Stop Using Electricity to ‘Train’ Dogs

Target: Dr. Karsten Brensing, Head of Animal Welfare – German Federal Ministry of Food and Agriculture

Goal: Ban the use of electric shock collars on dogs to prevent unnecessary pain and suffering.

The use of electric shock collars on dogs is a barbaric practice that has no place in modern society. These collars deliver electric shocks to dogs as a form of punishment, which can cause significant physical pain and psychological distress, leading to long-term harm. It is our responsibility as pet owners and animal lovers to ensure the well-being of our furry friends and to advocate for their protection from such unnecessary harm.

Positive reinforcement and reward-based training methods have been shown to be more effective than the use of electric shock collars in modifying behavior in dogs. These methods strengthen the bond between dogs and their owners and improve their overall well-being. Moreover, the use of positive reinforcement training methods promotes a more harmonious and respectful relationship between pet owners and their pets.

It is important to note that the use of electric shock collars on dogs is not only inhumane but also illegal in many countries. For example, in the United Kingdom, the use of electric shock collars on dogs has been illegal since 2018 due to animal welfare concerns. Together, we can protect our furry friends and ensure their well-being by advocating for humane training methods and raising awareness about the harm caused by these devices.

Sign the below petition to urge Dr. Brensing to take action and ban the use of electric shock collars on dogs.


Dear Dr. Brensing,

I am writing to urge you to take action and ban the use of electric shock collars on dogs. These collars emit electric shocks as a form of punishment or negative reinforcement for behavior deemed undesirable by the owner. This practice can cause physical pain and distress to dogs, leading to potential long-term physical and psychological harm.

Positive reinforcement and training methods are more effective and humane alternatives that do not involve the use of painful stimuli. With this alternative in mind, the continued use of these devices on dogs could easily be banned to prevent unnecessary pain and suffering.

I urge you to take action and ban the use of electric shock collars on dogs to ensure their well-being and protection. Thank you for your attention to this important issue.


[Your Name Here]

Photo credit: Shaunak All That Breathes



    • Agree I’d love to prod humans with electricity try putting a collar on convicts

    • Marilyn Mick says:

      My sentiments exactly, Gilda

    • June Cork says:

      Victoria Stilwell the animal behaviourist and trainer demonstrated one of these wretched devices on herself in front of an audience. Her reaction was clear and it was only on a relatively low setting.
      If a trainer feels the need to use such an inhumane device I do have to wonder at the capability of the trainer. Ms Stilwell uses Positive Reinforcement, not cruelty and punishment. She asks a pup to do something and when he/she does it, she tells him/her “good boy/girl” and rewards the dog with a treat. “Oh” thinks the dog, “this is a good thing to do because I get food”. What the hell does abusing an animal achieve but instilling fear – but not understanding why. These cruel devices should never have been created in the first place – so be used by abusers [they can never be called animal trainers].

    • Patricia Lamonica says:


    • My cousins moron husband actually tried on the one they got for their dog. Lesson learned! I hate them!

    • Carol Brady says:

      Absolutely agree – but at a higher setting – and see how they like it.

  2. eleanor dunkavich says:

    Should lock these people up who do this to dogs

  3. Should be used on the people who put them on the dogs. Man’s cruelty is limitless.. Shameful

  4. Uncommonsensesc says:

    I’m amazed that dogs tolerate people at all! Why isn’t the same thing done to evil people that abuse, torture, terrorize and kill innocent animals (Michael Vick comes to mind)?

  5. This a cruelty. It’s a lazy way of training your dog instead of spending time to do it the right way. People who do this should wear one that shocks them everytime they do it to their dogs.

  6. Its cruel and very bad for their hearts too! Please ban it immediately!!!

  7. Julia Edinger says:

    I agree with. Kerry
    “This a cruelty. It’s a lazy way of training your dog instead of spending time to do it the right way. People who do this should wear one that shocks them everytime they do it to their dogs.” THIS IS A CRIME MUST STOP THOSE “EVIL BEING’S” !!!

  8. More a torture device for super lazy and sadistic owners than having anything to do with training. These collars are barbaric, painful and terrifying for the dog being shocked by some lunatic sadist. This is not how you train a dog or any animal and the things should be illegal. Anyone using them should be banned from owning or working with dogs for life.


  10. Tragically, there is NO END to the methods depraved, stupid, cruel humans will invent to exploit animals for their own greed: the jerks who sell “shock collars” and the lazy idiots who buy them because they just want to “control” their dogs. . . TRY ACTUALLY RESPECTING AND CONNECTING WITH YOUR PETS, YOU MORONS! And if they can’t or won’t bother to do that, they don’t deserve to have them!!

  11. This is cruel, shameful, inhumane and too many other descriptors to list. Let’s have the humans that believe this is OK and do this to their dogs, wear one of these for a day and see how they like it.

    The Golden Rule is supreme. If only we did unto others (animals, trees, our planet, other humans) what we would want done unto us, this world would not have problems.

  12. AND THE STUPIDITY DOESN’T JUST APPLY TO DOGS!!! A great deal of the so called “training” for horses is abject torture: ever see the “special gaits” events in horse shows? It’s achieved by applying ACID to the sensitive bottoms of their feet. DISGUSTING AND BREYOND OUTRAGE! “SORING” is still widely practiced today, and people will pay to see these poor horses in the show ring, with NO THOUGHT to the pain they endure.

  13. There is no end to animal cruelty. Also, shame on the companies who sell these barbaric collars. Let’s not forget those choke collars with the prongs. Those injure the trachea. What sadist invents these things for animals. They need a little taste of their own invention.

  14. For the people who uses such horrible devices to train dogs
    Let me out a electrical device around your worthless human self neck and shock the living 💩 out of you.. and I would that every minute of every friggin day! Rot in hell ya bastards

  15. I have seen these collars to deter these dogs from barking,I don’t know if it’s the same,but it gives them a jolt. I had a dog a bichon/lhasa cross and I would Never do that to my little girl…I think these should be put on convicts to all heinous crimes they’ve done to innocent people

  16. Taymans Daisy says:


  17. Ban these inhumane devices!!!

  18. Maria Lavorato says:

    Barbaric and should be outlawed ….this should be called animal cruelty.
    NOT TRAINING!!!!!! If you use these devices on your dog to train them then you don’t love your sweet dog!!! YOU ARE A MONSTER!!

    ANYONE USING THESE DEVICES TO TRAIN SHOULD PUT THEM ON THEMSELVES! and charged with animal cruelty to the full extent of the law!

    Any manufacturer of these devices should be SHUT DOWN and charged to the full! BAN THEM NOW!

  19. Α sadistic method for sadistic people.

  20. Joseph Kenosky says:

    End this immediately!!!

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