Cat Apparently Sexually Assaulted and Killed by Owner Deserves Justice

Target: Monmouth County Prosecutor Raymond S. Santiago
Goal: Seek maximum penalty for man accused of sexually abusing, torturing, and killing his pet cat.

A cat was reportedly restrained, sexually assaulted, and then tortured to death by her owner.

Evidence of this reported sexual assault came to light when a third party brought the deceased cat to the Asbury Park Police Department headquarters. While it was clear that severe abuse appeared to have occurred, it was the Monmouth County Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals Humane Law Enforcement Division that identified the cat’s owner, who was later arrested.

The owner, who is only 18-years-old, has been charged with animal cruelty by tormenting, torturing or unnecessarily or cruelly abusing a living animal resulting in its death and animal cruelty by using or causing or procuring the use of an animal or creature in any kind of sexual manner.


Dear Prosecutor Santiago,

A cat was reportedly restrained, sexually assaulted, and then tortured to death by her owner.

Evidence of this possible sexual assault came to light when a third party brought the deceased cat to the Asbury Park Police Department headquarters.

While it was clear that severe abuse appeared to have occurred, it was the Monmouth County Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals Humane Law Enforcement Division that identified the cat’s owner, who was later arrested.

The owner, who is only 18-years-old, has been charged with animal cruelty by tormenting, torturing or unnecessarily or cruelly abusing a living animal resulting in its death and animal cruelty by using or causing or procuring the use of an animal or creature in any kind of sexual manner.

Animal abusers are often released on small bonds and then often receive minimal sentences. Please don’t allow either to happen in this case. Please seek the maximum bond and maximum punishment available for this alleged crime.

[Your Name Here]

Photo credit: Henda Watani


  1. It’s time that the federal government reopens all of the mental hospitals because these are the types of people that belong in them

    • That’s bulls**t. You can’t counsel or medicate away this evil. This monster needs to be put down before it has a chance to do it again!!! Protect animals & society. Put this animal to death!!!

      • This THING is not an animal, IT’S A PSYCHOTIC MONSTER!!!!!!

      • Chris Fournier says:

        Death is too good for him. I say use him for experimentation. Let him take the place of a trusting, innocent, loving animal. (There’s poetic justice.) This is how many serial killers start out—abusing and killing innocent animals. And I agree 10000% with you. Some people are beyond help. They’re just wired wrong, and no amount of therapy or medication is going to help them.

    no hope of rehabilitating this level of threat to future victims!

  3. My stomach is in knots from reading this. What that poor sweet furbaby had to endure makes me cry…and rage. I have ZERO empathy for the POS that hurt this animal. This 18 yr old has likely done this before and will do it again. Please insure maximum penalty and BAN FOR LIFE OWNING OR HAVING ANY ANIMAL IN THEIR CARE.

    • Truth warrior says:

      I can’t let myself think about this, it is pure evil. I know this sounds bad but I wish a lighting bolt had delivered justice straight to this POS. And the parents, they had know what their offspring was, the kind of monster they produced.

    • You think forbidding this animal from owning or caring for animals will stop it. That’s does as much good as taking out a restraining order against Ted Bundy. It would be as useful as screen doors on a submarine. This animal needs to be put down

      • “This animal” is not a decent sentient human being. The sexual sadist predator should be locked up with similar people who can’t control themselves or put to death.
        He is not an animal but a traitor – a human trait.
        The only animal is this poor cat, his innocent victim who had her trust, body and mind violated.

  4. This is one of the most egregious, sadistic, and depraved cases of extreme and deliberate animal cruelty I have ever read. Extreme animal cruelty that causes pain, disfigurement, or death to any animal is a federal,felony level crime.There is no justification possible for this sadistic, cruel behavior. It is indefensible. Age is not an excuse. He knew exactly what he was doing. He didn’t go through a stop sign, he restrained, raped, and deliberately tortured to death a living creature. He must have a lifetime ban from all ownership or unsupervised interaction with animals. He must be punished, receive mandatory psychiatric treatment, and serve time with a LONG PAROLE, ideally a lifetime. He tortured, raped, and killed a defenseless animal. That is gruesome, sadistic, psychopathic behaviour. And it is documented fact that people who commit sadistic crimes of animal torture put all of society at risk as they often move onto people in cases of violent rape, torture,and murder.Serial killers often prey on animals first. This is not a cliche, it’s a sobering reality. Please act accordingly.


  6. Please someone shoot this guy

  7. must be put awaay, PERMANENTLY!!!!!!!

  8. Apparently, this 18-year old is a psycho and dangerous for all the community. He should be in the facility for the rest of his life!

  9. A. DAndrea says:

    SADISTIC is what this is! It makes me physically ill! To even try and process what this innocent cat went through, that is what nightmares are made of and this INNOCENT CAT lived a nightmare! Her only release was through death. MONSTERS walk among us, every day! Lock his @$$ up and ensure he suffers the same fate!

  10. Start putting these bastards away for life.

  11. All these people that get off on hurting and torturing living breathing feeling animals need to be lined up and shot

  12. If this monster is Not placed behind bars then the court system and everyone a part of this case is to blame for all future assaults by this monster because he is a Great Danger to society….this human is EXTREMELY disturbed and DANGEROUS

  13. Avatar photo Lance Kammerud says:

    This dumb f*ck needs to be put away. Im sure he wouldn’t hesitate to do the same to woman….must be a Trump supporter 🙂

  14. Sarah Gulla says:

    How does one sign the petition? So disturbing, poor kitty and agree this man should be locked up for the rest of his life.. if it was up to me someone would do the same to him as he did to that innocent creature! Excuse of a human being

  15. I can’t live in this world any longer.

  16. eleanor dunkavich says:

    This sicko should be put away for good

  17. Burn ’em at the stake…there’s no cure for this depravity.

  18. This monster needs to be behind bars. There is no hope for a person that does this sickening things to a cat

  19. Rose Coffey says:

    Put this sick POS in a psych ward where he belongs.

  20. Nadine brundage says:

    This is one disgusting, demented sick piece of shit who should not be walking the planet. Justice must be served for that innocent cat. This creep is a danger to all and must be locked away for life,as it’s beyond rehabilitation.

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