Cat Apparently Sexually Assaulted and Killed by Owner Deserves Justice

Target: Monmouth County Prosecutor Raymond S. Santiago
Goal: Seek maximum penalty for man accused of sexually abusing, torturing, and killing his pet cat.

A cat was reportedly restrained, sexually assaulted, and then tortured to death by her owner.

Evidence of this reported sexual assault came to light when a third party brought the deceased cat to the Asbury Park Police Department headquarters. While it was clear that severe abuse appeared to have occurred, it was the Monmouth County Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals Humane Law Enforcement Division that identified the cat’s owner, who was later arrested.

The owner, who is only 18-years-old, has been charged with animal cruelty by tormenting, torturing or unnecessarily or cruelly abusing a living animal resulting in its death and animal cruelty by using or causing or procuring the use of an animal or creature in any kind of sexual manner.


Dear Prosecutor Santiago,

A cat was reportedly restrained, sexually assaulted, and then tortured to death by her owner.

Evidence of this possible sexual assault came to light when a third party brought the deceased cat to the Asbury Park Police Department headquarters.

While it was clear that severe abuse appeared to have occurred, it was the Monmouth County Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals Humane Law Enforcement Division that identified the cat’s owner, who was later arrested.

The owner, who is only 18-years-old, has been charged with animal cruelty by tormenting, torturing or unnecessarily or cruelly abusing a living animal resulting in its death and animal cruelty by using or causing or procuring the use of an animal or creature in any kind of sexual manner.

Animal abusers are often released on small bonds and then often receive minimal sentences. Please don’t allow either to happen in this case. Please seek the maximum bond and maximum punishment available for this alleged crime.

[Your Name Here]

Photo credit: Henda Watani


  1. Leo go yang says:

    Give him 10 Covid vaccines and 10 Covid boosters. Good riddance bastard.

  2. Cut his penis off, cut his hands off and then torture him to death. This poor cat deserves justice. This piece of human scum does not deserve to live.

  3. Just when you think you can’t hear anything more disturbing or sick…God help us! Sick, sick bastard! Let me at him!!

  4. Jaime Perez says:

    This sick bastard should be castrated with a dull knife! What is wrong with people anymore? He’s a soulless devil who deserves the death penalty.

  5. Rose Banderas says:

    No Animal law in place will ever come close to punishing this evil worthless sick m’ther f’r. The animal laws in place in all US and most of the world are useless & do nothing. Then you have judges & lawyers reducing the meager penalties, charges & sentencing. You want change? Needs to be at the laws in place level. Same with crimes against women & children. The laws in place need to be more severe & adhered to by the judicial system or this will continue as it does every minute, hour, day, week, etc..

  6. Johnny K. says:

    No punishment is too severe for this 18 year old punk mother-fucker. Put the little bastard in the worst prison in the country where he will be gang raped each and every day for the rest of his worthless life. I hope he will be everyone’s Bitch in prison. I wonder how many times he will have to get fucked before he realizes how wrong he was to rape that defenseless cat. And after he gets raped for a couple of years, just put him in a cage, pour gasoline all over him and burn him alive. And, oh yeah, video tape it and put it on pay-per-view. You could make a ton of money from animal lovers who would just love to see this prick burned alive. His screams would be music to my ears.

  7. Rosemary Lopez says:

    What this piece of worthless piece of shit 18 year should be tortured the same way what he did to that poor defenseless cat!!

  8. Susan Duplantis says:

    Take that little bastard, rubber band castrate him, pour fir ants on him, then drag his sorry ass to a gator pitt, and dangle him over the pitt to be eaten alive. Then justice would be served.

  9. Nena Miller says:

    This is a very demented individual. He will not stop and will graduate to humans. If he isn’t kept in prison, anyone near him better guard their animals and children! He shouldn’t be allowed to ever walk free.

  10. If your private part bothers you. Cut it off. Clearly this 18 year old is sexually inadequate with his own species. The poor animal did not deserve this treatment.

    Put him where he can be taught life lessons

  11. Thank God that someone turned him in for the cruelty he did to this precious innocent animal

  12. What a worthless excuse for a human! Put him in a hungry lions den covered in lion pheromones and let them have their way with him. What an a…hole.

  13. I love it. Couldn’t be better punishment for this monster. He is only 18 yrs old. What will he do next?

  14. 😡💔ANOTHER POS that deserves eternal damnation…but let’s make sure it happens here on Earth in THIS lifetime too. I really appreciate reading comments from the MALE POPULATION of petition signers. Thank you gentlemen. I truly hope justice is served, as brutal and relentless as can be to this “thing”. HELL IS WAITING FOR YOU🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥

  15. Stephanie Geyser says:

    If this is how an 18 year old acts, what type of monster is he going to be in years to come? Will anyone be safe from him?

  16. Monstrous monstrous evil, heartbreaking and horrific, karma is theirs – I feel you, poor lost innocent souls; their blood on your souls

    The abuse, torture & murder of the innocents

    Some heartbreaks can never be unseen, some horrors never unheard – PLEASE GOD

    And the universe weeps tears of blood

    Your life as theirs, as their death

  17. Please everyone sign to get this asshole in jail !!!

  18. Fucking pig !! Karma will get you

  19. Monmouth County Prosecutor Raymond S. Santiago
    Seek the Death Penalty for psychopathic monster accused of sexually abusing, torturing, and killing this monster bastard’s innocent and helpless pet Cat.

    An innocent and helpless Cat was reportedly restrained, sexually assaulted, and then tortured to death by her vile and evil psychopathic lowlife monster bastard owner.Kill the vile and evil 18 year old monster bastard immediately.

    The vile and evil lowlife psychopathic sick bastard must be castrated with a dull knife! This lowlife monster 18 year old must be tortured to death and suffer in excruciating agony as the precious and innocent helpless Cat endured. The vile and evil lowlife pos is a soulless devil who must be sentenced to death.Kill the monster bastard by torturing this monster to death. Eradication from our planet before this evil lowlife pos becomes a Serial Killer. Kill the vile and evil 18 year old monster bastard immediately. Get rid of the vile and evil filth from our Planet. Die in agony you vile and evil lowlife monster bastard and burn in hell where you lowlife pos belongs.

  20. Rest in peace precious and innocent Puddy.
    You have crossed the beautiful Rainbow Bridge into beautiful Animal Heaven. Precious Puddy you are safe now and you can play and have fun with all the precious and innocent Cats in Animal Heaven. Bless you.

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