Target: Westchester County District Attorney Miriam E. Rocah
Goal: Seek maximum punishment for man accused of beating puppy and throwing him into gate.
The violent attack on a 9-month-old puppy was so severe that bystanders began filming. A man, apparently identified as 29-year-old Anthoin McPherson, is seen violently hitting the puppy and then lifting him up and throwing the puppy into a metal gate.
After the video was provided to authorities, McPherson was arrested and the puppy, named Maximus, was accepted by the Yonkers Animal Shelter. Rescuers reported that Maximus healed quickly, and enjoyed treats and belly rubs during his recovery.
The alleged attacker, McPherson, is facing criminal charges, but as is often the case, there are concerns that he will be given just a slap on the wrist.
As for Maximus, he was quickly adoped by a forever family. “If you look at that video and it doesn’t turn your stomach then you’re not human,” adopter Ricky Vetrano said. Fortunately for Maximus, he is now safe from his attacker.
Dear District Attorney Rocah,
The violent attack on a 9-month-old puppy was so severe that bystanders began filming. A man, apparently identified as 29-year-old Anthoin McPherson, is seen violently hitting the puppy and then lifting him up and throwing the puppy into a metal gate.
After the video was provided to authorities, McPherson was arrested and the puppy, named Maximus, was accepted by the Yonkers Animal Shelter. Rescuers reported that Maximus healed quickly, and enjoyed treats and belly rubs during his recovery.
The alleged attacker, McPherson, is facing criminal charges, but as is often the case, there are concerns that he will be given just a slap on the wrist.
We are writing you to ask that you ensure justice is served in this case. Don’t let the accused get off with a slap on the wrist if he is found guilty. Please seek the maximum penalty in this case.
[Your Name Here]
Put this POS in prison I am so sick and tired of reading about how these people abuse these animals well they’re not even people they’re sickos they abuse these animals and nothing ever happens to them. Why do we have laws. We need to make sure that we put officials elect officials that are going to do the job that we want them to do and the job that they were hired to do. Like the sheriffs and the courts and everyone else involved it is ridiculous I signed multiple petitions every day it’s just sickening heartbreaking. Let’s get Justice for this poor baby
An example needs to be made of each & every animal abuser. Their photos need to be prominently posted about wherever it is that they live, every one needs to know their faces.
MF! COWARD!! throw this inhumane a-hole in jail and throw away the key!!! Thank Hod for filming this, me personally after filming, I would have do an eye for an eye to this coward!!! No animal, no living being deserves this abuse, Only cowards like this excuse of man DO!!!!
law an order!!! lock him up!!!!!!
And throw away the key.
If that’s what he does in public, what does he do behind closed doors?! Evil bastard!!
Why were people filming and not stopping this POS????????? People need to stop recording violence and start helping – somebody can call the police then intervene to stop things from getting worse – especially when there are multiple bystanders – there is safety in numbers. By all means keep recording, but also DO SOMETHING TO HELP!!!!!!!!!
That was EXACTLY what came to my mind!! Someone man up and rescue this pup from that “thing” that shouldn’t even be breathing, as far as I’m concerned.
There are actual cases of people who died while others shot the video of them in their situation. No one would step in, but they sure did want to get that video on social media! 😡
He needs to be punished!! No more pets!!!!
that we, as a society, have to sign petitions to encourage prosecution of these individuals says a lot about legislation or lack thereof.
Unbelievable people start to film this abuse instead of kicking the hell out of this bastard !
Lock this low life up and throw away the key. There is no punishment good enough for this pos!!
I am so sick and tired of seeing poor innocent defenseless animals suffering from abusers!
Abusing and killing God’s animals is sinful. It is God who created animals. It is God who hears their cries. It is God who provides for them. Christians are to have a pure heart whether it’s an animal or not, we are not to abuse pets and other kinds of animals! Animals are a gift from God, they don’t judge us, they just love us. I guess that’s why we get so attached to them, because they were created by God. God loves all creatures great or small. Please be kind to all God’s animals, and they deserves the best!!
Please put this evil person in jail for what he had done to this poor innocent puppy. Let’s get Justice for this poor furbaby!
Give 29-year-old Anthoin McPherson, the death penalty!!!!!!
To me, it is like whoever is in charge of giving sentences might think, well it was just an animal after all …
this is wrong
Animal abuse leads to human abuse.
Why stand and watch the puppy being beaten. If that was me I would have stopped this. People will carry on acting in these disgusting manners if nobody stops them. I’m sure there must have been more than one person saw this happening.People need to act together and intervene. No
Unfortunately we cannot fix the world no matter how hard we try
Unless animal welfare laws strengthen with punishments that actually fit the crime, we are going to continue to see animal abusing monsters like Anthony McPherson! It is way past time to start prosecuting these monsters to the max with extensive jail times, fines, and permanent bans from ever even being allowed around any other animal to neglect or abuse. It is unacceptable to make any animal abuser eligible for a plea bargain! This is the perfect time to make this case serve as an example that animal abuse nor neglect of any kind will not be tolerated!
He’s not a human, he is a sick, dangerous animal that could use a good beating by people that absolutely will not tolerate any abuse to innocent animals! Throw his sock ass in jail. Then when he gets out he is to work at an animal shelter for 1 year, without pay, until he is deemed safe by the people running the shelter, that he will cause no more harm to any animal ever again. If during that time he is mean or touches any animal in an abusive way, he goes right back to jail! For 10 years!
You say he is to work at an animal shelter!!!
The bastard would think that all of his birthdays had come at once!
Just like putting a fox in a pen of chickens!
The arsehole would not be able to contain himself with all the animals around. And no one could be watching the bastard all of the time.
Mob rule is what is needed for this deranged fucker. And hopefully he will get it.
But not from the useless pricks who were more intent on filming him beating his dog than actually stopping the tosser.
Shame on all of the pathetic spineless prats. No excuse!!
We MUST have better laws protecting animals. A sentient life is a sentient life, whether they are human or animal. ALL animals feel, both love and pain. Humans have the choice to be either choosing to do harm or protecting.