Dog Reportedly Beaten and Dragged by Rope Around Neck Deserves Justice

Target: Oklahoma City, Oklahoma District Attorney Vicki Behenna

Goal: Give man maximum legal sentence for abusing his dog, if he is found guilty, and do not allow him to keep his animal.

A dog was allegedly slammed to the ground and mercilessly dragged by a rope wrapped around the animal’s neck. Jose Pece was arrested shortly afterwards for allegedly committing crime. It is important he spend the most time in prison possible and that he also no longer be legally allowed to own animals if he is found guilty of this heinous act.

According to reports, the dog simply ran up to Pece while he was on his bike before the animal was viciously kicked and dragged by the rope. It was further said that the helpless dog was profusely crying during the incident. Pece is currently being held on a five-thousand-dollar bond.

Sign this petition to demand that this suspect is held accountable for his actions, if he is found guilty of beating this dog, and that he no longer be allowed to have animals in his care.


Dear District Attorney Behenna,

Jose Pece was recently arrested for brutally beating a dog. He needs to get the maximum penalty under law and not be allowed to retain ownership of his dog if it is found he committed this heartless abuse.

Witnesses said the dog was kicked and dragged by a rope that was wrapped around the animal’s neck after running up to Pece on his bike. Reports state that the dog was crying throughout the beating and showing severe signs of distress. Studies have shown that abused animals continue to show stress toward others after they are mistreated. Therefore, this dog will likely continue to be fearful of people even if the animal is adopted by a loving family.

For these reasons, I demand Pece receive the maximum prison sentence and that he further be legally banned from owning pets if he is found guilty of these inexcusable actions.


[Your Name Here]

Photo Credit: Oklahoma Department of Corrections


  1. I strongly agree that this monster deserves to sit in prison for years so other inmates can beat him up! Meanwhile, I wish witnesses would intervene and save animals from abuse instead of watching it. Watching and then reporting abuse is not enough. People need to run and grab an animal that is being abused

  2. Stacy Tuttle says:

    Completely agree with karen…
    Animal abuse is everywhere and it appears..
    No one wants to do a dam thing about it!
    Burn this pos!

  3. Lowdown shit of society!! I hope this bastard rots in hell!! Scum of the Earth!!

    • Paige Elkaslasy says:

      I totally agree with you. That waste product
      Needs a lesson. Somebody named Bubba
      ( when he goes to a jail. )That’s were the
      guard turns and does not see anything; and
      bam he gets the justice he deserves.
      What a piece of crap.

  4. He looks like a thug loser, please keep him away from all animals and children, hope he gets a beating just for being a flaming asshole!

  5. Shoshannah Tempest says:

    Violent people need to serve time…they are everywhere, but punishment is not dealt out to curb them …

  6. $5,000 bond, no where near enough. Tell the judge to look at this mug shot, look into his eyes & the judge can’t see pure evil he/she has to be blind. I know even if he is convicted he will not get enough time locked up to pay for what he did!!! He is nothing more than a POS

  7. Becky+Beck says:

    Let’s just settle this !!! Take this POS out the same rope around his worthless ass take him to alligator alley and drop him in!!! Mother Nature and God will take care of the rest of this low life scum!!

  8. Cheryl Leonard says:

    Put the SOB away for many years and hope he meets his monster avenger in jail and suffers the same treatment and more. Tar a feather would be nice too.

  9. Sherry Abela says:

    If this isn’t treated as a horrific crime then animal abuse will continue. If he is convicted of this crime the dog should be taken away and he should be given the harshest punishment that the law will allow. Never allow him to own another animal, he doesn’t deserve to have one. I will never understand how anyone could treat an animal this way. This is a very cruel individual.

  10. Rita McComas says:

    Why? Why do people feel they have the right to abuse and torture animals? We will all stand and be judged one day, animal abuse is one thing I will not have to answer for!

    • It is because they are fucking cowards and the animal cannot fight back.
      They think it makes them look hard.
      “Hey, look at me, I’ve just beaten my dog senseless because he did not do what he was told”. Aren’t I the hard guy!! Or something along those lines.
      You can see in his photo that he is a nasty arrogant evil looking fucker who needs removing from our planet.
      Arseholes like him need taking out by a animal activist group or angry mob so the bastard knows what serious pain feels like.
      I guarantee that ten minutes is all I would need with this cunt and he would not do it again because the fucker would be painfully DEAD!
      And to mention, I would have no remorse and would sleep like a baby knowing I had done some good by dispatching the despicable animal torturing prick.
      If anyone wishes to know if this is true, I can say ‘yes it is’ as I have done this once before.
      Tracks covered, well planned out, no problem. One animal abusing, torturing fucker less.
      So beware you bastards out there if you read this. If you think about torturing any animal for fun or power, THINK AGAIN you wankers, you could be next In line for a very painful termination!!

  11. Christopher Askew says:

    Vile piece of crap who should be given the beating of his life.This man is a little coward who will get what’s coming to him sooner or later.People don’t like his kind

  12. Pos doesnt deserve a dog. Its obvious he did it so why us it even being considered giving that poor dog back to this scum? Longest sentence possible. Hopefully with someone that will give this ignorant bully some of the same treatment.

  13. Laura Rolder says:

    Felony charges to the max. That still won’t be enough for the horrific abuse this poor helpless animal endured. He should be banned from ever being around any animals or owning any for life. The justice system needs to start protecting these innocent animals and stop letting animal abusers off with a slap on the wrist. It will only change if you locked them away for a long long time away from society. You can tell he is a heartless monster next it will be a child if you don’t stop him now.
    Put yourself in that poor dogs life of fear and see if you’d be ok being kicked and have a rope wrapped around your neck and be dragged. Sickening if you dont lock him away for years

  14. Absolutely unacceptable. This vile person needs prison time and lots of it . Can’t these judges see the hate that these pos people do to animals is directed towards humans ? It’s bad this dog could not fight back . This pos should not get his dog back . Should never own or be around dogs or any animals for the rest of his rotten life . He should pay a hefty fine.

  15. Please make sure this vile poor excuse for a human is held accountable for him abusing this poor animal! Unacceptable treatment! 🤬 Please do not allow him to ever own another animal!

  16. May all those who torture or abuse animals suffer a slow horrible painful death before they rot in hell !

  17. Can we just cut to the chase and burn this mother-fucker alive? No fine, no jail time, no “never owning pets again”, no community service. Just burn him alive and he will never beat or hurt another dog. Now, lets hear from the “bleeding hearts” out there that would say “no” to this punishment. They want the sonofabitch to keep breathing so he can continue to live and hurt more animals in his future. They’ll whine and cry and piss and moan that more should be done to help animals that are abused and they want some kind of punishment for the perpetrator. But when they get thru saying what they want done with the perp, he will still be alive to hurt more animals. Come on people, have some fuckin’ balls. Start eliminating these mother-fuckers and put’em under the ground and they will then never be able to hurt another innocent animal. Fuck giving them more chances at life. They sure as fuck don’t deserve it.

  18. Joseph Kenosky says:

    Euthanize this piece of garbage.

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