Target: Mohawk Police Chief Joseph M. Malone
Goal: Find person responsible for dumping abused dog in snowy parking lot.
Surveillance video shows a car stopping in a snowy parking lot, opening the door, and dumping a dog on the snowy ground. Moments later the dog wanders into the street and is struck by a car.
Fortunately, the Herkimer County Humane Society has managed to nurse this poor animal back to health and she is expected to survive.
The Humane Society has named the dog “Miracle” (for obvious reasons) and has determined that she is a about six-years-old and has experienced extensive physical damage from years of over-breeding by her owners.
In addition to being hit by a car and suffering from over-breeding, Miracle also had an ear infection, Lyme disease, and so many fleas that she required 4 flea baths.
The Humane Society has asked that the public “Please continue to support her recovery with your best wishes along with donations and seeking justice by identifying the individual who is responsible for all the misfortunes in her life.”
Dear Chief Malone,
A terrible crime against an innocent animal has occurred in your jurisdiction. Surveillance video shows a car stopping in a snowy parking lot, opening the door, and dumping a dog on the snowy ground. Moments later the dog wanders into the street and is struck by a car.
Fortunately, the Herkimer County Humane Society has managed to nurse this poor animal back to health and she is expected to survive.
The Humane Society has named the dog “Miracle” (for obvious reasons) and has determined that she is a about six-years-old and has experienced extensive physical damage from years of over-breeding by her owners.
In addition to being hit by a car and suffering from over-breeding, Miracle also had an ear infection, Lyme disease, and so many fleas that she required 4 flea baths.
It is common for animal abusers to get away with their crimes. Please don’t allow that to happen this time. Please devote all resources necessary to find and capture the person responsible for treating Miracle so badly.
[Your Name Here]
Photo credit: Herkimer County Humane Society
Prayers for this pup 🙏🏼🙏🏼🙏🏼. Just kill whoever is responsible!!!
Death to the monsters responsible for the suffering and near murder of this precious dog!!
I am enraged!!!
humans are the worst kind of lowlife trash on earth – even a cockroach is better than so many human beings.
total agree-humans are the most pervasive killers of innocent people and animals on the plant -most should be exterminated!!
Wow. It boggles the mind that someone could be that cruel to a defenseless animal. Clearly part of a puppy mill based on the vet saying she was over-breed. So let’s save countless more dogs lives from cruelty and neglect and find the POS and shut down the operation, give them jail time, heavy fines and BAN FOR LIFE OWNING OR HAVING ANY ANIMAL IN THEIR POSSESSION!
Despicable. Find that license plate # and punish them.
Too bad Herkimer county cant dump this worthless piece of trash in a street to be hit by a car. Overbreeding an animal instead of getting a real job is shameless. So glad someone found this poor animal. Mohawk Police Chief Joseph M. Malone PLEASE find and punish this perpetrator.
Find these pieces of shit and hit them with a crane
Offer a small reward, that will flush out identity of owners. Then join PeTA , People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals. , the most powerful and effective Animal Rights and Welfare Organization in the world. Staff risk their lives regularly to get animals out of danger zones and are a very strong presence now in the Ukraine. Every penny donated is carefully well spent .
Absolutely. Get the cars tag ?
Get the name show their addresses. Put up a huge billboard by their kids school. And Hope they’re t boned by a speeding 18 wheeler
God’s speedy recovery Miracle.
You have surveillance video so please get the license plate and charge this pos with maximum animal cruelty with fines and ban for life. Please give this sweet pup her justice.
Please find Miracle a happy forever home!!
People who do this to pets- animals are poor excuses for human beings
Get the reg no and send the low life scum to me, I’ll make sure he or she or even they are dumped so far after breaking their legs, they will die crawling I promise! Love to beautiful miracle, please make sure the rest of her life is filled with love and nothing but love!
Good girl.
I am with you 200%.
This POS needs to be found, arrested, convicted, jailed & heavily fined, never to be allowed to have any animals again… not even a frigging Goldfish. I would really like to see a national registry for animal abusers/offenders. If it can be done for sex offenders, it can surely be done for this too.
Find this POS and do the same right back!! AND THEN THROW HIM?HER IN JAIL FOR A VERY LOOOOONG TIOME!!
this motherfucker needs to be found and taken out
I just want ppl who do this caught and thrashed to within an inch of their life and then someone needs to shit on their head. It’s fitting right? SOBs!
WHY are there not Photos of the Dog for us to identify what she looks like so the public May be able to help? PLEASE share her photo as well it might help if we knew what she looks like to know who the owner Was…..Poor Baby may she get a life of Love like she deserves in a new and Cozy home!
Ich bin deiner Meinung.
No doubt I will submit a longer view directly but right now all I will say is I really hope someone knows where this fucker lives, and gets dealt with accordingly.
And yes; we all know what that is!!
Power to any groups who can discreetly remove this arrogant and ‘non-caring’animal abusing bastard from society and sleep well knowing that the arsehole WILL DEFINITELY NOT do anything like this again!!
KILL THE BASTARD PLEASE!!!!🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏and thank you
for helping the defenseless poor dog. I wish the low life the worst thing that can happen to a human being🙏
What a coward ,wh couldn’t he take the poor dog to a shelter , not just dump her in the cold snow , thank the Lord they were able to save her after sh was hit by a car . People are cruel , the person that did this a monster & I hope bad luck follows them always ….🤬😡🤬😡🤬😡