Collars Reportedly Responsible for Thousands of Pet Deaths and Injuries Must be Recalled

Target: Michael Regan, Administrator of Environmental Protection Agency

Goal: Remove potentially harmful and deadly flea collars from the market to protect pets.

An object meant to protect pets may instead be causing them grave harm. Seresto flea and tick collars have been used by millions of pet parents since first hitting the shelves in 2012. These products also gained a fast and negative reputation for their reported link to 2,500 pet deaths and nearly 100,000 “adverse incidents.” These alleged incidents ranged from skin irritation and vomiting to violent body convulsions and multiple organ issues.

The Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) regulates the collars, which apparently have the highest rate of “adverse incidents” of any product under the agency’s purview.  Despite years of concerns and a history of action on similar products believed to contain harmful pesticides, the EPA only launched a review in 2021. Even Congress has investigated EPA oversight of these collars and noted a failure to protect the public interest. Now, instead of heeding calls to exercise its authority and take this possibly lethal product off the market, the EPA is instead looking to offload its responsibilities onto the Food and Drug Administration (FDA).

In the meantime, countless more pets could be at risk. Sign the petition below to demand the EPA fulfill its duties to protect vulnerable animals and the humans who care for them.


Dear Administrator Regan,

The EPA called handing off responsibility for all pet pesticide products to the FDA a “long-term solution,” but what about the thousands of pets that could potentially suffer or die in the interim? Will you just write off these short-term effects as collateral damage? Oversight of flea and tick collars and similar products may very well be better suited for the FDA, but for the now they are your responsibility.

Why is the product with the highest adverse incident rate in the EPA still on store shelves…even after reports of death rates 25 times that of other collars …even after a Congressional review condemned the EPA’s lack of action…and even after your own scientists have reportedly raised alarms for years? The conclusions of an investigation into Seresto collars is forthcoming. Just as you have done with similar products in the past, use this data and previous information to make the right call for consumers and the pets they love.


[Your Name Here]

Photo Credit: Bruno Scramgnon


  1. Patricia Leigh Wicker says:


  2. I strongly agree that we need to protect our beautiful fur babies.

  3. alejandra albrecht says:


  4. Angela Hall says:

    I had used these collars for probably 8 years. I had 2 yorkies that I would use them on and 1 Weimaraner. I would only use them 7 months out of the year, during warmer weather. My healthy yorkie started having breathing issues at 10 years old. He was diagnosed with cancer in his throat and nasal cavity. He passed away at 11 and 2 months. My other yorkie is now having the same symptoms. Having issues breathing. He has been diagnosed with lymphoma. It has spread. He doesn’t have much time left. My Weimaraner started getting sick and his head gradually started caving in on the sides. He was never diagnosed with anything for certain, but we had to put him down as he was getting sicker. That’s three dogs that wore these collars over a period of time that all had head, sinus issues. I will always feel certain that these collars did this to my fur babies that I was trying to protect and do what was best for them! All along it was poisoning them. THEY MUST BE BANNED!


    • Wow, doesn’t seem like this is a coincidence. I am so sorry!

    • Julia Edinger says:

      I’m soo very sorry😢
      I stopped using many yrs ago flea collars for 2 reasons the chemical smell will make pets sick way too toxic also they don’t work..

    • Omg!! So sorry about this. We were warned years ago about garbage like this. My vet said she only trusts the liquid flea killers for my cat if needed. Only my semi feral cat that stays outdoors gets liquid flea killer.

    • I am so sorry you are losing all of your babies. Some of these meds out there are very dangerous.For humans,also. Veterinarians need to stop selling this awful collar.


      • My vet only recommends Revolution for cats. People in cat rescue like myself only use this. All other groups i know also use Revolution. Not one person in 15 years has had a problem with it. I am able to put on my semi- feral cat in garden. After 4 years he is fine.

  5. Susan DeGross says:

    The products that are supposedly sold to eliminate fleas, etc are causing harm and death to unsuspecting animals and there families who count on these companies to protect not harm.
    Take these products off the shelves, market, until this is fully investigated!

    • Susan, they don’t even care about humans, animals are not even considered in their list of living beings. I am so sick and tired of what’s happening now. We are all God’s creatures big and small. Hypocrisy is what is ruling mankind. Animals’ lives matter too, not just humans or for some humans.

  6. eleanor dunkavich says:

    should be tested first

    • Julia Edinger says:

      They should be banned…to toxic for any pet large or small…
      I found bathing pet in dawn soap yrs ago worked well letting it set on pet lathering in well killed flea’s.. daughter/son in law foster just recently had to use dawn 6week old abandon baby puppies works let on lathering it helped kill the flea’s

    • Tested on pos who made this poison.

  7. Lawrence Holtzman says:

    Proven dangerous and deadly. Why are they still on the market. Must be lobbing and money from big Pharm that keeps them on the shelves.
    EPA do your job remove these products before more lives are lost !!!

  8. We should force the inventors of the collars to try it on them!!!

  9. These collars are deadly. My cat had one and was constantly weezing and sickly. One day she got out, and I panicked because I realized the collar was not breakable, so I feared my cat would be “hung” on a fence or bush. When I found her, I cut it off, and was shocked that all her respiratory symptoms immediately went away. Seresto collars are deadly in so many ways!!!!They should be banned immediately.

    • Ask your vet for Revolution. Been using it for years with cat rescue and every rescuer i know uses it and no problems. I have used it on my semi- feral for about 4 years now. I have indoor cat so i do not use flea meds.

  10. REMOVE this POISONOUS GARBAGE from all the shops and BAN it for all future!

    • Julia Edinger says:

      I totally agree!! must keep our pet’s safe from those “deadly collar’s” horrrible torture to pet’s😢

  11. I never used these collars and after reading everyone’s experience on this board I am fortunate that I did not. I am so sorry for those that did and for their loss.

  12. Monica+Lee+Koski says:

    Seriously?!…collars that have already been proven to be so dangerous as to cause illness and death to so many innocent animals, and yet they are still sold and available to harm other animals! As pet owners, we owe it to our fur family members to protect them, and that means ensuring that these obviously harmful collars, with the potential to kill animals, are removed from the market immediately!

    • Absolutely correct. Think of it this way. Bayer is being sued for billions of dollars for the damage that round up causes. they know it causes cancer yet I can go into any hardware store and buy it by the gallons. bottom line people need to be smart enough to walk away. just because they sell it don’t mean you need to buy it. your point is spot on.

  13. Anna Freeman says:


  14. Julia Edinger says:

    MUST SAFER TO BATH PET’S IN DAWN SOAP,,,,WORKS GREAT! (repeat if bad flea infestation) no spray’s!!! their also Toxic to pet’s….

  15. This is just the collars doing this, imagine how good the chewables are! they know these drugs including bravecto is causing death and serious conditions in dogs and cats. the commercials now are forced to mention neurological issues where originally it was said to be a myth. shame on the vets that continue to push these drugs and endless vaccines that shortens your pets life or at best create issues that cause them to live in misery. my dog gets none of it. common sense and paying attention is what you need to keep your pets safe and healthy. check your options before you start giving them neurotoxic drugs that can kill them.

  16. OMG, I just received an order I placed with Chewy for 2 Seresto Flea and Tick collars. I have not put them on my cats thankfully! I just found out they are so dangerous. They are going back to Chewy!

  17. Ask your vet for Revolution. Been using it for years with cat rescue and every rescuer i know uses it and no problems. I have used it on my semi- feral for about 4 years now. I have indoor cat so i do not use flea meds.

  18. Joseph Kenosky says:

    Take these murderous things off the market immediately!!!

  19. Maria Lavorato says:

    Hold everyone responsible for this product accountable! From the manufacturer to the inspections etc etc. ALL PET STORES SHOULD DO THEIR DUE DILIGENCE IN ALL THE PRODUCTS THEY SELL IN THEIR STORES!


    Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) DO YOUR JOB!

    Get these dangerous products off the shelf NOW!!!!!!!!!


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