Elderly, Sick Dog Apparently Buried Alive Deserves Justice

Target: Kym Worthy, Prosecutor for Wayne County, MI

Goal: Prosecute perpetrators allegedly responsible for burying dog alive to fullest extent.

A concerned community member in Detroit was summoned by a disturbing and heartbreaking sound: the cries of a potentially wounded dog. When the good Samaritan rushed outside to track the source, they came upon an even more alarming sight: a dog’s nose protruding from the ground. The poor animal had apparently been buried alive. The good Samaritan quickly freed the dog from his seeming makeshift grave and contacted an animal rescue.

Individuals treating the dog, whom they named Ghost, described his condition as follows: “very cold, lethargic and not able to stand or walk on his own. He also had a large and deep possible pressure sore on one of his rear legs that was initially thought to be a gunshot wound.” Tragically, despite emergency interventions, Ghost eventually had to be euthanized. Veterinary professionals revealed he also appeared to suffer from chronic muscular and spinal conditions.

This pit bull-mix was ten years old and highly dependent on his caretakers. Police interviewed Ghost’s caretakers, who reportedly confirmed that he belonged to them and that he had been ill. Despite their alleged involvement in this horrifying case, these individuals–nor anyone else–have faced a single charge months later.

The Wayne County Prosecutor’s office has been apprised of this incident from the beginning but for some reason will not take the necessary action. Sign the petition below to demand these legal professionals do their job.


Dear Prosecutor Worthy,

During the fall, a case was brought to your attention involving potentially horrific animal cruelty. The dog at the center of the case, Ghost, was allegedly buried alive and left to die. If not for a good Samaritan who heard his cries and intervened, this defenseless animal would have likely experienced an agonizing death where he suffocated or starved to death alone and in complete darkness.

Ghost’s owners were reportedly interviewed and seemingly acknowledged some involvement, and then…nothing. Why has the prosecutor’s office sat on this case for months with no apparent action? If this poor deceased ten-year-old dog’s circumstances do not qualify as animal cruelty, then what exactly does?

Animal cruelty is a well-known gateway into violent crimes against humans. Ignore the issue at your own peril or, as your oath of duty demands, seek justice now.


[Your Name Here]

Photo Credit: Detroit Pit Crew Dog Rescue


  1. The owners and authorities in Detroit need to be buried and have their noses just sticking out . This is evil and animal cruelty and abuse the owners need to be with felony charges and riot in jail.

  2. How horrific, this pitbull in its younger years was most likely devoted to these monsters and in return when his body grew feeble this is how you repaid Ghost! You rotten POS, I hope you ROT in hell and justice is served to the fullest degree of the law!!!!

  3. Rose Coffey says:

    RIP Ghost; I hope God has you in his arms at this very moment. As for as the creeps that did this I don’t see how they can live with themselves. I wish they had given Ghost to me; I am old myself and could have lived with his conditions. My heart breaks when I read how cruel people can be.

  4. This is so HEARTBREAKING! I hope these Monsters BURN IN HELL for this Horrific Cruelty!!!


  5. It is because of government officials like these that dogs like Ghost and a whole lot of other innocents suffer every day. You all disgust me. Do Your Jobs.

  6. OMG….my heart and soul hurt so much in reading this. If this poor Baby was suffering from this chronic illness and they knew of his condition, why not just take him to the Vet and have him humanely euthanized. I can’t imagine what type of life this poor dog had in his 10 years if this is how they choose to end his life. When will this stop!!!? How could the authorities look away…and not charge the owners, there is no excuse for this ignorance to continue. Reast in peace Ghost, your now free of the living Hell you experienced. God has you in his arms.

    • Probably because they didn’t want to pay for euthaniztion. dirtbag, pondscum owners should be named and shamed and NEVER EVER allowed to have any pets ever again and be charged for this and have to pay for all vet fees involved in this poor baby’s care and euthanization.

    • Totally agree with your comments. My thoughts exactly. Thanks to the good person who heard the screams from Ghost and got him help. This sweet boy deserved so much better than to be buried like trash. The owners had a choice to do the right thing and now the courts have to do the right thing. Charge the owners and prosecute to the fullest extent of the law.

  7. This is so heartbreaking this poor baby did not deserve this sad ending. Animal cruelty is becoming too common these days when will it end? RIP Ghost poor baby deserved better

  8. this IS Animal neglect and cruelty. this poor pup needed his people to care for him or make a decision to let him go with dignity if his medical condition warranted it. Instead, they took him out and buried him alive to starve to death, scared and alone after a life of service to them.
    Take them out and do the same, but far enough away that no one will hear

    • Joann Louise Reif says:

      Totally agree with you,and you say that just in case tie something around thei months so in case they have big months no will hearbthem even if they tried to yell.

  9. Stephanie Geyser says:

    I wonder what the cruel owner will do to his/her grandparents when they are “past their sell-by date”? Bury them alive too?

  10. Wow these SCUMBAG POS owners need to be put in prison and fined. They will do this to another dog. Please prosecute these LOWLIFE SCUMBAGS NOW!

  11. This sickens me that someone could be so cruel to a helpless animal. And if they’ll do this to an animal, chances are they will, or already have, progressed to treating people the same way. They deserve the greatest punishment available.

  12. I’m so disgusted with the authorities that do nothing about the monsters that abuse animals. Imagine the terror this poor dog went through. These animal abuse cases drag on forever and I’m sick of it.
    Please treat theses abusers like the scum they are and throw them in jail. Do something please!

  13. I’m so disgusted with the authorities that do nothing about the monsters that abuse animals. Imagine the terror this poor dog went through. These animal abuse cases drag on forever and I’m sick of it.
    Please treat these abusers like the scum they are and throw them in jail. Do something please!

  14. Jolene Krise says:

    Do not let these illiterate scum bags to go without punishment. WTF were they thinking. I hope they didn’t produce and kids. They are incapable of taking care of any other living souls.

  15. If the perp is black Kym Worthy won’t punish him.



    Are humans getting away with this because they know that they can? No punishment will be fair enough for the owners of Ghost, how could anyone do this to a sick defenseless dog? The owners and those culpable of this unthinkable crime must be found and charged with maximum penalty jail time. Hopefully once in jail they will get a taste of their own medicine.

    • They get away with it because the useless, spineless so-called prosecutors could not give a shit! Only a dog so they could care less.
      Bastards all of them. Just as bad as the asswipes who buried this dog.
      The fuckers need a taste of what the poor dog had to suffer then the ‘Lilly Livered’ pricks would no doubt take these horrendous acts more seriously!
      Get of if your arses and do your bloody job you useless ‘waste-of-spacers.
      This dog would have no idea what he had done wrong and why these cunts were torturing and burying him.
      I and no doubt, hundreds of others would like half a chance to show these demented fuckers what pain was all about!!
      Could not give a fuck if they are black or white bastards.
      Absolute power to any mobs, activist groups, or suchlike who could find these pieces of shite and terminate the bastards existence.
      You will need to watch your backs you sub- human wankers!!

  18. Rhonda Jones says:

    This is absolutely horrific and inhumane. The so called owners need to be punished to the fullest. Trying to kill their precious and loyal pet in such a cruel way is unacceptable. Please don’t let them get away with this. May this precious soul rest in peace.

  19. I will never understand how a human can be so cruel to a defenseless animal, especially a senior animal. Animals are a choice. Period. If the animal was sick and they couldn’t afford care, reach out to shelters, other people, Go Fund Me, something. If they know the caretakers, then why are they arrested? Makes me sick.

    • Because they are no hope wankers and it gives them a feeling of power.
      No doubt the bastards are on drugs as well!!
      Something very nasty is hopefully going to happen to these twats and very soon I hope.
      Guns are apparently rife throughout the states so maybe one could accidentally go off when the bastards are not expecting it!
      We must think about hunting these pathetic pricks down and delivering the punishment they deserve.
      I’m sure we all know what that is!!!

  20. OUTRAGEOUs… What sort of people do this? I’ll tell you. EVIL people, that’s what they are and soon they all will be punished by Jesus for this act of killing.

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