Abused Dog Abandoned in Snowy Parking Lot and Hit by Car Deserves Justice

Target: Mohawk Police Chief Joseph M. Malone
Goal: Find person responsible for dumping abused dog in snowy parking lot.

Surveillance video shows a car stopping in a snowy parking lot, opening the door, and dumping a dog on the snowy ground. Moments later the dog wanders into the street and is struck by a car.

Fortunately, the Herkimer County Humane Society has managed to nurse this poor animal back to health and she is expected to survive.

The Humane Society has named the dog “Miracle” (for obvious reasons) and has determined that she is a about six-years-old and has experienced extensive physical damage from years of over-breeding by her owners.

In addition to being hit by a car and suffering from over-breeding, Miracle also had an ear infection, Lyme disease, and so many fleas that she required 4 flea baths.

The Humane Society has asked that the public “Please continue to support her recovery with your best wishes along with donations and seeking justice by identifying the individual who is responsible for all the misfortunes in her life.”


Dear Chief Malone,

A terrible crime against an innocent animal has occurred in your jurisdiction. Surveillance video shows a car stopping in a snowy parking lot, opening the door, and dumping a dog on the snowy ground. Moments later the dog wanders into the street and is struck by a car.

Fortunately, the Herkimer County Humane Society has managed to nurse this poor animal back to health and she is expected to survive.

The Humane Society has named the dog “Miracle” (for obvious reasons) and has determined that she is a about six-years-old and has experienced extensive physical damage from years of over-breeding by her owners.

In addition to being hit by a car and suffering from over-breeding, Miracle also had an ear infection, Lyme disease, and so many fleas that she required 4 flea baths.

It is common for animal abusers to get away with their crimes. Please don’t allow that to happen this time. Please devote all resources necessary to find and capture the person responsible for treating Miracle so badly.

[Your Name Here]

Photo credit: Herkimer County Humane Society


  1. Thank goodness poor Miracle was rescued. She didn’t deserve any of the abuse she had endured. Please catch this monster and throw him/her out in the cold on a road! This way the monster can get hit by a car!

  2. hang this scumbag

  3. Nadine brundage says:

    Some people are so evil, heartless and cruel. Dumping any animal should be a felony along with a stiff penalty to discourage these disgusting low life’s from abusing the innocent.

  4. We have to find this POS and hold them accountable this is unfair to this poor puppy miracle. To throw away such a beautiful baby just because maybe she was getting too old or maybe she couldn’t have any more babies. Inexcusable unacceptable inhumane and just horrific please let’s catch this POS and put them in jail shut their operation down. Cuz you can better believe that or there was one puppy Miracle there are several others that are in her place. We have to find them and hold them accountable

  5. Sherry Abela says:

    My heart goes out to this poor baby. God did not give us these beautiful animals to abuse and neglect them. They were not put here simply for us to overbreed them to line our pockets with cash and then dump them somewhere when we no longer need them. It takes a very cruel person to mistreat animals. The neglect and abuse has gotten so out of control. Please bring this poor dog the justice that she deserves and the person responsible the punishment that they deserve, definitely more than a slap on the wrist. The only way the abuse and neglect will stop is if they are actually punished harshly for their crimes.

  6. Animal abusing scumbags most definitely require instigation of the death penalty and nothing less.

  7. THANK YOU — THANK YOU — for rescuing Dog Miracle — thank God someone caught “abandonment” in time — FIND the PSYCHOS who cruelly abused & exploited Miracle — throw them into Rubber Rooms — they WILL repeat if not STOPPED — do not let Idiots get away with their brutal crimes.

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