves.

  8. EVA CANTU says:


  9. The bastards who do this are just pieces of shite who need taking out of our world.
    What a brave guy he is to kick to death a baby kitten!
    Some animal action group or yes, an angry ‘ fired – up mob who could drag the fucker from his home and beat the bastard to an inch of his life so the tosser would never forget for the rest of his ‘crippled ‘ life! These bastards need to know what it is like to be on the receiving end and I’ll bet the pathetic buggers would be screaming for mercy.
    Well the so-called law will only dance around these buggers and even if they ‘do’ get prosecuted and imprisoned, the bastards will only do it again when released!!
    So no, let ‘mob rule’ prevail to take these supposed ‘hard bastards’ out.
    They are just shitbag humans who think they are untouchable.
    Well let’s just hope there is some vigilante group out there to show them they are NOT!
    The only good these pricks will do the world is when the fuckers are DEAD!!

  10. Jane Todaro says:


  11. Carolyn Martin says:

    This craven coward needs to be thrashed.. kicked to within an inch of his life . Bring him to and start all over again.

  12. What a disgusting vile peice of garbage. This person does not deserve to be part of the human race. Please punish this monster!

  13. This a-hole should be tortured and never be allowed near another animal!!! Rid the Earth of scum like this!!!! I’m so tired of abusers getting away with nothing done- they don’t deserve jail (free room and board)! Criminals do not have rights- criminals in prison eat better and have better health insurance than people who are making an honest living!!!! Abusers and all criminals should be tortured!!!!!!


  15. It is simply terrible what this poor little kitten had to indure at the hands of this sicko. He needs to be kicked in the head until there is no life left in him. As they say KARM IS A BITCH. Hope he gets his.

  16. Are animal cruelty laws are a JOKE, these monsters commit cruel acts such as this and get a slap on the hand BULL CRAP I say! WAKE UP, and start setting harsher laws and putting these POS where they belong or let the public, sentence these POS with the same act they dealt out. SICK AND TIRED OF ANIMAL POS MONSTERS ABUSING OR KILLING ANIMALS …. DO SOMETHING ABOUT THIS !

  17. To brutalize an innocent kitten is so sick and this man deserves a long prison sentence and never own any animal forever. People who enjoy torturing animals are never going to stop. Putting them in prison saves many more innocent deaths!

  18. For those of you who think this was a cruel act, you better rethink your food choices. guaranteed most of you are not vegan and contribute to animal cruelty on a regular basis. If you still eat animals or consume animal products like dairy and shit, don’t waste your time signing this petition because you’re no better than this Niglet asshole

  19. I’m seething with rage over this- a 3 MONTH OLD KITTEN. The most vulnerable and gentle little creature. I have 4 cats. I love them more than life itself. There’s nothing I wouldn’t do for them. I rescued one from the street as a tiny kitten and he’s 13 now. 3 I rescued in January from a closing shelter- they’re just a year old. If anyone ever hurt them I would beat the crap out of them. The very thought of that little angel being so brutally killed breaks my heart and infuriates me.

  20. So many domestic violence cases result in the death of their partner’s pet or they even kill children. These abusers are charged with “animal cruelty” but it is not just cruelty, it was murder. Our pets are considered “property” and have no rights of personhood. Jail These murders, fine them, keep them away from all animals for life.

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