Man Accused of Beating 4-Month-Old Puppy Must be Punished

Target: Kevin Flanagan, Belmont County Prosecutor
Goal: Seek maximum penalty for man accused of severely beating 4-month-old puppy.

A puppy has been apparently severely beaten by his owner. The puppy, a 4-month-old Siberian Husky had such severe injuries that authorities finally stepped in and removed the dog from his owner’s possession.

The puppy’s owner, a resident of Belmont County in Ohio, has been charged with two counts of animal abuse. When rescuers X-rayed the puppy, they reportedly also found evidence of numerous past broken bones, suggesting that the recent alleged attack was not an isolated incident.

Julie Larish, humane agent with humane organization Belmont County Hoof & Paw, argued in favor of a felony charge in this case. She said that there appears to be evidence the puppy was abused for a prolonged period of time.

“I think the medical evidence stands for itself,” Larish said. “I think the charges fit the crime.”

The owner is currently in jail on an unrelated driving under the influence charge.


Dear Prosecutor Flanagan,

All animal abuse is terrible, but abuse directed at a young puppy is particularly heinous. This is apparently what has occurred in your jurisdiction.

A puppy has been apparently severely beaten by his owner. The puppy, a 4-month-old Siberian Husky had such severe injuries that authorities finally stepped in and removed the dog from his owner’s possession.

The puppy’s owner, a resident of Belmont County in Ohio, has been charged with two counts of animal abuse. When rescuers X-rayed the puppy, they reportedly also found evidence of numerous past broken bones, suggesting that the recent alleged attack was not an isolated incident.

Julie Larish, humane agent with humane organization Belmont County Hoof & Paw, argued in favor of a felony charge in this case. She said that there appears to be evidence the puppy was abused for a prolonged period of time.

“I think the medical evidence stands for itself,” Larish said. “I think the charges fit the crime.”

Please seek the maximum penalty in this case and obtain justice for this puppy.

[Your Name Here]


  1. Linda Hilty-Tuttle says:

    This was no ‘man’ – a REAL MAN WOULD KNOW BETTER. This guy is just a punk who uses violent behavior and force to get his way!

  2. It is to bad thed owner of this poor puppy didn’t die in a auto accident when driving drunk or high and save the courts the cost of legal costs to keep the monster alive

  3. This vile, mentally deranged severe dog abusing cretin must have the death penalty implemented.

  4. The sad part of this story is the owner won’t do time or pay for the offense in any way. America doesn’t take animal abuse seriously. The courts and judges can’t be counted on and a felony must be hard to obtain. If the police give this puppy back to the owner then the police need to be jailed. Our whole punishment system in this country benefits the assailant not the victim. You nice people care, as do I, but truth be told there will not be a death sentence or any sentence at all. Without stronger laws, reliable prosecution and honorable judges there is not a snowball’s chance in hell of conviction. I feel life matters and suffering of pets is not necessary. If people hide to pay for their abuse there would be lesson it. Life would be better!

  5. Sherry Abela says:

    There is plenty of evidence as to the ongoing abuse of this puppy. This person should be charged to the fullest extent of the law. He deserves nothing less. Unless we start to make the punishments harsher regarding animal abuse it will never stop. A slap on the wrist just isn’t enough. This poor puppy deserves justice, please protect him from this inhumane person.

  6. Charge this monster and make sure he never owns another animal again – jail is too lenient but unfortunately he won’t actually get what he deserves unless someone in jail beats him over and over

    • The word own implies property. I think the better word/s is protect, take care of, etc. Yes, that abuser needs to be locked up for 2 decades at minimum due to the number of crimes.

  7. Great another loser with a couple of charges that will in the end pretty much mean nothing. These people in the court systems need to get off their useless asses and start dealing with these low life animal abusers in a serious manner – not just the f*cking slap on the wrist.
    This f*cker needs to have the shit beat out of him – pretty much a big man alright inflicting pain on a helpless animal – yeah you are a big shot alright – you are f*ck all in this world and the world would be much better off without you and so many more of your kind.

  8. Tami Adams says:

    They need to make animal abuse charges more punitive. This puppy has previous signs of abuse of broken bones before. There shouldn’t have been any reason that puppy was sent back home with this owner before.

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