Elderly, Sick Dog Apparently Buried Alive Deserves Justice

Target: Kym Worthy, Prosecutor for Wayne County, MI

Goal: Prosecute perpetrators allegedly responsible for burying dog alive to fullest extent.

A concerned community member in Detroit was summoned by a disturbing and heartbreaking sound: the cries of a potentially wounded dog. When the good Samaritan rushed outside to track the source, they came upon an even more alarming sight: a dog’s nose protruding from the ground. The poor animal had apparently been buried alive. The good Samaritan quickly freed the dog from his seeming makeshift grave and contacted an animal rescue.

Individuals treating the dog, whom they named Ghost, described his condition as follows: “very cold, lethargic and not able to stand or walk on his own. He also had a large and deep possible pressure sore on one of his rear legs that was initially thought to be a gunshot wound.” Tragically, despite emergency interventions, Ghost eventually had to be euthanized. Veterinary professionals revealed he also appeared to suffer from chronic muscular and spinal conditions.

This pit bull-mix was ten years old and highly dependent on his caretakers. Police interviewed Ghost’s caretakers, who reportedly confirmed that he belonged to them and that he had been ill. Despite their alleged involvement in this horrifying case, these individuals–nor anyone else–have faced a single charge months later.

The Wayne County Prosecutor’s office has been apprised of this incident from the beginning but for some reason will not take the necessary action. Sign the petition below to demand these legal professionals do their job.


Dear Prosecutor Worthy,

During the fall, a case was brought to your attention involving potentially horrific animal cruelty. The dog at the center of the case, Ghost, was allegedly buried alive and left to die. If not for a good Samaritan who heard his cries and intervened, this defenseless animal would have likely experienced an agonizing death where he suffocated or starved to death alone and in complete darkness.

Ghost’s owners were reportedly interviewed and seemingly acknowledged some involvement, and then…nothing. Why has the prosecutor’s office sat on this case for months with no apparent action? If this poor deceased ten-year-old dog’s circumstances do not qualify as animal cruelty, then what exactly does?

Animal cruelty is a well-known gateway into violent crimes against humans. Ignore the issue at your own peril or, as your oath of duty demands, seek justice now.


[Your Name Here]

Photo Credit: Detroit Pit Crew Dog Rescue


  1. Jon White March 14, 2023 at 12:48 am
    What the hell is it with these sick minded waste of space bastards!
    Every other day now there is some sick freak torturing and abusing animals. Especially dogs and cats!
    What is wrong with this bloody prosecutor? Is she scared of getting any repercussions afterwards. Scared that her big expensive house might get torched?
    Get off your arse and do your job. But then it would only be the proverbial ‘slapped wrist’ and please do not do it again. This is a living feeling animal here no doubt in his doggy mind wondering what he has done wrong!
    Well it’s not good enough. These bastard sub-humans have got to be dealt with
    ‘Gang wise’.
    I mean, any normal thinking human could not do this sick deed so these sub-human bastards obviously have diseased minds to even think up such a thing.
    To take them out is too easy.
    It is in this case, a gang that is needed to cripple the fuckers for life so that they will never forget what they have done!
    Killing would be very hard for normal people as it is not in our nature , but for the bastards who have done this sick and tortuous deed I make an exception.
    They knew what they were doing so; as in the witch hunts of the 1600s, we need a fired up mob or group to kill the fuckers back!!
    The bloody useless law is not bothered as it is only ‘a dog’ and will not do anything.
    So it is up to us to make an example of bastards like these. It is going to happen people, mark my words!!

    • If the owners are people of color the prosecutor is probably afraid of hurting there feelings which in turn could set off another BLM shitshow.

    • Jon White March 14, 2023 at 12:48 am
      “I definately agree with your comment”.
      What the hell is it with these sick minded waste of space bastards!
      Every other day now there is some sick freak torturing and abusing animals. Especially dogs and cats!
      What is wrong with this bloody prosecutor? Is she scared of getting any repercussions afterwards. Scared that her big expensive house might get torched?
      Get off your arse and do your job. But then it would only be the proverbial ‘slapped wrist’ and please do not do it again. This is a living feeling animal here no doubt in his doggy mind wondering what he has done wrong!
      Well it’s not good enough. These bastard sub-humans have got to be dealt with
      ‘Gang wise’.
      I mean, any normal thinking human could not do this sick deed so these sub-human bastards obviously have diseased minds to even think up such a thing.
      To take them out is too easy.
      It is in this case, a gang that is needed to cripple the fuckers for life so that they will never forget what they have done!
      Killing would be very hard for normal people as it is not in our nature , but for the bastards who have done this sick and tortuous deed I make an exception.
      They knew what they were doing so; as in the witch hunts of the 1600s, we need a fired up mob or group to kill the fuckers back!!
      The bloody useless law is not bothered as it is only ‘a dog’ and will not do anything.
      So it is up to us to make an example of bastards like these. It is going to happen people, mark my words!!

    • Beverly Morin says:

      100% spot on! You are so right!

    • Julia Edinger says:

      I totally AGREE with. Urszula Lund
      “MAXIMUM PENALTY for these human monsters. Animals shall NOT be VICTIMS of human sadistic psychopaths. No animal shall be sadistically abused by dehumanized and desensitized psychopathic scum.
      Those who know about this CRIME and do nothing to punish the perpetrators, are COMPLICIT in this unspeakable torture inflicted on an elderly, innocent and defenseless dog. This devilish prosecutor needs to be REMOVED from the office NOW.”

  2. Name and Shame!!!! This kind of behaviour towards an I’ll animal should not be condoned by protecting the owners/caregivers. Why didn’t they feel they could take the dog to a community vet or a shelter…. not having money is not an excuse! Ignorance is no excuse!

    • They did not do what you suggest because the deranged bastards know exactly what they are doing and get a sick pleasure from it.
      They have ‘Satan spawned’ minds and take pleasure in torturing animals who cannot fight back!
      Prosecutors, Judges, all a bloody waste of space as they could not give a shit. Just try to dip out of the situation with fucking excuses that they are too busy etc, etc.
      Whatever colour these sick bastards are, wether they are white or fucking black, they really do need teaching a gang oriented lesson so the arseholes will never do it again. EVER.
      Wankers like these have no souls and must be stopped one way or the other for the good of our planet.
      There sure are people out there who feel exactly the same.
      Think about it. People power ‘IS’ going to triumph against these evil bastards who think they are untouchable!

  3. Monstrous monstrous evil, heartbreaking and horrific, karma is theirs – I feel you, poor lost innocent souls; their blood on your souls

    The abuse, torture & murder of the innocents

    Some heartbreaks can never be unseen, some horrors never unheard – PLEASE GOD

    And the universe weeps tears of blood

    Your life as theirs, as their death

  4. What disgusting cruel human garbage them owners are, may you rot in the hottest part of hell, how dare you do that to a innocent dog God knows what hell you probably put him through, karma .

  5. MAXIMUM PENALTY for these human monsters. Animals shall NOT be VICTIMS of human sadistic psychopaths. No animal shall be sadistically abused by dehumanized and desensitized psychopathic scum.
    Those who know about this CRIME and do nothing to punish the perpetrators, are COMPLICIT in this unspeakable torture inflicted on an elderly, innocent and defenseless dog. This devilish prosecutor needs to be REMOVED from the office NOW.

  6. What is wrong with everyone involved in the torture of this poor dog! Prosecutors- you are just as responsible as the sick freaks that tortured this dog! You all deserve to burn in hell

  7. Nadine brundage says:

    This is such a horrific story of animal cruelty and the persons responsible have yet to face any consequences. WHY? I’d like to see justice for this innocent dog who certainly did not deserve to be buried alive because of heartless, evil subhumans who could have taken their pet of ten years to a vet or a shelter to be humanely euthanized. Unbelievable cruelty.

  8. Any human who is capable such a premeditated, HEINOUS act of cruelty is a danger to society. The condonement by the law is significant by its absence of any action against the PERPETRATORS! If this poor SENTIENT victim were human it would be murder, why is it then, that those whose personality is capable of such an act are not tried in the same way ??? These perpetrators may strike again and therefore no vulnerable being, human or non-human is safe!! The law must act on this and justice must be done, for the poor victim and for any potential future victims! (May Ghost rest in Peace).

  9. Is anyone on this site surprised that the fuckin’ law didn’t do shit to these low-life mother-fuckers who tortured this wonderful dog and, furthermore, the law is not going to do shit to them either. It’s a waste of time even calling the fuckin’ law. As a friend of mine told me, “nothing is gonna change until the killin’ starts”. Start turning these pieces of shit into worm food and maybe the low-life mother-fuckers will start getting the message. I say track’em down, pour gasoline all over’em and burn’em alive. And, oh yeah, video tape it and put it pay-per-view for all animal lovers to watch. I would pay a $100.00 easily to watch these bastards squirm and scream and cry until they die. Their screams would be music to my ears. I have gotten past any sympathy for these low-life cocksuckers. They deserve nothing but pain, I don’t give a shit what kind of childhood they had. So what if they had a bad childhood. Is that any reason to take out their pain on a completely innocent dog or cat? Hell, no it’s not!!!!!!!!!!!!

  10. Oh my sainted oath WTF is wrong with people and this useless Prosecutor Worthy (definitely not standing up to her last name)!!
    Get off your useless ass and deal with these animal abusers. Let’s just bury these f*ckers and see if they can get their noses up thru the dirt because they certainly have them up someone’s ass. I am so sick of reading everyday about the abuse to animals and still nothing happens to these assholes because their are no laws to deal with them and for them it is just a joke and the laws and those to enforce them are useless beyond belief. Better still just a bullet between their f*cking eyes takes care of the problem once and for all.

  11. To Jon White,
    We think the same way, Brother. Death to all animal abusers. And make it slow!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    Johnny K.

  12. Absolutely No Tolerance Towards Animal Abuse n Cruelty 😡

  13. Bernhard Yolanda says:

    my heart is bleeding
    how many of these poor angels still have to suffer and die because of rubbish heaps like these “people”.

  14. Holy shit, I fucking hate humans so much. I hope like hell these “owners” get the Karma they so very much deserve. They should experience what it’s like to be buried alive.

  15. Heartbreaking — Sadistic, SICK, Abuser-Owners of DOG Ghost should be held accountable & thrown in rubber rooms — we MUST PREVENT re-occurrence of such horrific crimes to Animals — Thank you to wonderful Rescuer who found Doggie — I wish he could’ve made it

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