Kitten Reportedly Brutally Kicked to Death Deserves Justice

Target: Prince William County, Virginia Commonwealth Attorney Amy Ashworth

Goal: Give man maximum legal sentence for reportedly kicking kitten to death.

A kitten allegedly died after being kicked in the head multiple times. Frederick Grant Pierce was arrested on animal cruelty charges shortly afterwards. It is imperative that Pierce receive the maximum prison sentence if he is found guilty of this horrific crime. Authorities stated they discovered the animal after responding to a domestic violence call. According to reports, the 3-month-old kitten was found lifeless in the bedroom.

The incident allegedly happened after the kitten’s owner left the apartment. Officers said they seized the animal to investigate the reported death further. Pierce is being held on a $1,500 unsecured bond. Demand he spend the most time in prison possible if it is found he committed this unforgivable act.


Dear Commonwealth Attorney Ashworth,

Frederick Grant Pierce is currently being held on felony animal cruelty charges after being accused of brutally kicking a kitten to death. He must spend a lengthy amount of time in prison and be banned from owning or being around pets if he is found guilty of killing this innocent animal. Officers reportedly found the animal motionless in the bedroom after they answered a call concerning domestic violence. They decided to take the kitten with them to try and piece together the alleged crime.

Reports state that the kitten’s owner was away when the crime took place. Pierce is being held on a $1,500 unsecured bond while the crime is being investigated. Sign this petition to demand Pierce not only receive a prison sentence but to also insist he no longer be legally allowed to be around animals if it is found this helpless kitten  suffered and died by his hands.


Your Name Here

Photo Credit: Saving Public Ryan


  1. Vanessa Strougo says:

    Another Fine BLM member doing his part to making this world a fine Safe Haven for all innocent Creatures
    I love how all these disgusting Lower than low scum have these Fancy Names …the only thing that their great ancestry could give them for free but of course no real education as how to be a caring and civilized human being.

  2. Maria Lavorato says:

    SOB needs to be kicked to death!

    Jail time should be substantial and hopefully someone will end his life in there. ….but if not death should be quickly when he comes out of jail in the same way he killed that innocent sweet angel!

    Perhaps when he’s sitting buring in hell he’ll reflect on that sweet little kitten that he could have nurtured.

    • Annette & Jeff says:

      Our thoughts as well Maria, well said for a Pathetic low life p.o.s. waste of human garbage!

      • I just took in a three or four week old kitten that I found crying on my porch. He belongs in prison and there’s a lot of people in there that don’t like prisoners who are mean to animals so I’m hoping he’ll get his in the very near future.

    • Agreed

  3. Jilly+Idle says:

    WTF do you mean about BLM, fancy names and ancestry… what, are you, a racist or something? Who the hell are you to assume? It was probably more like a white supremacist nazi, which is probably what you are. So Shut the fuck up, asshole. And show some compassion for the animals instead of worrying about BLM

    • Yeah I don’t get this woman saying this guy is a BLM member either. That’s weird. Is she assuming he’s black??? Who the hell knows what ethnicity this POS is but let me tell you POS come in every color!

    • totally agree what a ridiculous comment. People no matter what color abuse animals

  4. Max jail time for this sadistic predator. Court enforced psychiatric counseling for the bimbo girlfriend who hooked up with this dirt bag, gave him keys to her apartment, left that kitten alone. She is just as responsible. Dumb-ss bimbo. No more pets for her, either.

    • I whole heartedly agree with you. You know perfectly well this was the stupid woman hooking up with some sadistic SOB who leaves her animals at this budding serial killer’s mercy. Dumb Bitch.

  5. Margaret says:

    Forget prison! This devil needs to have the same fate. One less piece of trash to litter our planet!

  6. Animal cruelty that causes extreme pain or death has been signed into law as a federal, felony crime. Respectfully, what do we have to say or do to compel you to treat it that way? This is a serious, heinous crime. Defenseless animals are not things. That animal and beloved pet, experienced terror, pain, and death the exact same as any human. The killer did that because he thought he could get away with it to inflict pain on his partner. Please show him and any other domestic violence and animal abuser criminal that they cannot do this without serious consequences and meaningful penalties that are befitting of a federal offense. Thank you.

    • Jeannie Frank says:

      Thank you for your input;I agree with everything you wrote- this sadistic, worthless, excuse for any human being,as well as the senseless friend who would ever leave a precious animal alone with him,each must be made to pay the consequences.

  7. Frederick Grant Pierce needs to be kicked in his fucking head’s beat with a baseball bat until he dies a slow miserable death. This is why I hate people.

    • Christine Nuttall says:

      I 100% agree and couldn’t have written any better so thankyou for saying what I was thinking!! My rottie at 6 months old was beaten, kicked deprived of food and the list goes on. We took her from a lovely rescue lady and have had her 5 years. She is a beautiful girl and is so loved but hares shirt grey men wearing hivis jackets so what does that tell you?

  8. Prosecute that scumbag piece of shit lowlife to the full extent of the law and hopefully someone will bash his brains in with a baseball bat. Who could do such a heartless act of abuse to an innocent baby kitty. Only a deranged fucking lunatic. An eye for an eye. That’s a great idea. Maybe someone should deliberately rip his eye out of its socket for the fun of it. Why not?? Seems like the punishment fits the crime!

  9. josie olive says:

    I wish I could beat this piece of shit to death

  10. I strongly that this hateful monster deserves to be kicked to death! The owners of these helpless fur babies should never leave them alone in domestic violence situations. It is always a deadly outcome.

  11. This I’m sure was the POS boyfriend who was probably sadistic and jealous of her time with this cat and probably hated cats. So he ended the kitten. Women are so easily fooled by these SOBs and stay with them. Very sad. I’m sure she is probably the one who called the cops on him though. But it was sadly too late.

  12. Cheryl+Miller says:

    OMG that poor baby kitten!!! What a complete loser!!! If they don’t get justice for this kitten, it won’t be the first victim!! He’s probably killed innocent animals his whole life!! Keep him in jail, fine him, never ever let him own animals and make him pick up trash like the trash he is!!!! Poor poor kitten!!!!

  13. WHAT could a three month old kitten have done to warrant being kicked repeatedly in the head?????? This POS has some rage issues !! He belongs in jail and then throw away the key.

  14. C. Davis says:

    Sick and tired of hearing about people torturing and killing animals and NOTHING being done to them. This world is getting worse at punishment because the powers that be, no longer punish. Until people start getting punished harshly, poor innocent animals don’t have a chance, because NO ONE is speaking up and protecting them from it !!!!

  15. Annette & Jeff says:


  16. Again notice mostly women sign the petition. Where are the men. ABUSING!!!!!!!! Animals women and children.

    • I’m a man and sign a lot of petitions especially related to all animals, which I respect and trust more than most humans. I can’t say why others don’t sign however I note that most if not all of the abusers are male. Doesn’t say much that is positive for our gender.

    • I agree

    • No, I would not be ABUSING animals and do not take kindly to being looked upon as such! So please DO NOT class all men as animal abusers.
      Unfortunately I am thousands of miles away but would surely like to show this bastard what it it like to be on the receiving end.
      I will guarantee this shitbag would not be capable of doing anything like this again.If he survived that is!!!
      Maybe you should read a little closer to see that there are many males who submit to this site.
      Although maybe you should go and pay a visit to ‘spec savers’!!

  17. Adrienne Kaiser says:

    This POS kitten killer lacks any moral compass or compassion. The makings of a serial killer. He needs to be prosecuted to the fullest extent of the law without exception!! Unfortunately, cretins like this POS do not change their ways, even post punishment. He needs to be locked away for a long, long time.

  18. Poor kitten what a pos no matter what color he is.

  19. Exactly

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