Cat Apparently Sexually Assaulted and Killed by Owner Deserves Justice

Target: Monmouth County Prosecutor Raymond S. Santiago
Goal: Seek maximum penalty for man accused of sexually abusing, torturing, and killing his pet cat.

A cat was reportedly restrained, sexually assaulted, and then tortured to death by her owner.

Evidence of this reported sexual assault came to light when a third party brought the deceased cat to the Asbury Park Police Department headquarters. While it was clear that severe abuse appeared to have occurred, it was the Monmouth County Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals Humane Law Enforcement Division that identified the cat’s owner, who was later arrested.

The owner, who is only 18-years-old, has been charged with animal cruelty by tormenting, torturing or unnecessarily or cruelly abusing a living animal resulting in its death and animal cruelty by using or causing or procuring the use of an animal or creature in any kind of sexual manner.


Dear Prosecutor Santiago,

A cat was reportedly restrained, sexually assaulted, and then tortured to death by her owner.

Evidence of this possible sexual assault came to light when a third party brought the deceased cat to the Asbury Park Police Department headquarters.

While it was clear that severe abuse appeared to have occurred, it was the Monmouth County Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals Humane Law Enforcement Division that identified the cat’s owner, who was later arrested.

The owner, who is only 18-years-old, has been charged with animal cruelty by tormenting, torturing or unnecessarily or cruelly abusing a living animal resulting in its death and animal cruelty by using or causing or procuring the use of an animal or creature in any kind of sexual manner.

Animal abusers are often released on small bonds and then often receive minimal sentences. Please don’t allow either to happen in this case. Please seek the maximum bond and maximum punishment available for this alleged crime.

[Your Name Here]

Photo credit: Henda Watani



  2. Tammy Rossetti says:

    Holy shit, it does NOT get worse than this. Here’s an evil dangerous depraved piece of shit. What’s his name?????

  3. josie Olive says:

    This is the sickest F****ng person that has walked the earth. Needs a 14 inch one up the butt

  4. Another Jeffrey Dahmer in the making. Our country needs to address these animal abuse situations with a much harsher sentence. This story makes me ill. I am glad that someone had enough sense to take the dead cat to the police to show proof of what this demon possessed 18 yr old is capable of.

    • karla dutt says:

      the problem is he is already out with only a slap o the hand. shame on our state officials who continue to let this happen with no penalties or jail time. Take them all of the plantet. Total waste of space

  5. I hope this piece of shit Rita and burns in hell! How do you do this to a poor helpless little kitty. This breaks my heart and makes me cry. Sexually assaulting a little baby then killing her, you mf I hope you are thrown in prison and suffer the same way. Makes me furious!!!!!
    God bless this poor little kitty, rest in piece sweet baby.

    • Naila M Johnston says:

      Someone make this monster suffer a thousand torturous deaths and be damned to hell!!
      I am enraged!! Kill this depraved monster as he murdered and tortured this kitten… he has done this before and will do it again!! KILL HIM!!

  6. I hope this piece of shit Rita and burns in hell! How do you do this to a poor helpless little kitty. This breaks my heart and makes me cry. Sexually assaulting a little baby then killing her, you mf I hope you are thrown in prison and suffer the same way. Makes me furious!!!!!
    God bless this poor little kitty, rest in piece sweet baby.

  7. If they’re doing this to animals, they’re doing it to humans including kids, or will be, there is always escalation, and the victims are always vulnerable and defenseless. And while the “justice” system cannot punish future crimes, it can punish to the maximum extent possible, current crimes, and increase penalty requirements for future offenders.

    There is no rehabilitation possible for these types of sadistic, violent people, they are already too far gone, these behaviours are born and cemented at very young ages. Trash humans, wastes of resources.

    • You hit the “nail on the head.” Torturing small animals is always first. This person will be a future serial killer. For some reason they often choose cats. Any words I need to say wouldn’t describe how I feel right now. 🤬

      • Agree. And probably because kittens are exceptionally vulnerable and have no defense mechanisms against humans. Sadists are inherently cowardly, they have zero desire to be overpowered by another similarly sized human and dogs can bite harder and are stronger than a kitten. Although we all often hear about depraved lunatics like this who torture dogs, too, who are often quite friendly and trusting. (Puppy Doe :(((. )

  8. Jacqueline says:

    Somebody knows this MF, get him!!

  9. B Marincic says:

    Insane what happened to this little cat. The depravity is unbelievable but true. This person has done something that is not forgivable in this life.

  10. Lock up this monster. Hope he gets his in prison over & over again while he’s restrained!!!

  11. First petition I get emailed to me today. To say I am appalled and heartbroken is an understatement. He is only 18 years old… he needs to be locked up NOW before he kills again. No more pain sweet angel. 🐈

  12. This scum needs to die

  13. Fry this evil non entity!!

  14. Hopefully someone will leak his name. I bet true justice will be served. Nothing’s changing you signed all these petitions you leak videos or you report videos or all the things that you do not one person is helping these animals nobody is you know what maybe the court system needs to stand the hell up for once maybe if the freaking punishment meets the crime maybe people think twice before they do this disgusting crap and children and old people because I’m just about over my freaking head yeah I’m ranting.

  15. The insane asylums must be re-opened. Too many mentally ill people are living within our communities. Remove them. This 18 year old is a sadistic murderer. Who/what will be his next victim?

  16. Please somebody in Monmouth County, NJ help seek out this SICK, POS, SCUMBAG! His name is in the article in the link below which is so disturbing you want to cry.

    Someone please HELP do what is needed!

  17. This sick individual needs to be prosecuted to the fullest extent of the law for what he did to this poor innocent cat. If not giving a stiff sentences he will offer again and this time it could be a child.

  18. Michelle+Harvey says:

    I am SO BEYOND SICKENED I could throw up!!! How and why would anyone do this to a poor innocent animal?!?!? I hope this SON OF A BITCH has the same done to them!!! There is no room in this country for scumbags like this!!!

  19. Diane+johnson says:

    I HOPE one day the justice system makes animal cruelty such a SEVERE crime that people will think 100 times over before getting a pet and abusing them!!!! It starts with the justice system to STOP such horrific, horrible, heinous crimes against animals!!! PLEASE GIVE MAX PENALTY AND NEVER LET THIS SICK POS OWN OR BE AROUND ANIMALS!!!!

  20. This is who the bastrad is

    Bani Mezquititla, of Asbury Park

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