Dog Reportedly Beaten and Dragged by Rope Around Neck Deserves Justice

Target: Oklahoma City, Oklahoma District Attorney Vicki Behenna

Goal: Give man maximum legal sentence for abusing his dog, if he is found guilty, and do not allow him to keep his animal.

A dog was allegedly slammed to the ground and mercilessly dragged by a rope wrapped around the animal’s neck. Jose Pece was arrested shortly afterwards for allegedly committing crime. It is important he spend the most time in prison possible and that he also no longer be legally allowed to own animals if he is found guilty of this heinous act.

According to reports, the dog simply ran up to Pece while he was on his bike before the animal was viciously kicked and dragged by the rope. It was further said that the helpless dog was profusely crying during the incident. Pece is currently being held on a five-thousand-dollar bond.

Sign this petition to demand that this suspect is held accountable for his actions, if he is found guilty of beating this dog, and that he no longer be allowed to have animals in his care.


Dear District Attorney Behenna,

Jose Pece was recently arrested for brutally beating a dog. He needs to get the maximum penalty under law and not be allowed to retain ownership of his dog if it is found he committed this heartless abuse.

Witnesses said the dog was kicked and dragged by a rope that was wrapped around the animal’s neck after running up to Pece on his bike. Reports state that the dog was crying throughout the beating and showing severe signs of distress. Studies have shown that abused animals continue to show stress toward others after they are mistreated. Therefore, this dog will likely continue to be fearful of people even if the animal is adopted by a loving family.

For these reasons, I demand Pece receive the maximum prison sentence and that he further be legally banned from owning pets if he is found guilty of these inexcusable actions.


[Your Name Here]

Photo Credit: Oklahoma Department of Corrections


  1. A very dirty and easy case, though. Since this f.bastard is known arrest him and fuck him!!!

  2. Brenda Collins says:

    I say this every time I sign one of these petitions, and I’ll say it again … Animal laws should be changed to “an eye for an eye”! Do unto these scumbags EXACTLY as they have done to these poor, defenseless, voiceless animals! I guarantee that animal abuse would be drastically reduced if these low-lives knew that, once they are caught, the SAME EXACT THING will happen to them!!!


  4. I am so sick of reading and signing these horror stories. When, not if, he is found guilty I hope the judge in this case grows a pair and gives him the maximum. It’s judges who keep letting these ‘people’ off with a slap on the wrist who make the next one more likely to happen.

  5. Just look at this pathetic loser, no surprise here.

  6. Bernhard Yolanda says:

    easy and immediate to do “eliminates this rubbish”

  7. The laws and the courts need to start taking crimes against animals seriously! Lock him up for the remainder of his worthless life!

  8. This vile sociopath is a threat to society; people and animals alike – next time it WILL be a child. I just hope real justice is delivered. Anyone?

  9. Don’t let this case slip through the cracks. This monster is a danger to the society as a whole. he deserves the same done to him, but at least jail time. he should never own or be close to animals and children alike.

  10. A lifetime ban is needed: from owning, caring for, possessing, and from residing in any house where ANY animal is present.
    He needs to forfeit any animals currently in his possession, and also pay back costs for all veterinary care if applicable. Let’s be serious about saving animals’ lives. Thank you.

  11. I
    Like to beat and drag that asshole

  12. Eda Garcia says:

    Poor 🐕 😞

    Hang that idiot!!!
    No jail sentence getting tired of paying taxes for heartless humans!!

  13. If you love Trump you will lock him up for 20 years!!! Law and order!! PROVE your loyalty to TRUMP and lock this man up for years!!

    • Maggie Edmonston says:

      What the hell has Trump got to do with it? He needs locking up as well!

    • Why waste good taxpayers money by putting this piece of trash in jail.
      What this bastard needs is the same treatment he dished out to this innocent dog. A rope put around his neck by a fired up mob then dragged along whilst the fucker gets his ribs kicked in to see what it feels like!
      I really do not like this piece of shite as his photo says it all. One arrogant, slimey non-caring bastard who thinks he can do as he likes!
      Did anyone challenge him? Of course they didn’t so the arsehole gets away with it.
      I can only voice my frustrations at these tossers as I am thousands of miles away. But would really, really love to meet this bastard day or night.
      A nice piece of hickory would show him the error of his ways. Fuckers like him should be shown no mercy. And better still, have his fucking useless life stamped out of him!
      The law will do bugger all so is up to us ‘normal’ people to get rid of these waste of space tossers and would be one less animal torturing bastard on our planet!!
      I rest my case!!!

    • Thanks for highjacking and cheapening this thread with your infantile political agenda.

  14. The laws and the courts need to start taking crimes against animals seriously! This bas***d should get what he gave. They should all know what it feels like to be abused and treated this way

  15. What an evil dirty rotten heartless scumbag. He should be jailed for the pain, suffering and TRAUMA he caused this poor innocent helpless animal. This is unconscionable and unacceptable and INFURIATING.

  16. Sin duda alguna, a esta basura de persona, habria que aplicarle la ley de Talion!!!!

  17. Donna riedinger says:

    Anyone that can treat an innocent animal like this is dangerous to society as a whole and should be kept locked up forever…who’s next? Another innocent animal? A child? Grandma?

  18. josie Olive says:

    This turd should be hooked up to a chain and dragged around on a road with sharp rocks. Would love to punch that smirk off his face

  19. Remember the video that went viral of the guy dragging & beating his dog with a choke chain? 2-4 guys got street justice. They literally took the choker off the dog, put it around the abuser neck & drug him through the street while whooping him like he did the dog. Man it was the sweetest revenge. Not only that, but they adopted the dog & got him into the vet the very next day. Paws up all around. My point is, a similar treatment for this asshole doesn’t sound like a bad idea at all. Just saying.

    • I did not know this but bloody good on these guys.
      As I have said before this IS going to happen as normal people will not see animals being abused and tortured.
      Absolute POWER to these guys and anyone else who has the guts to deal with these animal torturing bastards.

  20. Lawrence Holtzman says:

    Have someone drag this asshole behind a car and let him know how it feels. Good luck ass wipe with your road rash/burn!!

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