Success: Trophies Taken Away From Big Game Hunters

Target: Henry Smith, MP for Crawley

Goal: Support ban on grisly imports acquired through trophy hunting.

Trophy hunting has stirred strong outrage across the globe, with high-profile incidents such as the hunt involving Cecil the Lion stoking the flames. ForceChange has frequently brought attention to the controversial issue, including in this petition. Moved by such appeals and growing popular support, the United Kingdom (UK) is finally taking an important step against this deadly practice.

Banning trophy hunting itself is one crucial advocacy measure, but stopping trafficking of these “trophies” (animal parts) is an equally needed initiative. The UK parliament has passed a bill that would ban hunters from importing parts of frequently targeted animals (mainly in Africa) like elephants, lions, and giraffes into the region. In all, 6,000-plus species will be helped by the ban, including many endangered animals.

Sign the petition below to thank the leader behind this long-overdue conservation effort.


Dear MP Smith,

“This will play an important part in helping reverse the decline of wildlife across the world. I look forward to it becoming an act of parliament.” These words from the international diversity minister represent the feelings of countless advocates who have long lobbied for action against the trophy hunting industry and, more importantly, in favor of protections for the many endangered animals put at risk by these practices. The import ban introduced by you is an important step in the right direction.

Thank you for finally helping achieve this widely popular goal.


[Your Name Here]

Photo Credit: Zdravko Pecar


  1. This idea of taking away trophies from hunters seems like a good idea. Trophy hunters pay dearly to hunt trophy animals. To have the money lost and nothing to show for it would absolutely stop the hunting but then it would be under the table. Fewer animal would be lost. What we in America need to do is stop allowing UPS and Fed Ex to deliver body parts to our front porches. It’s legal now but needs to be a criminal offense for which one would pay dearly. It would help stop all this killing.

  2. Trophy hunters are immoral and evil and MUST be stopped !

  3. Thank you for taking action against trophy hunting and the importation of body parts. It is the responsible thing to do.

  4. Rosemarie Lamirand says:

    People who kill for fun are evil

  5. Christine Grabar says:

    I strongly agree that killing poor animals just to hang their heads on a wall of a house is sick! People should take a safari trip where they can take pictures of animals in their natural habitats. Then they could print these pictures at home and frame them. That is what people should hang on their living room walls.

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3649 Signatures

  • wesley burnett
  • Cecil Woolley
  • Caroline Lockett
  • Olga Orda
  • Ellen Peck
  • Kathleen Leslie
  • Velina Ussery
  • Rhonda Morris
  • Rhonda Morris
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