Cat Apparently Sexually Assaulted and Killed by Owner Deserves Justice

Target: Monmouth County Prosecutor Raymond S. Santiago
Goal: Seek maximum penalty for man accused of sexually abusing, torturing, and killing his pet cat.

A cat was reportedly restrained, sexually assaulted, and then tortured to death by her owner.

Evidence of this reported sexual assault came to light when a third party brought the deceased cat to the Asbury Park Police Department headquarters. While it was clear that severe abuse appeared to have occurred, it was the Monmouth County Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals Humane Law Enforcement Division that identified the cat’s owner, who was later arrested.

The owner, who is only 18-years-old, has been charged with animal cruelty by tormenting, torturing or unnecessarily or cruelly abusing a living animal resulting in its death and animal cruelty by using or causing or procuring the use of an animal or creature in any kind of sexual manner.


Dear Prosecutor Santiago,

A cat was reportedly restrained, sexually assaulted, and then tortured to death by her owner.

Evidence of this possible sexual assault came to light when a third party brought the deceased cat to the Asbury Park Police Department headquarters.

While it was clear that severe abuse appeared to have occurred, it was the Monmouth County Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals Humane Law Enforcement Division that identified the cat’s owner, who was later arrested.

The owner, who is only 18-years-old, has been charged with animal cruelty by tormenting, torturing or unnecessarily or cruelly abusing a living animal resulting in its death and animal cruelty by using or causing or procuring the use of an animal or creature in any kind of sexual manner.

Animal abusers are often released on small bonds and then often receive minimal sentences. Please don’t allow either to happen in this case. Please seek the maximum bond and maximum punishment available for this alleged crime.

[Your Name Here]

Photo credit: Henda Watani


  1. Laura Amey says:

    I can not think of a punishment that is sufficient for this monster. He needs to be prosecuted to the fullest extent and never allowed near another innocent creature again.

  2. this motherfucker should have his dick cut off and shoved down his throat

  3. This is so sick and depraved, it makes me want to vomit. And from an 18 year old! My heart aches for the suffering this poor cat went through. This cretin needs to be sent away for a long time. I will never understand how so-called humans can perform this particularly evil on innocent animals.

  4. Brenda Collins says:

    How I would LOVE to get my hands on the scumbag who did this!!! Scum like this needs to be executed!!! Why keep this worthless, low-life piece of shit alive?!?! KILL THIS SICK BASTARD!!!! But first, torture, rape and mutilate him, then watch the piece of shit die!!! If animal cruelty laws were actually enforced, and if they were anything more than a slap on the wrist, scum like this would think twice!! Absolutely sickening!!!

  5. Death penalty for this bastard,justice!

  6. Put this young evil POS behind bars. Make him suffer like he made that poor innocent cat suffer. So sad. Why did he even get a cat, just to torture it? And sex with the poor thing? He needs mental help badly!

  7. Raymond Stevens says:

    The evil, twisted scum that did this deserves to die a slow, painful death.

  8. Beverley schmidt says:

    This is evil wicked heartless rubbish…you belong to the devil…I just pray and hope you get the maximum sentence…you scumbag…and yes no animals to ever be in his surroundings again…the authorities should wake up too…😡😡😡😡😡

  9. Jessie Massoudi says:

    What’s his name?

  10. Another psychopath who should be locked up forever. I mean what good purpose does he serve that merits him to walk the earth.

  11. Beverley schmidt says:

    Disgusting evil wicked heartless Satan’s child …plse give him what he deserves…the Maximum sentence…these Authorities should wake up tooo…they just as guilty if they don’t take this serious …😡😡😡😡😡😡

  12. Narelle Lindner says:

    This mentally sick individual is obviously a psychopath who can’t control his sexual and murderous urges. It is only a matter of time before he turns from animals to children. He gets his kicks by feeling dominant and having power over smaller weak beings.
    At 18 years of age he still has a lot of growing up to do and will become a predatory monster in his maturity.
    He may have been sexually abused himself as a child and is acting out his anger.
    Immediate psychiatric intervention is needed to deal with this teenager and an appropriate punishment be meted out as prevention before he does any more harm.

  13. This subhuman must be imprisoned for life with no parole. This is beyond inhumane.

  14. These people end up victimizing children. He should be locked up for life.

  15. May the evil scumbag chickenshit punk ass bitch who did this suffer a slow horrible painful torturous death before he rots in hell !

  16. I’m sorry but I see nothing good ever comming from this sick sonofabitch. Either give him the death penalty
    Put him away for LIFE
    If he’s sick enough at such a young age. Twisted enough to have intercourse with a
    female cat….imagine his evil mind as he gets older. The cat is just the beginning.
    Please release his name and town..!!!

  17. Cheryl+Miller says:

    Horrible horrible disgusting!!!
    The poor cat!!! This is so so sad!!!!!
    What a sicko!!!!
    Cut his balls off and never ever allow this creep any animals!!!
    Throw him in jail, fine him and make him pick up trash like the piece of shit he is!!!! Thanks!!

  18. Killing him is the ONLY and BEST solution!

    • Putting his disgusting punk ass through the exact torture and abuse he put this poor cat through would be way better and appropriate.

  19. Laree Farmer says:

    That evil piece of garbage deserves to be tortured to death slowly. The legal system does not protect animals or punish their abusers. The cruelty will never stop unless those lowlife people are punished and fear what will happen to them if they go near an animal.
    People have to do something.

  20. This is a practice run for when he does this to a woman. Men who kill cats often see them as women. If this asshole isn’t dealt with now, he will kill a woman, or female of some age, within the next five to ten years, if not sooner. It’s a guarantee. Once these males have killed cats, they eventually get bored and move on to hurting and killing humans. It’s scientifically proven. This person should just be euthanized now and save all of us the trouble. There’s no redeeming an animal abuser and killer.

    • 💯%
      The thing most people haven’t realized is that one of the main reasons rape and sexual assault in general are not taken as seriously or punished as they should is because many abusers and rapists are the same types making, passing, and sometimes enforcing the laws. Why else would they allow so many sick, perverted, evil f*cks to get lenient charges, put all the burden on the victims, and further harass and traumatize victims who come forward by subjecting them to invasive medical testing, questioning by law enforcement, and then a trial process where they are forced yet again to face their vile predator?

      Humans are by far the most dangerous creatures on earth. What chance do poor animals have when human females and children cannot even get true justice for the rape and torture they are subjected to?

      Many of these vile, disgusting, shameless sexual predators do start with innocent animals and move on to children or women. And in some cases other men become victims too. I do not have faith in our legal system. I’ve seen and experienced too much to.

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