Abused Dog Abandoned in Snowy Parking Lot and Hit by Car Deserves Justice

Target: Mohawk Police Chief Joseph M. Malone
Goal: Find person responsible for dumping abused dog in snowy parking lot.

Surveillance video shows a car stopping in a snowy parking lot, opening the door, and dumping a dog on the snowy ground. Moments later the dog wanders into the street and is struck by a car.

Fortunately, the Herkimer County Humane Society has managed to nurse this poor animal back to health and she is expected to survive.

The Humane Society has named the dog “Miracle” (for obvious reasons) and has determined that she is a about six-years-old and has experienced extensive physical damage from years of over-breeding by her owners.

In addition to being hit by a car and suffering from over-breeding, Miracle also had an ear infection, Lyme disease, and so many fleas that she required 4 flea baths.

The Humane Society has asked that the public “Please continue to support her recovery with your best wishes along with donations and seeking justice by identifying the individual who is responsible for all the misfortunes in her life.”


Dear Chief Malone,

A terrible crime against an innocent animal has occurred in your jurisdiction. Surveillance video shows a car stopping in a snowy parking lot, opening the door, and dumping a dog on the snowy ground. Moments later the dog wanders into the street and is struck by a car.

Fortunately, the Herkimer County Humane Society has managed to nurse this poor animal back to health and she is expected to survive.

The Humane Society has named the dog “Miracle” (for obvious reasons) and has determined that she is a about six-years-old and has experienced extensive physical damage from years of over-breeding by her owners.

In addition to being hit by a car and suffering from over-breeding, Miracle also had an ear infection, Lyme disease, and so many fleas that she required 4 flea baths.

It is common for animal abusers to get away with their crimes. Please don’t allow that to happen this time. Please devote all resources necessary to find and capture the person responsible for treating Miracle so badly.

[Your Name Here]

Photo credit: Herkimer County Humane Society


  1. William Turner says:

    God bless the dog
    I hope the guilty scum go to hell

  2. THIS VIOLENCE IS GETTING WORSE, Apparently our laws are not STRICT enough for this human garbage, why should the rest of us have to suffer this ABUSE for these ppl

  3. Owners need to be treated the same way.jail also

  4. Ronda Murphy says:

    This atrocious act will happen over and over until these backyard breeders are shut down and punished.

  5. Steven Coles says:

    Absolutely despicable I hope the piece of shit that dumped him rots in hell

    • Patricia Lamonica says:


  6. Please arrest the scumbag that dumped Miracle and find this dog a forever loving home. Please screen whomever miracles potential adopters are

  7. The scumbag who dumped and abused this poor dog definitely requires instigation of the death penalty and nothing less!

  8. Scumbag
    Prison 10 years
    Fine $10,000
    Not allowed to own any pets or be around any animals

    • Uncommonsensesc says:

      That’s not near enough. I’m thinking a taser, some rope, a tree and a Karma bat (aka Louisville Slugger). If the county, city or state doesn’t want to do justice by this innocent dog, I’ll gladly volunteer, and true justice will be done!

  9. Cheryl+Miller says:

    Poor dog!!! I hope you catch those loser and abuser people for her sake!!! I hope she recovers quickly!!

  10. There needs to be harsher penalties for these POS’s! Can’t they easily get a license plate from the car? So sick of animal abusers.. I’d love to… fill in the blank everyone!

  11. I hope they catch this poor excuse for a human who abandoned this dog and prosecute to the fullest.

  12. Elease M. Bradford says:

    I’m so sorry to hear about the abuse this innocent fur baby was subjected to. To leave her in the snow to be hit by a vehicle is worse. The low-down, depraved person who did this to Miracle needs to be caught and severely punished. i wish her a speedy recovery and I hope she gets justice.

  13. Sorry piece of S—!
    One day it will come back on you…
    Wish we could watch it when it does!
    Love..Hope..and Prayers for little miracle

  14. Joseph Kenosky says:

    Find the perpetrator(s) and euthanize them on sight.

  15. First of all I don’t want to see the mother-fucker prosecuted, given jail time, fined or being banned from every owning another animal. I want the sonofabitch DEAD. Like under the fuckin’ ground where the worms will be eating his worthless ass. I will guarantee you that he will never hurt another wonderful animal after that.Question is: who is going to put him there? Everyone wants something done to this bastard but they always want someone else to do it. Biggest problem is that animal loving decent people don’t want to spend the rest of their lives in prison for taking out a worthless mother-fucker that tortures and kills animals. And I will guarantee that there would be people on the jury that would send an animal lover to prison for life for taking out a piece of shit animal abuser. Some of the jurors would want something done to an animal abuser, they just wouldn’t have the guts to take an animal abuser out or would want anyone else to take an animal abuser out. They would rather the animal abuser pay a fine, maybe a little jail time and barred from owning animals ever again. That way the animal abuser would still be alive to be able to get more animals again that they could torture and kill. So, in my opinion, the only real solution is to kill the mother-fuckers, put’em under the ground and save future animals from being tortured and killed by these sub-human mother-fuckers. So, until these scum are taken out permanently there will just be more stories and more stories every day of animals being abused, tortured and killed. And it’s never going to change.

    • All I can say is WOW! Who are the judges that give these sub humans a slap on the wrist every time an animal is tortured and abused? Are they animal abusers themselves?

    • Uncommonsensesc says:

      No body, no crime! A taser, some rope, a tree and a Karma bat (aka Louisville Slugger). Take that MFer to the woods, tie him to a tree and every now and then have a come-to-Jesus meeting with him and a Karma bat. Leave him for buzzard food and that’s it. I too would like the SOB dead. Our lack-of-justice system never, ever gives out true justice sentences.

  16. Kathy Turner says:

    I want to see this person suffer in every way possible. Possessions taken away, jailed so that time is taken away, made to clean dog shit for years! I despise these kind of scum people.

  17. They are peeling back/taking away the police and the laws and rules. The children and animals are going to be the ones to suffer most for it.

  18. MAX JAIL for this psychopathic human garbage!
    Animals shall not be VICTIMS of human GREED, and they deserve justice just like YOU and ME.
    This scumbag must be forbidden from ever owning animals again!

  19. This poor girl deserves some good times in her life , i do hope she can find a wonderful home and be hsppy if possible and i hope they can catch the evil scum who done this to her. They are probably starting breeding all over again with another unfortunate dog, it makes me sick


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